Shasta County







     In the business circles of Redding, the name Clara B. Archer stands high, for she is a woman of ability, energy and enterprise, through which qualities she has built up a large and successful business in real estate, insurance and bonds. She was born Clara Bass and is a daughter of Herbert and Ida (Powers) Bass. For many years her father was one of the best known citizens of Shasta county, of which he was a lifelong resident, having been the second white child born in the county. In 1878 he became a merchant and the postmaster at Montgomery Creek, which dual relation he sustained until 1917, a period of practically forty years, terminating only by his death. He was one of the most progressive and enterprising men of this section of the county. In 1900 he built a telephone line over the eastern part of Shasta county, which he operated during the remainder of his life, and in other ways proved both public spirited and progressive. He was a democrat in his political views and served four terms as a member of the county board of supervisors. He was member of the Masonic order and his life exemplified the sublime principles of that time-honored fraternity. His death occurred December 24, 1917. His wife Ida (Powers) Bass, was from Iowa and came across the plains with her family, by horse train, in 1858. The train which preceded them was destroyed by the Indians. The Powers family stopped at Lassen county. Mrs. Bass, who died at Redding, September 26, 1927, was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, as are all of her daughters. To Mr. and Mrs. Bass were born four children, namely: Clara, of this review; L. Elizabeth, who is filling the position of deputy county clerk of Shasta county; Pearl, the wife of Ernest Robison, manager of the Court apartments in Redding, and Bertha, who is the wife of George Johnstone, an electrical engineer residing in Shasta county, near Cassel.


     Clara Bass received her educational training in the public schools and remained at home until her marriage to Fred Melvin Archer. In 1930 she opened her present office, which is located in the Golden Eagle Hotel, but still maintains her country home, about sixteen miles from Redding. In addition to insurance, real estate and bonds, in handling which she is meeting with success, she has the headquarters for the National Automobile Club, for which she writes insurance, being a member of the organization. She is also doing a good business in writing surety bonds. Mrs. Archer is a member of Redding Chapter, No. 44, O. E. S., and is extremely popular in social circles. She comes of one of Shasta county’s most highly honored families and wherever known commands the highest esteem.




Transcribed by Craig Hahn.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W. Major History of the Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 pgs. 30-31. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2005 Craig Hahn.




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