Shasta County









            Mount Shasta is fortunate in having among its professional men a physician of the character and ability of Dr. Paul Wright, who has practiced medicine and surgery here for the past eighteen years with notable success.  The Doctor was born in Missouri, on the 11th of June, 1874, a son of William and Henrietta (Thompson) Wright.  When he was three years old, the family left Missouri for Chicago, Illinois, where the father became manager for the Home Insurance Company, and was engaged in writing fire insurance there during the remainder of his life.

            Paul Wright attended the public schools of Chicago and the high school at Evanston, after which he matriculated in Rush Medical College, from which he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1903.  He entered upon the practice of his profession at Thirty-first and Halsted streets, Chicago, where he remained until 1912, when he came to Mount Shasta, which is located at the foot of the mountain of that name, and is a most delightful place to live.  It is about four thousand feet above the sea, has an unfailing supply of ice cold water from the mountain and is favored with a fine summer climate and mild winters.  Here Dr. Wright has built up a large general practice, and has been physician and surgeon for the Southern Pacific Railroad for the past seventeen years.  He had four professional competitors here when he started in, but now has only one, who arrived recently.

            Dr. Wright is a Republican in his political views and is a member of the Knights of Pythias at Mount Shasta.  He belongs to the Chamber of Commerce and in every way within his power he contributes to the prosperity and welfare of the community, which it is believed will someday be one of the most popular resorts in the west.  Fishing, hunting and golf are the Doctor’s favorite diversions.  His strong social qualities have enabled him to win a host of warm friends, while his professional skill and success have gained for him the uniform esteem of the people among whom he lives.  



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major, History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3  Pages 393-394. Pioneer Historical Publ. Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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