Shasta County










      Frank Morris, who has been a lumberman for the McCloud Lumber Company for a number of years, is one of Mount Shasta’s worthy citizens, a man of industrious and steady habits, and friendly in his personal relations.  Mr. Morris was born in Poland, of which country his parents were lifelong residents. In 1906 he came to the United States, settling in Pennsylvania, where he was employed in the coal mines for a number of years.  He then went to Aberdeen, Washington, where he spent six years as a logger, and in 1922 came to Mount Shasta, California, which at that time was known as Sisson.  The name of the place was changed through the efforts of H. B. Brown, a millionaire race-horse man, now deceased, who spent a large sum of money in his efforts to secure the change in name.  On his arrival here Mr. Morris started logging for the McCloud Lumber Company and during the past five years has been foreman of a gang for that company, in which capacity he earns much better pay than formerly, his services being valuable to his employers.  He also worked for the Weed Lumber Company for about eight months.      Mr. Morris was united in marriage to Miss Mary Scott, who died in New Hampshire in 1913, leaving a son, Joe, who is still a resident of that state.  Mr. Morris is an independent voter and is a member of the Aberdeen Aerie, No. 252, F.O.E., at Aberdeen, Washington.  He is a man of great energy, and sincere purpose, so that he has the confidence of the employees under him to a marked degree.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major, History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3  Pages 265-266. Pioneer Historical Publ. Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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