Shasta County








      Homer D. Bruce, the publisher of the Anderson Valley News, has engaged in the newspaper business for many years, becoming widely and favorably known in this connection.  He was born in Ironton, Ohio, January 25, 1884, a son of Allen D. and Bertha B. (Sites) Bruce, who were also natives of that state.  His paternal grandfather was of Scotch lineage and fought in the Civil War.  As a young man Allen D. Bruce took up newspaper work, which he followed successfully for a number of years.  While living in Ohio he was active in politics and served as state senator from 1903 until 1906 inclusive, having been elected to that office on the Republican ticket.  In Ohio he became identified with the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.          In 1910 he journeyed to the west and engaged in ranching in southern Idaho, where he acquired extensive holdings.  He remained in Idaho until 1914, when he sought a milder climate, and located in San Diego, California, where he passed away in the same year.  His widow now makes her home in Manhattan, Kansas.

      Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Bruce, namely:  Oscar J., who is associated with a New York house handling artificial limbs; H. D.; Maude, the wife of Curtis Shaffer, who is engaged in the real estate business in Manhattan, Kansas; Horace J., superintendent of the Safeway Stores in Los Angeles, California; and Genevieve, who is Mrs. J. S. Lundin, of Burlingame, this state.

      H. D. Bruce supplemented his high school education by attendance at Ohio State College, which he left to enter the newspaper business in association with his father, with whom he continued for about seven years.  He started his newspaper career as a printer’s “devil” on the Ironton (Ohio) Register owned by his father, became thoroughly conversant with every phase of newspaper work and has been identified with the management of papers in various parts of the United States.  He also had a large stock ranch, owning the property for eight years, and in June, 1929, purchased the Anderson Valley News, which has prospered under his capable direction.  It is one of the valuable news and advertising mediums of Shasta County and has a large circulation.  Mr. Bruce has lived in California since 1922 and previous to locating in Anderson he had worked all over the United States.  He has had interests in many newspapers and is of the progressive type, both as a journalist and as a citizen.

      On the 5th of July, 1914, Mr. Bruce was married to Miss Grace I. Benton, a daughter of Samuel and Amanda (Rae) Benton, the former now deceased, but Mrs. Benton still resides on the home ranch near Kuna, Idaho.  Mr. and Mrs. Bruce have a son, Allen Benton, who is at home.  At Fayetteville, West Virginia, Mr. Bruce was inducted into the Masonic order and has taken the degrees of the blue lodge and chapter.  In politics he is a staunch Republican but has never sought office as a reward for party fealty.  However, he has been very active in town and county affairs and through the columns of his paper he wields much influence in further civic and commercial development.  He has always been a “booster” and is well known as a journalist who has ever in mind the dignity and worth of his profession and its responsibility to the public.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 364-365. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.







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