of San Francisco



JUNE 1944








July 1937

Dr. Chas. Hobrecht


January 1938

Leo A. Cunningham


July 1938

Dr. Charles McCarthy (deceased)


January 1939

Dr. Earl F. Lussier


July 1939

Dr. J. J. McGuire

January 1940

Joseph D. Christian



July 1940

J. Frank Barrett



January 1941

Robert Dohrmann



July 1941

Eugene Broderick


January 1942

J. Philip Murphy


July 1942

Thos. E. Donahue


January 1943

David A. Barry


July 1943

W. E. Rodgers







The Serra Club of San Francisco is an organization of especially selected Catholic professional and business men, who are not only representative Catholics but also representative of their own professional or business. Membership in the Serra Club of San Francisco is a member of the Serra International, which is established in fourteen cities throughout the United States.


The primary purpose of the Serra Club is to foster native vocations for the holy priesthood and to assist the Bishop of the Diocese in the maintenance of the Diocesan Seminary. Funds secured for this purpose through club dues are turned over to the Most Reverend Bishop of the respective dioceses. While substantial aid is given in this manner, contributions of a higher order are made through creating in the hearts of community leaders and heads of families a living and active interest in the holy priesthood and in the active training of its candidates.


A secondary purpose of the Serra Club is to foster friendship among Catholic leaders and to give the members an opportunity of knowing and understanding the other members in their respective occupations and professions.


The Serra Club of San Francisco meets at the Palace Hotel for luncheon every Wednesday at 12:15. A program, consisting of a talk by a qualified speaker on a timely subject treated from a Catholic viewpoint follows the luncheon. The luncheon is over at 1:30 sharp.


The first Serra Club was formed on February 27, 1935, in Seattle. The Serra Club of San Francisco was officially approved by His Excellency, the Most Reverend John J. Mitty, on July 7, 1937. On July 14, 1937, the Very Reverend Harold E. Collins was appointed Chaplain and Spiritual Director by Archbishop Mitty. On December 5, 1937, the Charter of the Serra International was presented to the San Francisco Serra Club.




Meets Every Wednesday

at the

Palace Hotel, at 12:15 P.M.




HONORARY CHAPLAIN, His Excellency, the Most Reverend John J. Mitty, Archbishop of San Francisco.

CHAPLAIN, Right Reverend Monsignor Harold E. Collins.

PRESIDENT, John J. Briare.

FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT, Adolfo de Urioste.


SECRETARY, Andrew J. Lynch.

TREASURER, Franklin J. Knabe.

TRUSTEES, Frank M. Buckley, Thomas J. Curry, Robert K. Hunter.






Affiliated Serra Clubs in Serra International


CHICAGO, Meets at the Chicago Athletic Club every Friday noon.

EVERETT, Meets at Meves Cafe every Tuesday noon.

HOUSTON, Meets at the Rice Hotel every Friday noon.

MILWAUKEE, Meets at the Hotel Pfister every Friday noon.

MINNEAPOLIS, Meets at the Radisson Hotel every first and third Wednesday at noon.

OAKLAND, Meets at the Hotel Oakland every Thursday noon.

PITTSBURGH, Meets at the Fort Pitt Hotel every Wednesday noon.

PORTLAND, Meets at the Multnomah Hotel every Wednesday noon.

ST. PAUL, Meets at the St. Paul Athletic Club every second and fourth Fridays of each month at noon.

SEATTLE, Meets at the Gowman Hotel every Wednesday noon.

SPOKANE, Meets at the Spokane Hotel every Friday noon.

TACOMA, Meets at the Elks' Club every Wednesday noon.

WILLAMETTE VALLEY, Meets at the Marion Hotel, Salem, Oregon, every Monday evening.

YAKIMA, Meets at the Donnelly Hotel every Friday noon.

ST. LOUIS, Meets at the Mission Athletic Club.








An initiation fee of $5.00.

Annual dues, $13.00 per year, payable in advance;

$6.50 January 1st, $6.50 July 1st.




1100 Franklin Street

San Francisco, California


VERY REVEREND Joseph V. Nevin, S.S. D.D.

St. Patrick's Seminary

Menlo Park, California

VERY REVEREND Lyman A. Fenn, S.S., D. D.

St. Joseph's Seminary

Mountain View, California


2000 California Street

San Francisco, California



San Francisco, California







AHLBACH, Joseph, MArket 0070

Ahlbach & Mayer, Plumbing Contractors, Expert Repair Service Since 1898, 85 Dorland St.

Residence: 78 Buchanan St., MArket 3005.


ALLEN, Paul A., DOuglas 8100

Assistant Vice-President, The Anglo California National Bank, 1 Sansome St. Residence: 1933 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, S. C. 1621-W


ARATA, Raymond J. HEmlock 7000

Law Department, Hibernia Savings and Loan Society, Jones and McAllister Sts. Residence: 289 Urbano Drive, DElaware 6736


ASTRUE, Charles J., DOuglas 1212

Assistant Chief Engineer, Southern Pacific Co., 65 Market St. Residence: 186 Merced Ave., OVerland 6442.


BANNAN, Philip L., HEmlock 6522

President and Manager, Pacific Gear & Tool Works, 1035 Folsom Street. Residence: 1150 Cabrillo Street, SKyline 1296.


BARRETT, John Francis, DOuglas 0700

Partner, Barrett & Hilp, Contractors and Builders, 918 Harrison St. Residence: 114 Clark Drive, San Mateo, S. M. 3-5115


BARRETT, Larry, PRospect 9524

Proprietor, Bohemian Garages, 375 O'Farrell St. Residence: 70 Clark Drive, San Mateo, San Mateo 4-1952


BARRY, Daniel D., EXbrook 3100

General Agent, Railway Express Agency, 219 Sutter St. Residence: 88 Forest Side Ave., MOntrose 8408


BARRY, David A., DOuglas 8400

Pacific Coast Manager of the Pearl Assurance Company, Ltd., 200 Bush St. Residence: 265 San Anselmo Ave., MOntrose 0825.


BECKER, Adolph A., HEmlock 4186

Private Estates, 1005 Market St. Residence: 3201 Clay St., FIllmore 0215.


BEHNKE, Frederick W., MArket 2193

Manager, American Tent and Awning Co., 1132 Mission St. Residence: 2259 Thirtieth Ave., OVerland 3369.


BENDER, John William, HEmlock 0891

Contractor, Roofing and Flooring, J. W. Bender Roofing & Paving Co., Partnership, 1999 Bryant St. Residence: 748 Forty-seventh Ave., BAyview 5766.


BERMINGHAM, D. J., GArfield 2688

Assistant to Western Pacific Traffic Manager, Rio Grande Railroad, 291 Monadnock Bldg. Residence: Bayview Apts., California and Stockton Sts., EXbrook 0715.


BLACH, John J., DOuglas 7384

Owner, X-Ray Laboratory, Medical and Dental, 1028 Flood Bldg. Residence: Los Altos, Los Altos 368.


BLAKE, Richard D., SUtter 3035

Insurance Broker, All Lines, 369 Pine Street. Residence: 50 Santa Clara Avenue, MOntrose 4662.


BOSCH, Leonard, MArket 6545

Plastering Contractor, 280 Thirteenth St. Residence: Atherton, Calif., Palo Alto 6433.


BOURGEAULT, Nadeau L., SUtter 4040

Store Manager, Roos Bros., Retail Apparel, 798 Market St. Residence: 2820 Union St., FIllmore 6230.


BRAY, John E., SUtter 6000

Assistant Treasurer, Sherman, Clay & Company, Musical Instruments, 165 Kearny St. Residence: 651 Forty-first Ave., EVergreen 3461.


BRANNAN, William E., SUtter 7306

Branch Manager, John Wyeth and Brother, Division Wyeth, Inc., 246 Mission St. Residence: 1351 41st Ave., SEabright 0549.


BREEN, Matthew Aloysius, YUkon 0233

Freight Agent, Moore McCormack Lines, 200 Pine St. Residence: 2571 Fifteenth Ave., OVerland 4604.


BRIARE, John J., SUtter 4211

Attorney, Pacific Gas & Electric, 245 Market St. Residence: 638 Moraga St., MOntrose 5481.


BRICARD, Gaston, DOuglas 4500

President, Gaston Bricard, Inc., Furs, City of Paris. Residence: 16 Clark Drive, San Mateo, S. M. 3-3078.


BRODERICK, Eugene T., DOuglas 3212

General Manager, E. F. Hutton & Co., Stock Brokers, 160 Montgomery St. Residence: 1895 Jackson Street, ORdway 3925.


BROPHY, James E., DOuglas 4220

Salesman, Garnett Young & Co., 390 Fourth St., Residence: 1440 Columbus Ave., Burlingame, Burlingame 3-1458


BROWN, Ward C., VAlencia 9129

Apartment House Owner, 195 Duncan St. Residence: 195 Duncan St., VAlencia 9129


BUCKLEY, Frank M., DOuglas 6112

Vice-President and Manager, Humboldt Branch, Bank of America, N. T. & S. A. Residence: 630 Mason St., GArfield 2252


BUCKLEY, Henry M., SUtter 2571

Salesman, The Flintkote Co., 110 Bush St. Residence: 115 San Anselmo Ave., ELkridge 1121.


BURNS, John F., DOuglas 7381

Notary Public, 608 Montgomery St. Residence: 152 Sixth Ave., SKyline 8584


BURNS, J. Joseph, DOuglas 3740

Assistant District Manager, Appliance and Merchandise Dept., General Electric Company, 235 Montgomery St. Residence: 118 Seventh Ave., San Mateo, San Mateo 3-1675


BYRNES, Dave H., MOntrose 8826

West Coast Manager, Webster Cigar Co., 2929 Lincoln Way. Residence: 2929 Lincoln Way, MOntrose 8826.


CAHILL, Frank J., MIssion 7289

Division General Superintendent, The Borden Co., Milk Products, 1325 Potrero Ave. Residence: 131 Dartmouth Road, San Mateo, S. M. 4-3347.


CASEY, George H., DOuglas 8300

President, Pacific Fruit Exchange, 85 Second St. Residence: 70 Shore View Ave., SKyline 5331.


CASEY, John J., HEmlock 2121

San Francisco City Engineer, City Hall. Residence: 538 Dewey Blvd., MOntrose 0593.


CASHIN, Emmet J., SUtter 5498

Pacific Coast Manager, Ship Owner's Claims Bureau, Inc., 311 California St. Residence: 2456 Steiner St., FIllmore 8774.


CASSIMUS, Mark A., GArfield 5941

Partner, Sullivan-Cassimus Co., Welding Equipment & Supplies, 651 Folsom St. Residence: 6056 Margarido Drive, Oakland, PIedmont 4207.


CHRISTIAN, Joseph D., HEmlock 1300

Owner, J. D. Christian, Engineers, Machinery Mfgrs., 480 Potrero Ave. Residence: 2662 Vallejo St., WEst 4252.


CLIFFORD, John J., EXbrook 5171

Owner, J. J. Clifford Co., Tank Cars and Railroad Equipment, 16 California St. Residence: 877 Forty-fourth Ave., SKyline 5788.


COLE, Frank R., HEmlock 2646

Vice-President, West Coast Electric Works, Ltd., Motors, Generators, Transformers, 166 Seventh St. Residence: 262 Twenty-ninth Ave., BAyview 4101.


COLLINS, Charles R., HEmlock 7000

Attorney, Hibernia Savings & Loan Society, Jones & McAllister Sts. Residence: 400 Pacheco St., SEabright 1441.


COLLINS, The Right Rev. Monsignor Harold, ORdway 6767

Secretary to Most Reverend John J. Mitty, Archbishop of San Francisco, 1100 Franklin St. Residence: 1000 Fulton St., ORdway 6767.


CORVI, Edward, MArket 3285

Partner, Union Florist, 3017 Sixteenth St. Residence: 77 Ramona Ave. MArket 5754.


COYNE, Patrick, EXbrook 8212

President, Stuart Oxygen Company, Balfour Bldg. Residence: 2000 Washington St. ORdway 0478.


CROTTY, Joseph M., MArket 5131

District Credit Manager, Graybar Electric Company, Inc., 190 Ninth St. Residence: 1629 Howard Ave., Burlingame, Burlingame 3-5947


CUNNINGHAM, Leo A., HEmlock 2121

Municipal Judge, Hall of Justice. Residence: 70 Sea Cliff, BAyview 8325.


CUNNINGHAM, William A., GArfield 3307

Salesman, Santa Cruz Portland Cement Company, 320 Crocker Bldg. Residence: 1917 Thirtieth Ave., SEabright 4414.


CURRAN, Thomas Peter, GArfield 3041

Salesman, The Hermann Safe Company, Bank Equipment, Vaults and Safes of All Descriptions, 200 Howard St. Residence: 990 Fulton St., WAlnut 4877.


CURRY, Thomas J., EXbrook 5400

Attorney, Shell Oil Company, Inc., 100 Bush St. Residence: 180 Beaumont Ave. SKyline 0085.


deALVA, Paul Garcia, DOuglas 1851

Estate Co-ordination, Life Insurance, Retirement Income, Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company, 111 Sutter St. Residence: 668 Forty-second St., Oakland, PIedmont 2129.


DEASY, Cornelius J., Petaluma 1976

Area Manager, Union Oil Company of California, Petaluma, Calif. Residence: 30 Raymond Heights, Petaluma, Petaluma 1776.


DEASY, Thomas A., HEmlock 5626

President, John Mulhern Co., Bottlers' Supplies, 175 Thirteenth St. Residence: 51 Hillway Ave., OVerland 4309.


DEE, Daniel, UNderhill 0101

Manager, Dee Engineering Co., Fire Brick Contractors, 170 Hooper St. Residence: 2847 Turk Street, BAyview 4130.


DESMOND, D. J., MArket 1780

Vice-President, Sterling Furniture Company, 1049 Market Street. Residence: 109 DeSabla Road, Hillsborough, S. M. 3-2273.


de URIOSTE, Adolfo, UNderhill 2300

Apartment House Operator, Investments, 512 Van Ness Ave. Residence: 189 Buena Vista Ave., HEmlock 5243


DeWITT, George S., EXbrook 6455

Insurance Adjuster, Gaynor-DeWitt, 433 California St. Residence: 141 Greenbank Ave., Piedmont, HUmboldt 9299.


DOHERTY, George, MIssion 4000

Doherty Bros., Ford Products, Ford V-8, Mercury, Lincoln Zephyr, 1175 Potrero Ave. Residence: 2490 Greenwich St., WAlnut 8713.


DOHRMANN, Robert D., SUtter 6060

Vice-President and Secretary, Palace Hardware Company, 581 Market St. Residence: 181 Thirty-second Ave., BAyview 7411.


DOLAN, George A., GArfield 7370

President, Hirsch & Kaye, Opticians and Photo Supplies, 239 Grant Ave. Residence: 5550 California St., BAyview 9070.


DONAHUE, Thomas E., DOuglas 2174

Sales Manager, The Envelope Corporation, Envelope Manufacturers, 425 Brannan St. Residence: 933 Spruce St., Berkeley, AShberry 8165.


DONLON, Peter D., MArket 1222

Owner, Donlon Tile Company, 24 Twelfth St. Residence: 7 Wildwood Gardens, Piedmont, HUmboldt 7187.


DRISCOLL, John F., MArket 5850

Secretary-Treasurer, Rincon Foundry Co., Iron Foundry, 349 Seventh St. Residence: 425 Fourteenth Ave., SKyline 7017.


DUFFY, Thomas F., YUkon 1489

Owner, Duffy Tile Co., 253 Minna St. Residence: 2531 Twentieth Ave., MOntrose 9004.


DUPONT, Harold T., GArfield 8500

Assistant Secretary, Pope & Talbot, Lumber and Shipping, 2700 Russ Bldg. Residence: 327 Warren Rd., San Mateo, San Mateo 2857-W.


FLANAGAN, Daniel V., ORdway 1912

Western Representative, American Federation of Labor, 25 Taylor St. Residence: 40 Piedmont St., Klondike 2-0156.


GALLIANI, Luigi F., GArfield 2900

Vice-President, Kohler & Chase, 26 O'Farrell St. Residence: 730 Victoria St., DElaware 2901.


GARTLAND, James J., HEmlock 1223

Manager, P. J. Gartland Co., 495 Valencia St. Residence: 2500 Steiner St., WAlnut 4214.


GLENNAN, David J., SUtter 0672

Vice-President, The San Francisco Stevedoring Company, Contracting Stevedores. 35 Brannan Street. Residence: 224 Third Ave., SKyline 0865.


GRIFFIN, Maurice Wm., UNderhill 3650

Salesman, Pacific Coast Aggregates, Inc., 2625 Sixteenth St. and 85 Second St. Residence: 2201 Sacramento St., WAlnut 5035.


GRIFFITH, W. E., SUtter 0264

Owner, W. E. Griffith & Son, 332 Pine St. Residence: 125 Cerritos Ave., RAndolph 4306.


GROWNEY, Dr. Maurice R., VAlencia 1144

Dentist, 3184 Twenty-second St. Residence: 64 Grand View Ave., MIssion 2312.


GRUSENMEYER, X. H., HEmlock 1750

Owner and Manager, Advance Automatic Sales Company, 1350 Howard St. Residence: 6947 Geary Blvd., SKyline 2861.


GUPTILL, Jos. R., SUtter 2500

Engineer, Columbia Steel Co., 1355 Russ Bldg. Residence: 5936 McAndrew Drive, Oakland, HUmboldt 9605.


HAGGERTY, P. J., UNderhill 7323

Superintendent, United States Mint, Hermann and Buchanan. Residence: 155 St. Elmo Way, RAndolph 3479.


HAMILTON, R. A., DOuglas 8100

Assistant Cashier and Personnel Officer, The Anglo California National Bank, No. 1 Sansome St. Residence: 496 Crestlake Dr., OVerland 0339.


HANDLOS, Royal E., DOuglas 2500

Attorney, Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, 130 Montgomery St. Residence: 374 San Benito Way, DElaware 3828.


HARNEY, Charles L., GArfield 1710

Owner, Charles L. Harney Co., 625 Market St. Residence: 1201 California Street, ORdway 1106.


HARRAS, Otto Henry, HEmlock 7515

Advertising Executive, The Monitor, Monitor Publishing Company, Archdiocesan Publication, 125 Twelfth St. Residence: 241 El Bonito Way, Millbrae Highlands, Millbrae, Millbrae 2455.


HARRIS, C. H., DOuglas 5015

District Manager, Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company, Monadnock Bldg. Residence: 1920 Sixteenth Ave., OVerland 0944.


HARRISON, M. E., SUtter 0666

Partner, Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, 111 Sutter St. Residence: 2800 Scott Street, WAlnut 1921.


HARVEY, B. C., DOuglas 1212

District Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Railroad, S. P. Station, Palo Alto. Residence: 653 College Ave., Menlo Park, P. A. 6949.


HEBERT, Arthur W., M. D., GArfield 4539

Specializing, Eye, Nose and Throat, 450 Sutter St. Residence: 1206 Shafter, San Mateo, S. M. 3-2597


HICKLIN, Benjamin H., DOuglas 5181

Certified Public Accountant, 844 Russ Bldg. Residence: 61 Jordan Ave., BAyview 1120.


HOBRECHT, Dr. Charles B., GArfield 0964

Optometrist, 209 Post St. Residence: 1941 Grove St., SKyline 4601.


HOGAN, Arthur Edward, GArfield 7616

Vice-President, Gallenkamp Stores, 422 Second St. Residence: 700 Hillcrest, Millbrae Highlands, Millbrae, Millbrae 636.


HUNTER, Robert K., GArfield 8800

Port Traffic Manager, Board of State Harbor Commissioners, Ferry Bldg. Residence: 2970 Jackson St., WEst 3510.


JOHNSON, Andrew R., RAndolph 9060

General Insurance Broker, 60 Sansome St. Residence: 1400 Palm Ave., San Mateo, S. M. 4-2849.


JUDNICH, Louis M., HEmlock 6518, PRospect 8118

Musician and Music Teacher. Residence: 550 San Bruno Ave. UNderhill 4372.


KEIL, Russell David, YUkon 0727

Partner, Keil Estate Co., 315 Montgomery St. Residence: Snug Harbor, Tiburon, Marin Co., Belvedere 193.


KING, Valentine J., BErkeley 5415

Lieutenant, USNR. Residence: 2328 Derby St., Berkeley.


KNABE, Franklin Jordan, YUkon 1350

Manufacturer of Rubber, Steel and Brass Stamps, Notary and Corporation Seals, Brass and Metal Signs, and General Marking Devices, 420 Market St. Residence: 71 Denslowe Drive, DElaware 7136.


LABERGE, Edward J., SUtter 8000

Department Manager, Hale Bros., San Francisco. Residence: 5649 Oak Grove Ave., Oakland, OLympic 4337.


LEONARD, Barney J., DOuglas 8800

Manager, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. Residence: Fairmont Hotel, DOuglas 8800.


LEONARDINI, Jules, SEabright 3401

Olde Homesteade Beverage Co., Ice Cream Manufacturers and Soda Fountain Supplies, 2651 Seventeenth Ave. Residence: 1299 Dolores St., MIssion 5414.


LOMBARDI, Joseph, VAlencia 4817

Manager, 29th and Mission Branch, Bank of America. Residence: 1921 Ocean Ave., DElaware 8452.


LUCKMAN, Lloyd D., JUniper 4-1712

Instructor, San Francisco Junior College, Ocean and Phelan Avenues. Residence: 2500 Green St., FIllmore 5146.


LUSSIER, Dr. Earl F., EXbrook 6786

Orthodontist, 450 Sutter St. Residence: 531 West Santa Inez Ave., San Mateo, S. M. 4-2216.


LUSSIER, Dr. Norman A., Exbrook 0121

Specialist in Extractions and Oral Surgery, Gas or Novocaine, 450 Sutter St. Residence: 56 Santa Paula, OVerland 6420.


LYNCH, Andrew John, EXbrook 1928

President, Cosgrove & Company, Insurance Brokers and Average Adjustors, 343 Sansome St. Residence: 3330 Baker St. WAlnut 3583.


MAPE, Vance C., PRospect 2700

Distributor of Automatic Phonographs, 284 Turk St.


MARIAS, Joseph F., MIchigan 9854

Executive Vice-President, Los Angeles Tanker Operators, Inc., 541 S. Spring St. Residence: 141 Hillside Ave., Piedmont, HUmboldt 6354.


McCORMICK, William J., SUtter 4376

Pacific Coast Manager, American Writing Paper Corporation, 503 Market St. Residence: 5466 Boyd Ave., Oakland, PIedmont 6883.


McCOY, Eugene, ORdway 9935

Owner, The McCoy Company, Church Goods and Religious Articles, 111 Golden Gate Ave. Residence: 611 Laurel Ave., San Mateo, San Mateo 3-6805


McENERNEY, Garrett II, SUtter 6789

Partner, Hepperle, McEnerney & Jacobs, 2002 Hobart Bldg. Residence: 3570 Jackson St., WAlnut 8902.


McGANNEY, Daniel J., DOuglas 1212

General Freight Agent, Southern Pacific Company, 65 Market St. Residence: 509 Edinburgh, San Mateo, San Mateo 7606-W.


McGINNIS, William H., TRinidad 9300

Division Sales Manager, Hunt Bros. Packing Co., Hayward, Calif. Residence: 222 Ewing Terrace, WEst 4184.


McGLYNN, Hugh, YUkon 1616

General Manager, Lyon Van and Storage Co., 1520 Stockton St. Residence: 372 Fifth Ave., BAyview 4355.


McGUIRE, Dr. John J., EXbrook 6118

Doctor of Medicine, 490 Post St. Residence: 46 Jordan Ave., BAyview 2240.


McGUIRE, Thomas G., YUkon 2000

Vice-President, Industrial Indemnity, 310 Sansome St. Residence: 416 Scenic Ave., Piedmont, PIedmont 3774.


McGUIRE, Walter E., GArfield 4438

Real Estate, Rent Collectors and Insurance, 220 Montgomery St. Residence: 64 Ashbury Terrace, HEmlock 4035.


McKEEVER, Edward William, GArfield 3480

Manager, Veterans' Welfare Board, State of California, 417 Montgomery St. Residence: 735 Thirtieth Ave., SKyline 4143.


McMAHON, William G., DOuglas 0192

President, McMahon & Keyer, Inc., Tailors, 101 Post St. Residence: 743 Thirty-second Ave., BAyview 2350.


MELLON, Thomas J., GArfield 2211

General Sales Mgr., Wesix Electric Heater Co., 390 First St. Residence: 50 San Pablo Ave., OVerland 0820.


MOHOLY, John J., HEmlock 1677

Salesman, Independent Order of Foresters, 170 Valencia St. Residence: 1966 19th Ave., MOntrose 9990.


MOHRDICK, Walter W., EXbrook 7020

Owner, Mohrdick Electric Co., 947 Folsom St. Residence: 100 Granville Way, OVerland 0334.


MOLKENBUHR, Val, SUtter 2173

Partner, Molkenbuhr Bros., 23 Grant Ave. Residence: 2579 Fifteenth Ave., MOntrose 2220.


MORONEY, Carl J., DOuglas 5600

Vice-President and General Manager, Spreckels Sugar Co., 2 Pine St. Residence: 249 West Poplar, San Mateo, San Mateo 3-4673.


MORROW, Joseph G., GArfield 4520

President, First Management and Finance Corp., 995 Market St. Residence: Route 2, Box 3212-W, Redwood City, REdwood 1680.


MULLEN, John E., UNderhill 5815

President, Mullen Manufacturing Co., Store and Office Fixtures, Church Seating and Sanctuary Furniture, 60 Rausch St. Residence: 1918 Ninth Ave., OVerland 8707.


MULPETERS, William Joseph, YUkon 0808

President, The Gray Line, Inc., Transportation, 781 Market St. Residence: 486 Urbano Drive, DElaware 4481.


MURPHY, Daniel C., UNderhill 1200

Sheriff, City and County of San Francisco, 333 City Hall. Residence: 90 Justin Drive, DElaware 2909.


MURPHY, Daniel C., Jr., UNderhill 8700

Senior Counsel, Industrial Accident Commission, 995 Market St. Residence: 1532 Guerrero St., MIssion 2560.


MURPHY, J. Philip, ATwater 1423

President, The J. Phillip Murphy Corp., Steel Erectors, 696 Pennsylvania Ave. Residence: 107 Estates Drive, Piedmont, ANdover 2541.


MURPHY, Thomas I., MArket 8228

Manager, A. L. Young Machinery Co., 1301 Howard St. Residence: 2959 23rd Ave., SEabright 0240.


NAGLE, Dr. John, GRaystone 4747

Psychiatrist, 1195 Bush St. Residence: 130 Santa Monica Way, SEabright 3765.


NEILAN, Robert James, MArket 0949

Sheet Metal Contractor, 39 Isis St. Residence: 17 Allston Way, MOntrose 0362.


NICHOLS, David B., HEmlock 8342

Owner, Davurs Company, confections, 742 14th St. Residence: 1442 31st Ave., OVerland 1301.


NIDEROST, Joseph, YUkon 0530

President, Niederost & Taber, Jewelers, 126 Post St. Residence: The Olympic Club, PRospect 4400.


NOLAN, A. S., GArfield 1181

Western Sales Manager, The Pacific Lumber Co., 100 Bush St. Residence: 1630 Plymouth Lane, RAndolph 7092.


O'BRYAN, William L., GArfield 3643

Assistant Secretary, O'Bryan Bros., Inc.; Ladies Underwear Manufacturing, 190 Main Street. Residence: Petaluma, Petaluma 10F3


O'CONNOR, Jerry C., MArket 0388

Manager, J. C. O'Connor Company, Morticians, 455 Valencia St. Residence: 730 Funston Ave., SKyline 2560.


O'MEARA, E. L., DOuglas 6112

Assistant Trust Officer, Bank of America, 300 Montgomery St. Residence: 736 Fifth Ave., SKyline 5544.


O'NEILL, Eugene M., SUtter 0245

Canners' Sales Agent, 112 Market St. Residence: 1909 Vallejo St., FIllmore 0245.


O'NEILL, W. H., MArket 8448

O'Neill Lumber Company, Hardwood Lumber, Eighth and Townsend Sts. Residence: 475 Thirty-seventh Ave., BAyview 6741.


PARKER, John S., GArfield 5800

Vice-President, Mercantile Acceptance Corporation, Finance Business, 333 Montgomery St.

Residence: 1896 Pacific Ave., TUxedo 0347.


PATERSON, George C., DOuglas 1212

Assistant to Vice-President in Charge of Operations, Southern Pacific Company, Railroad Transportation, 65 Market St. Residence: 126 Wawona St., OVerland 4382.


PEGGS, James, DOuglas 8858

Owner, J. E. Peggs Co., Wholesale Lumber, 1 Drumm St. Residence: 68 Broadmoor Drive, RAndolph 0830.


PHELAN, Paul J., SUtter 2424

Display Advertising, San Francisco Examiner, Market and Third Sts. Residence: 1770 Pacific Ave., ORdway 2956.


PHELPS, A. H., EXbrook 5353

Application Engineer, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., 1 Montgomery St. Residence: 1410 Hopkins St., Berkeley, THornwall 5785.


PITTS, Frank, DOuglas 0561

Office Manager, Californian's, Inc., 703 Market St. Residence: 33 Pinehurst Way, RAndolph 6421.


RANKIN, Lucien T., MIssion 1825

Representative, Bee Industries, Ltd., Manufacturers of Church Candles, 1651 Church St. Residence: 4108 Nineteenth St., UNderhill 5441.


RAPP, William A., SUtter 0200

Gold and Platinum, 150 Post St. Residence: 941 Laurel Ave., San Mateo, San Mateo 4-1833.


RATH, Raymond J., MArket 7110

Partner, Stark-Rath Printing & Publishing Co., 465 Tenth St. Residence: 2068 Eaton Ave., San Carlos, San Carlos 1129.


RICH, William George, DOuglas 5855

Assistant Manager, Royal Ins. Co., Ltd., 201 Sansome St. Residence: 2153 Beach St., FIllmore 8130.


RILEY, E. J., MArket 5131

Manager of Lighting & Outside Construction Department, Graybar Electric Co., Ninth and Howard Sts. Residence: 555 Buena Vista Ave., MArket 1350.


RIORDAN, J. I., DOuglas 6112

Vice-President, Bank of America, NT&SA, 300 Montgomery St. Residence: 333 Pacheco St., MOntrose 1745.


RIST, Martin, DOuglas 2028

Architect, Phelan Bldg. Residence: 136 Yerba Buena Ave., OVerland 1793.


RODGERS, William E., SUtter 3700

Architect Manager, W. R. Grace & Co., Exporters-Importers, 2 Pine St. Residence: 120 Brookside Drive, San Anselmo, S. A. 2421-R


RUSSELL, Donald, DOuglas 1212

Vice-President, Southern Pacific Co., 65 Market St. Residence: 475 Selby Lane, Atherton, Menlo Park, Palo Alto 2-1948.


*RYAN, Thomas Harold, YUkon 1238

Owner, Thomas H. Ryan Automatic Transmissions, 222 Perry St. and 1072 Bryant St.

Residence: 887 Noe St., ATwater 4694

*Deceased June 1, 1944.


RYAN, M. J., GArfield 6637

Partner, Joslyn & Ryan, Naval Architects, 149 New Montgomery St. Residence: 1831 Willow Road, Hillsborough, S. M. 3-1646.


SARAZEN, Rene, YUkon 2916

Program Director, S. F. Bay Area, National Catholic Community Service, USO 637 Butler Bldg. Residence: 225 21st Ave. BAyview 6558.


SCANLON, William J., GArfield 3986

Wholesale Distributor, Sponges and Chamois, Schroeder & Tremayne, of California, 24 California St. Residence: 380 Eddy St., ORdway 7223.


SHEEHAN, James B., GArfield 7171

Service Representative, Otis Elevator Company, 1 Beach St. Residence: 84 Vasquez Ave., OVerland 6398.


SHEENAN, Joseph A., DOuglas 2145

District Traffic Manager, A. S. R. Co., 405 Montgomery St. Residence: 154 Garnet Ave., San Carlos, S. C. 615-R.


SHEEHY, Henry G., EXbrook 7100

Manager, Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Co., 440 Montgomery St. Residence: 170 Santa Ana, MOntrose 0480.


SHUMATE, Albert, M.D., DOuglas 4236

Specialist in Skin Diseases, 490 Post St. Residence: 1901 Scott St., WAlnut 0232.


SMITH, Alfred P., DOuglas 1384

Asst. Regional Manager, Home Owner's Loan Corporation, 821 Market St. Residence: 2348 North Point St., WEst 9317.


SMITH, Frank D., MIssion 3311

Lathing and Plastering Contractor, 375 Bayshore Blvd. Residence: 230 Cervantes Blvd., FIllmore 3600.


SMITH, Thomas F., UNderhill 7680

Owner, Pacific Plumbing & Heating Supply Company; Wholesale Plumbing and Heating Supplies, 1015 Folsom St. Residence: 818 Head St., RAndolph 4487.


SPEAKMAN, Frank J., MIssion 1104

Assistant Manager, Monel Department, Pacific Metals Co., Ltd., 3100 19th St. Residence: 100 Broderick St., HEmlock 7111.


STEFANI, Joseph J., DOuglas 7346

President, Stefani Bros., Furs, 77 O'Farrell St. Residence: 962 Laurel Ave., San Mateo, San Mateo 3-3077.


STEMPEL, George, HEmlock 4188

Owner, Stempel's Quality Doughnut Shoppe, 320 Fell St. and 1616 Bush St. Residence: 1442 Jefferson St., WEst 3127.


SULLIVAN, John Lawrence, UNderhill 8165

Secretary, Sullivan's Pet Shop, Pet and Pet Stock Supply, 1107 Market St. Residence: 376 Funston Ave., SKyline 5842.


SULLIVAN, Joseph, YUkon 0904

President, Hotel Employers Association of San Francisco, 658 Phelan Bldg. Residence: 320 Castenada St., MOntrose 0859.


SUPPLE, Bart A., EXbrook 6680

Partner, Supple, Griswold & Co., Bonds and Stocks, Russ Bldg. Residence: 27 Eighteenth Ave., BAyview 7637.


SUTHERLAND, Edward F., MArket 0215

Vice-President, Dannenbaum Paint Mfg., Co., 2046 Market St. Residence: 1358 28th Ave., OVerland 2394.


TANZEY, W. J., VAlencia 6000

Vice-President, Borden's Dairy Delivery Company, 1325 Potrero Ave. Residence: 1265 Cortez Ave., Burlingame, Burlingame 4-3274.


TERHEYDEN, Ferdinand, FIllmore 1420

Owner, Ferdinand Terheyden & Bros., Painting Contractor, 838 Divisadero St. Residence: 936 Divisadero St., WAlnut 3432.


TIERNEY, Martin Joseph, KLondike 2-2833

Chief, Miscl. Tax Division, Collector of Internal Revenue, 100 McAllister St. Residence: 806 Junipero Serra Blvd., DElaware 3490.


TISSIER, Francis A., YUkon 1402

Secretary-Manager, Retail Grocers' Association of S. F., Ltd., 525 Market St. Residence: 331 Aragan Blvd., San Mateo, S. M. 3-5114.


TOBIN, C. R., HEmlock 7000

Partner, Tobin & Tobin, Hibernia Bank Building. Residence: 360 Poett Road, Hillsborough, S. M. 3-3318.


TOSO, Harold J., EXbrook 4264

Vice-President and Pacific Coast Manager, Representing Lloyds of London and the Home Insurance Co., of New York, Newhouse & Sayre, Inc., 333 Montgomery St. Residence: 1998 Vallejo St., WAlnut 3305.


TRABUCCO, J. Eugene, EXbrook 4060

Patent Attorney, Russ Bldg. Residence: 715 Hillsborough Blvd., Hillsborough, San Mateo, S. M. 4-0758.


TURNER, J. H., PRospect 7000

Manager and Chief Engineer, Hetch Hetchy Water Supply, Power and Utilities Engineering Bureau, 425 Mason Street. Residence: 2290 17th Ave., MOntrose 0590.


WALSH, Francis J., UNderhill 0101

Office Manager, Dee Engineering Co., 170 Hooper St. Residence: 1318 Benito Ave., Burlingame, Burlingame 3-0561.


WALSH, James J., EXbrook 2462

Consulting Civil Engineer, 112 Market St. Residence: 40 Kittredge St., SKyline 1429.


WARD, Harry S., GArfield 7833

Assistant West Coast Manager, United States Tobacco Co., 274 Brannan St. Residence: 219 Castilian Way, San Mateo, S. M. 3-1321.


WILLIAMS, Harold B., EXbrook 7112

Partner, Lawson, Levy & Williams, 1 Montgomery St. Residence: 2835 Filbert Street, WAlnut 2380.








Hicklin, Benjamin, 11



Automobiles, Griffith, W. E., 10

Insurance, DeWitt, George S., 9

Shipping, Cashin, Emmett, 7



Phelan, Paul J., 16



Manager, Gartland, James J., 10

Owner, Brown, Ward C., 7



Real Estate, McKeever, Edward W., 14



Rist, Martin, 17

Naval, Ryan, M. J., 17



General Practice, Collins, Charles R., 8

Patent, Trabucco, J. Eugene, 19



Doherty, George, 9



Stempel, George, 18



Director, Tobin, C. R., 19

Insurance Dept., Allen, Paul A., 5

Law Department, Arata, Raymond J., 5

Loan Department, Riordan, John I., 17

Manager, Lombardi, Joseph, 12

Personnel Dept., Hamilton, Ralph A., 11

Trust Dept., O'Meara, E. L., 16

Vice-President, Buckley, Frank M., 7



Indemnity, Sheehy, Henry G., 18



Deasy, Thomas A., 9



Insurance, de Urioste, Adolfo, 9

Stocks and Bonds, Supple, Bart A., 19



Mulpeters, William J., 15



Mullen, John, 14



Rankin, Lucien, 16



Cunningham, William A., 8



McCoy, Eugene, 13



Brokers, Byrnes, Dave H., 7





Men's, Bourgeault, Nadeau L., 6

Women's, O'Bryan, William L., 15




Wholesale, Nichols, David B., 15



Building, Barrett, J. Frank, 5


Electric, Mohrdick, Walter W., 14



Heating & Ventilating,

Marine, Dee, Daniel, 9

Painting, Terheyden, Ferdinand, 19

Paving, Harney, Charles L., 11

Plastering, Bosch, Leonard, 6

Plumbing, Ahlbach, Joseph, 5

Roofing, Bender, J. W., 6

Steel Erection, Murphy, J. Philip, 15

Tile, Donlon, Peter D., 10



Harrison, Maurice, 11

Keil, Russell D., 12

McGanney, Daniel J., 13

McGinnis, William H., 13

McGuire, Walter, 14



Tanzey, W. J., 19




General Practice, Growney, Dr. Maurice, 10

Extractions and Oral Surgery, Lussier, Dr. Norman A., 13

Orthodontist, Lussier, Dr. Earl F., 13




Laberge, Edward J., 12



Molkenbuhr, Val, 14




Manufacturing, Brannan, William E., 6






Luckman, Lloyd, 13




Burns, J. Joseph, 7




Manufacturing, Crotty, Joseph M., 8

Service & Repairing, Phelps, A. H., 16

Used, Cole, Frank R., 8

Wholesale, Riley, E. J., 17




Sheehan, James B., 17





Consulting, Walsh, James J., 20







Donahue, Thomas E., 10



McEnerney, Garrett II, 13



Rodgers, Wm. E., 17



Barry, Daniel D., 5



Parker, John S., 16



Walsh, Francis J., 20



Corvil, Edward, 8



O'Neill, Eugene M., 16



Aluminum, Brass & Bronze,

Iron, Driscoll, John F., 10




K. of C., Duffy, Thomas, 10

Ind. Order of Foresters, Moholy, John J., 14



Casey, George H., 7



O'Connor, Jerry C., 15



Retail, Bricard, Gaston, 6

Wholesale, Stefani, Joseph J., 18




Retail, Desmond, D. J., 9




Barrett, Larry, 5



Bannan, Philip L., 5



Rapp, William A., 16




Internal Revenue, Tierney, Martin J., 19

Treasury Dept., King, Valentine J., 12

U.S. Mint, Haggerty, Peter J., 11



City Engineer, Casey, John J., 7

Sheriff, Murphy, Daniel C., 15



Harbor Commission, Hunter, Robert K., 12

Industrial Accident Commission, Murphy, Jr., Daniel C., 15

Judiciary, Cunningham, Leo A., 8



Dohrmann, Robert D., 9



Mellon, Thomas J., 14



Managers, Leonard, Barney J., 12

Employers Association, Sullivan, Joseph, 18





All Lines, Blake, Richard D., 6

Allied Lines, Barry, David A., 5

Average Adjuster, Lynch, Andrew J., 13

Compensation, McGuire, Thos. G., 14

Fire, Rich, Wm. Geo., 17

Life Insurance, deAlva, Paul G., 9

Lloyds of London, Toso, Harold J., 19

Management, Morrow, Jos. G., 14



Williams, Harold B., 20




Retail, Niderost, Joseph, 15




Real Estate, Alfred P. Smith, 18



Douglas Fir, Peggs, James, 16

Hardwood, O'Neill, Wm. H., 16

Redwood, Nolan, Al S., 15


Wholesale, Dupont, Harold T., 10



Manufacturing, Christian, Joseph D., 8

Retail, Murphy, Thomas I., 15



Speakman, Frank J., 18



Brophy, James E., 7



Cahill, Frank J., 7



McGlynn, Hugh L., 13



Bray, John E., 6



Judnich, Louis M., 12


Burns, John F., 7



Attorney, Curry, Thomas J., 9



Dolan, Geo. A., 9



Hobrecht, Dr. Chas. B., 12



American Federation of Labor, Flanagan, Daniel V., 10

Californians, Inc., Pitts, Frank, 16

Retail Grocers Assoc., Tissier, Francis A., 19

National Catholic Community Service, Sarazen, Rene, 17



Coyne, Patrick, 8



Sutherland, Edward F., 19



Sullivan, John L., 18



Deasy, C. J., 9



Distributor, Mape, Vance C., 13



Physician & Surgeon, McGuire, Dr. J. J., 14

Dermatologist, Shumate, Dr. Albert, 18

Eye, Ear & Nose, Hebert, Dr. Arthur W., 11

Psychiatrist, Nagle, Dr. John, 15



Galliani, Luigi F., 10



Smith, Frank D., 18



Smith, Thos. F., 18



Rath, Raymond J., 16



Harras, Otto H., 11



Denver & Rio Grande, Assistant Traffic Manager, Bermingham, Dave J., 6

Southern Pacific, Executive Vice-President, Russell, Donald, 17

Southern Pacific, Assistant Chief Engineer, Astrue, Chas. J., 5

Southern Pacific, Assistant to Vice-President, Paterson, George C., 16

Southern Pacific, Passenger Agent, Harvey, B. C., 11



Johnson, Andrew, 12



Griffin, Maurice Wm., 10



Knabe, Franklin J., 12



Curran, Thomas P., 8



Neilan, Robert J., 15



Hogan, Arthur E., 12



Sheehan, Joseph A., 18



Harris, C. H., 11



Scanlon, Wm. J., 17



McCormick, Wm. J., 13



Breen, Matthew A., 6



Guptill, Jos. R., 11



Glennan, David J., 10



Broderick, Eugene T., 6



Moroney, Carl J., 14



Clifford, John J., 8



McMahon, Wm. G., 14



Marias, Joseph F., 13



Behnke, Frederick W., 5



Attorney, Handlos, Royal



Ward, Harry S., 20




Gas and Electric, Briare, John J., 6


Water, Turner, J. H., 7




Cassimus, Mark A., 7




Blach, John J., 6






Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

© 2011 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.