Shasta County









      Joseph W. Jehle, of Redding, a painting contractor, has built up a good business in Shasta County, where he has resided much of the time for the past seven years.  Born in Illinois, October 19, 1876, he is a son of Joe and Nancy (Persinger) Jehle.  His father, a native of Pennsylvania, was a farmer in that state, and later followed farming in Illinois, where his death occurred.  His wife died in Kansas City, Kansas.  They were the parents of six children:  Josephine, George, Mary and Katherine, all of whom are deceased; Mattie, the wife of Frank Hively, a farmer in Lucerne Valley; and Joseph W.

      Mr. Jehle completed the course of the grade schools and then went to work in a grocery store in Kansas City, Kansas, where he remained five years, after which he started to learn the painting trade, which he has followed to the present time.  In 1920 he went to Los Angeles, California, where he worked at his trade about three years.  He has since been in various parts of this state and in 1923 located in Redding, where he remained two years.  In 1925 he went to Las Vegas, Nevada, where he did contract painting for four years, after which he returned to Redding, where he still resides.  He is engaged in business as a painting contractor and is widely known for his skill in his line.  He takes pride in the high quality of his work, doing well everything that he undertakes, and is meeting with very gratifying success.

      In 1893 Mr. Jehle married Miss Maude Brunner, whose father, Frank Brunner, was a farmer in Nebraska, but he and his wife died in Kansas.  Mr. and Mrs. Jehle are the parents of four children:  Roy M., a successful sign painter in Los Angeles; Joseph, a mechanic in Seattle, Washington; and two who died in infancy.  Mr. Jehle gives his political support to the Republican Party, and is a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles at Kansas City, but in late years has not been active in that order.  He owns a nice home in Anderson, California, but rents it and lives in Redding.  A lover of outdoor sports he is partial to hunting and fishing as a means of recreation.  He is a man of sterling personal qualities, a good citizen in the best sense of the term, and is highly regarded by all who known him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major, History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3  Pages 274-276. Pioneer Historical Publ. Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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