Shasta County








      For many years Milton Baragar has been connected with the pool room and soft drink business and at this time is a member of the firm of Baragar & Riley, owning an up-to-date establishment in Redding.  He was born in the state of Michigan on the 17th of July, 1877, and is a son of James and Lena (Holmes) Baragar.  The former, who was a farmer, in 1883, took his family to Kansas, where he farmed for a couple of years and then, in 1885, came to the coast with two teams of horses.  He located near Grants Pass, Oregon, where he farmed for a number of years and later followed the same occupation in California, but eventually returned to Grants Pass, where he and his wife died.

      Milton Baragar was educated in the public schools of Oregon, and took a commercial course in a business college in Salem, that state.  He then took up hotel clerical work, in which line he was employed in various hotels, including five and a half years in the Golden Eagle Hotel in Redding.  During the past twenty years he has owned and operated pool rooms, soft drink parlors and cigar stands and at this time is so engaged in Redding, in partnership with F. P. Riley.  Their place is very popular owing to the careful attention accorded their customers and the neat and attractive establishment which they own.

      Mr. Baragar has been married twice and by the first union has a daughter, Isabelle, who is the wife of Marvin McMurphy, of Susanville, this state, and has two children, Marie Elizabeth, who is living with her grandfather, Mr. Baragar, and is attending school in Redding, and Milton Marvin, at home.  In 1921 Mr. Baragar was married to Miss Elizabeth Cox, of Colorado.  The Republican Party receives Mr. Baragar’s support and he has for twenty-five years been a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles at Redding, belonging also to the United Artisans, an insurance organization, at Portland, Oregon.  He is agreeable in his social intercourse, is honorable in all of his dealings and is worthy of the success which is now his.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major, History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2  Pages  404-405. Pioneer Historical Publ. Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Joyce Rugeroni.




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