Shasta County









            The medical profession of northern California has no representative who occupies a more enviable position than Dr. E. J. Cornish, who is engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery at Dunsmuir, California.  He entered his chosen profession with splendid educational equipment, and he has remained a close student of the development of medicine and surgery throughout the years of his labors.  He has not hesitated to cast aside old theories and practices in favor of new discoveries which have proven of merit, and he has won outstanding success in ministering to the people of his city and county.

            Doctor Cornish was born at Vernon Center, Minnesota, July 30, 1874, a son of Edwin D. and Mary Ann (Pew) Cornish.  His father, a native of New York State, was a farmer by occupation and settled at Vernon Center in the pioneer epoch of Minnesota, where he died in 1910.  His widow yet resides at Vernon Center.  They were the parents of ten children, eight of whom are now living.

            Edwin J. Cornish attended the common schools of Vernon Center and the high school at Mankato, Minnesota, where he graduated in 1895.  He then became a student in the famous Rush Medical College at Chicago, Illinois, and received his professional degree from this institution in 1902.  He also attended the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, for two years, 1896-1897, and the University of Minnesota for two years, 1898-1899.  He served as an interne at Elizabeth, New Jersey, and took six months post-graduate work at Vienna, Austria.  In 1904 he came to the state of California, living at La Moine until 1910, and was physician for the La Moine Lumber Company.  He then came to Dunsmuir, where he has since followed his profession and has built up a most lucrative practice.  He is a member of the Shasta County Medical Society, the California State Medical Society and the American Medical Association.  Doctor Cornish is a Democrat in his political faith and was mayor of Dunsmuir for three terms.  He is now a member of the town board.

            In 1910, Doctor Cornish was married to Miss Sue Pascoe, and they have become the parents of four children, namely:  Richard, attending Junior College at Sacramento, Robert, also a student at Junior College; and Ruth and Peter, who are pupils in the local grammar school.  Doctor Cornish has consistently taken a helpful interest in affairs of local import, and he well understands and fulfills the duties of exemplary citizenship.


Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major, History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3  Pages 292-293. Pioneer Historical Publ. Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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