Shasta County









      Nicholas Apolon is one of the sons of Greece who have “made good” in this country and as one of the owners of the leading pool room, soft drink parlor and cigar stand in Redding, is well and favorably known.  He was born in Chefiloni, Greece, on the 6th of November, 1893, and is the son of parents who still reside on their home farm in Greece.  Mr. Apolon received his education in the public schools of his native land and remained with his parents until 1910, when, at seventeen years, he came to the United States, landing in this country on November 7th.  He went direct to Oregon, where he was employed in a sawmill for about a year, after which he was employed in mills and box factories in various places. In 1926 he located in Weed, where he worked for four years as an attendant in various pool rooms and soft drink parlors.  In September, 1930, he came to Redding and, in association with Nicholas Floratos, bought their present establishment at 1459 California Street.  By careful attention to business and courteous treatment of their patrons, they are enjoying a steady growth in patronage and popularity.

      Mr. Apolon is a veteran of the World War, for which he volunteered at Portland, Oregon.  He was assigned to the Medical Corps, attached to the Eighty-fourth Division, was sent overseas and saw two months of active service in the trenches.  He was honorably discharged May 16, 1919, in the state of Washington, and at about the same time he received his American citizenship papers.  He is a member of Weed Lodge, No. 924, L. O. O. M., at Weed, and also belongs to the Greek American Progressive Association.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J. W. Major,  History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 297-298. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co.  Chicago 1931.

 © 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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