











Location (permanent building):  Eddy st. north side, bet. Van Ness av. And Polk st.


Enrollment:  Grammar, 181;   Primary, 149.   Rooms, 10.   Teachers, 11.

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training Laboratory.   Cooking (at Hearst Center).


Principal, Helen F. McFarland.

Vice- Principal, Evelyn Levison.


McFarland, Miss H. F. (1877) Principal

Grozelier, Miss A. M. (1892)  French

Jacobs, Miss E. (1907)  German

Malarin, Mrs. M.  (1908)  Spanish

Levison, Miss E. (1891)  Eighth

Doughty, Mrs. M. A. (1881)

Hurley, Miss M. E. (1884)  Sixth

Dolan, Mrs. C. M. (1898)  Fifth

Littlefield, Miss E. A. (1866)  Fourth & Fifth

Jacobs, Mrs. M. E. (1907)  Fourth

Fairchild, Miss M. E. (1874)  Third

Grace, Miss K. L. (1908)  Second

Hesselmeyer, Miss C. A. (1892)  First


Janitor, Timothy O’Leary, 3483 Sacramento st.

Janitress, Mrs. R. Sample, 4330 Twenty-third st.






Location (frame building): Bartlett st. and Twenty-second southwest corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 141; Primary, 594.

Rooms, 18.   Teachers, 19.


Principal, Sarah J. Jones.


Jones, Miss S. J. (1878)  Principal

Glidden, Miss C. A. (1877)  Fifth

Josselyn, Miss A. M. (1883)  Fifth

Errett, Miss E. (1911)  Fifth

Clausen, Miss E. A. (1894)  Fourth

Bartlett, Miss O. S. (1894)  Fourth

Schoof, Miss L. (1908)  Fourth

Boyle, Miss O. C. (1905)  Third

Fredericks, Miss E. L. (1891)  Third

Knowlton,  Grace W. (1903)

Rixon, Miss E. A. (1898)  Second

Hanson, Miss L. (1903) Second

Wright, Miss H. (1890)  Second

Walters, Miss T.  (1906)  Second

Harney, Miss A. (1889)  First

Maloney, Miss K. A. (1881) First

Sankey, Miss M. F. (1888)  First

Onyon, Miss A. M. (1902)  First & Third

Brown, Miss R. F. (1902)  Ungraded


Janitor, Martin A. Foley, 832 Alabama st.

Janitress, Mrs. Mary Dempsey, 2117 Greenwich st.






Location (permanent building):  Bay View st. south side, bet. Pomona and Flora sts.


Enrollment:  Grammar, 317.   Primary, 183.

Rooms, 18.   Teachers, 13.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training Laboratory.   Cooking Laboratory.


Principal, Philip Prior.

Vice-Principal, Blanche A. McGuire.


Prior, Philip  (1865)  Principal

McGuire, Miss B. A. (1883)  Eighth

Stolz, Miss R. C.  (1892) Seventh & Eighth

Hanford, Miss E. V.  (1886)  Seventh

Judson, Miss A. A.  (1903)  Sixth

Cohen, Miss R. (1889)  Sixth

Fitzgerald, Mrs. M. T. (1907)  Fifth & Sixth

North, Mrs. E. (1910)  Fourth & Fifth

Piper, Miss L. K. (1885)  Fourth

Roylan, Miss M. L. (1898)  Fourth

Carey, Miss A. A.  (1882)  First

Sleeper, Miss Mary  (1873)  First

Perkins, Miss A. F. (1890)  On leave


Janitor, Jacob Jacobs, 98 Latona st. (Mission 1100)

Janitress, Mrs. A. Gorman, 321 Connecticut st.







Location (permanent building):  Cortland av. south side, bet. Andover and Moultrie sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 490.   Primary, 144.

Departmental system in 7th and 8th grades.

Kindergarten (conducted by G. G. Kindergarten association).


Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 17.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Monroe and Fairmount centers).   Cooking (at Glen Park and Monroe centers).


Principal, Agnes G. Regan.

Vice-Principal, Katherine A. McGivern.


Regan, Miss A. G.  (1887)  Principal

McGivern, Miss K. A.  (1892)  History

Gilchrist, Miss C. H.  (1901) English

Maxwell, Miss E.  (1907)  Geography

Schendel, Miss A.  (1880)  Arithmetic

Benjamin, Miss M. O. (1903) Seventh

Quinn, May  (1905) Sixth

Millhone, Miss B. (1898)  Sixth

Neppert, Miss L. C. (1892)  Sixth

Senter, Miss K. G.  (1907)  Fifth

Bliss, Miss M. F.  (1910) Fifth

McQuaid, Miss M.  (1892) Fifth

Gibson, Miss A. (1911)  Fifth

Powell, Mrs. O. T.  (1906)  Fourth

Libby, Georgie F. (1878)  Fourth

Simpson, Sarah S. (1889)  Fourth

Scott, Mrs. E.  (1897)  Ungraded


Janitress, Mrs. J. Murphy, 342-A Prospect av.






Location (permanent building):   Bryant st. east side, bet. 22d and 23d sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 44.   Primary, 552.

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 13.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.  


Principal, Elizabeth E. Kelly.


Kelly, Miss E. E.  (1887)  Principal

Stanford, Miss B. M.  (1877)  Fifth

Rutherford, Miss H. M. (1888)  Fourth

Duffy, Miss H. M.  (1903)  Third & Fourth

Casamayou, Miss A. V.  (1908)  Third

Harvey, Miss M. A. (1908)  Third

Kalmuk, Miss L.  (1886)  Second & Third

White, Miss G. M. (1910)  Second & Third

Koch, Miss L. H.  (1894)  Second

Curry, Miss M. E.  (1878)  Second

Roberts, Miss M. E.  (1871)  First

Unger, Miss A. N. (1878)  First

Heineberg, Miss L.  (1873)  First

Mooney, Miss F. C. (1883)  First

Wing, Miss M. G.  (1906)  German-Latin

Hitchcock, Miss H. M. (1876)  French


Janitor, Wm. Foster, 2555 Folsom st.

Janitress, Mrs. A. O’Donnell, 3079 23d st.






Location (frame building):   Bryant st. east side, bet. 18th and 19th sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 78.   Primary, 261.

Rooms, 13.   Teachers, 10.


Principal, Amelia G. Catlin.


Catlin, Miss A. G. (1878)  Principal

Lewis, Miss R. P.  (1886)  Fifth

Hunt, Charlotte F.  (1892)  Fifth

Hildreth, Mrs. O.  (1896)  Fourth

Mooney, Miss M. T.  (1909)  Third

McFadden, Emma  (1887)  Second

Fleming, Miss M. R.  (1896)  Second

Rollins, Miss M. A.  (1879)  Fifth

Stack, Rose M.  (1898)  First

Crocker, Miss B. H.  (1888)


Janitress, Mrs. Jennie McQuaide, 2923 20th st.






Location (permanent building):   Lane st. and Newcomb av., south west corner.

Enrollment:  Primary, 434.

Rooms, 12.   Teachers, 10.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.  


Principal, Louise McElroy.


McElroy, Miss L.  (1891)  Principal

Flynn, Miss M. E. (1877)  Fourth

Schroeder, Miss S.  (1907)  Third

Hopkins, Mrs. J. M.  (1905)  Third

McGorey, Miss S.  (1890)  Second

Woelffel, Miss E.  (1908)  Second

Reichling, Miss W. L. (1902)  Second

Gannon, Mrs. M. F.  (1877)  First

Kean, Miss J. I.  (1888)  First

Curtis, Miss C. M.  (1882)  First


Janitress,  Mrs. Barbara Davis, 1661 16th av.







Location (permanent building):   Persia av. north side, bet. Athens and Moscow sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 43.   Primary, 341.

Rooms, 14.   Teachers, 10.  

Assembly Hall.  


Principal, Mrs. Mary J. Parolini.


Parolini, Mrs. M. J.  (1866)  Principal

de Sousa, Miss S.  (1911)  Fifth

McArthur, Miss M. A.  (1908)  Fourth

Heaney, Miss Beatrice  (1911)  Second & Fourth

Lewis, Miss A.  (1909)  Third

Harrigan, Miss Mary A.  (1871)  Third

Cove, Miss E. A.  (1880)  Second

Curley, Miss A. G.  (1903)  First

Healy, Miss C. A.  (1907)  First

Ward, Miss S. A.  (1894)  First


Janitor, Albert Hancock, 624 Russian av.

Janitress,  Mrs. Kate Lee, 18 Sprague st.






Location (frame building):   Florida st. east side, bet. 25th and 26th sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 524.   Primary, 370.

Rooms, 20.   Teachers, 22.  

Manual Training  (at Horace Mann center).   Cooking (at Horace Mann center). 


Principal, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Burke.

Vice-Principal, Luther M. Shuck.


Burke, Mrs. L. K.  (1857) Principal

Dunn, Miss M. L. (1892)  Eighth

Greathead, Mrs. A. L. (1884)  Eighth

Krauss, Miss L. H.  (1890)  Seventh

Simon, Mrs. M. (1871)  Seventh

Canar, Mrs. E. R. (1897)  Seventh

Shuck, L. M.  (1889)  Sixth

Veuve, Miss M. (1909)  Sixth

Doherty, Miss M. E. (1891)  Sixth

Blumenthal, Miss A. A.  (1892)  Sixth

Quinn, Miss A. M.  (1892)  Fifth

Jones, Miss M. L.  (1904)  Fifth

Lahaney, Miss M.  (1895) Fifth

Lyons, Miss K. G.  (1896)  Fifth

Hewitt, Miss Mary A.  (1910)  Third

Stewart, Miss V.  (1884)  Second & Third

Connell, Mary I.  (1873)  Second

McKee, Eva M.  (1892)  First

Boland, Joanna M.  (1875)  First

Brown, Mrs. Annie M.  (1871)  First

Haslan, J. Pearl  (1903)  Upgraded

Malarin, M.  (1908)  Spanish


Janitress, Mrs. M. McCarthy, 2743 Bryant st.

Janitress, Mrs. M. Adams, Treat av.






Location (temporary building):   Thirteenth av. east side, bet. Kirkham and Lawton sts.

Enrollment:  Primary, 60.

Rooms, 4.   Teachers, 2.  



Principal, Mrs. Annie E. Tiernan.


Tiernan, Mrs. A. E.  (1869)  Fourth & Third

Rowe, Miss M. M.  (1871)  Second & First


Janitress, Mrs. Mariam Aubertine, 1511 ˝ Twelfth av.






Location (frame building):   Greenwich st. south side, bet. Jones and Leavenworth sts.

Enrollment:  Primary, 560.

Rooms, 15.   Teachers, 14.  



Principal, Mrs. K. E. Brogan.


Brogan, Mrs. K. E.  (1873)  Principal

Boukofsky, Miss S.  (1891)  Third

Duncan, Miss C. L.  (1882)  Third

Eager, Miss N. V.  ( 1909)  Second

Murray, Miss M. G.  (1907)  Second

Franks, Miss A. E.  (1888)  Second

Barrington, Miss F. E.  (1898)  Second

Eccles, Mrs. L. B.  (1883)  Second

Rodin, Miss L. (1905)  First

Paterson, Miss M.  (1905)  First

Tobin, Miss I.  (1888)  First

Bristol, Miss M. K.  (1882)  First

Woodland, Mrs. I. C.  (1882)  First

Rea, Miss J. M.  (1904)  On leave

Moore, Eliz. B.  (1901)  On leave


Janitress, Mrs. M. Spinetti, 1221-B Union st.






Location (frame building):   Page st south side, bet. Baker and Broderick sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 740.

Rooms, 20.   Teachers, 19.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  Laboratory.   Cooking Laboratory.



Principal, Cecil W. Mark.

Vice-Principal, Mary T. Shea.


Mark, C. W. (1893)  Principal

Shea, Miss M. T.  (1876)  Eighth

Harby, Miss R.  (1879)  Eighth

Burke, Mrs. E. T.  (1892)  Eighth

Folsom, Miss S. A.  (1880)  Eighth

Murphy, Miss A.  (1890)  Eighth

Armstrong, Miss N.  (1877)  Seventh

Smith, Miss E. E.  (1895)  Seventh

Murphy, Miss J. L.  (1886)  Seventh

Carew, Miss M. M.  (1896)  Seventh

Barrett, Miss M. A.  (1896)  Seventh

Durkin, Miss J. L. F.  (1882)  Seventh

Ryder, Miss P. E.  (1904)  Sixth

Hefron, Miss H.  (1886)  Sixth

Coleman, Frances E. (1877)  Sixth

Maccuaig, Miss B.  (1904)  Sixth

Burlingame, Mrs. J. E.  (1889)  Fifth

Carpenter, Miss E.  (1905)  Fifth

Gleason, Miss M. T. (1890)  Fifth

English, Miss V. L.  (1897)  Ungraded


Janitress, Mrs. C. Creegan, 1163 Treat av.

Janitress, Mrs. T. Brennan, 1573 10th av.






Location (temporary building):   Connecticut st. west side, bet. 19th and 20th sts.

Permanent building being planning for same location.

Enrollment:  Primary, 400.

Rooms, 10.   Teachers, 11.  



Principal, Julia C. Coffey.


Coffey, Miss J. C.  (1895)  Principal

Hurley, Miss A. M.  (1911)  Fourth

Finigan, Miss M. G.  (1907) Third & Fourth

Anderson, L. E.  (1908)  Third

Carson, Alice M. (1906) Second & Third

McFeeley, Miss R.  (1897)  Second

Hollub, Miss M. C.  (1892)  Second

Loewi, Miss M.  (1898)  First

Herrick, Miss C. R.  (1895)  First

Doran, Miss M. E. (1871)  First

McAllister, Mrs. F. H.  (1898)  First


Janitress, Mrs. Annie Hayes, 1411 20th st.






Location (permanent building):   Hayes and Pierce sts., southeast corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 107.   Primary, 63.  (School for girls.)

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 7.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Cooking (at Hamilton center).


Principal, Hannah Phillips.


Phillips, Miss H.  (1873)  Principal

McDonnell, Miss L. A.  (1884)  Eighth

Childs, Miss K. B.  (1866)  Seventh

Goldsmith, Miss B.  (1876)  Sixth

Lahaney, Miss K.  (1906)  Fourth

Smith, Miss J.  (1863)  Second

Houston, Miss M. J.  (1881)  First

D’Arcy, Miss A. H.  (1870)  On leave


Janitress, Mrs. Eliz. A. Fordyce, 2892 Harrison st.






Location:   2344 Sutter st., bet Scott and Divisadero sts.

Enrollment:  69.  

Rooms, 1.   Teachers, 1.  


Teacher in charge, Mrs. Annette H. Green.

Green, Mrs. A. H.  (1874)






Location (frame building):   19th and Collingwood sts., southwest corner.

Enrollment:  Primary, 502.

Rooms, 14.   Teachers, 12.  


Principal, Winifred L. Tarpy.


Tarpy, Miss W. L. (1884)  Principal

Bishop, Mrs. L. M.  (1897) 

Hetzer, Miss M.  (1894)  Fourth

Houghton, Miss E.  (1896)  Third

Mollett, Miss M.  (1911)  Third

Stewart, Miss A. R.  (1909)

Doherty, Miss M. A.  (1897)  Second

Dowling, Miss E. P.  (1910)  Second

Bush, Miss E. S.  (1905)  First

Dacre, Mrs. E. L.  (1905)  First

Parks, Miss M. R.  (1891)  First

Grafe, Miss L.  (1902)  First


Janitress,  Mrs. K. Cotter, 844 Alvarado st.






Location (frame building):   Haight st. south side, bet. Masonic and Central avs.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 43.  Primary, 399.

Rooms, 14.   Teachers, 13.  


Principal, Susie H. Earle.


Earle, Miss S. H.  (1869)  Principal

Koch, Miss L.  (1903)  Fifth

Hare, Miss F.  (1873)  Fourth

Simpson, Miss M. L.  (1885)  Fourth

Newman, Miss B. K.  (1901)  Third

Gambitz, Miss L. M.  (1896)  Third

Fritz, Miss L. M.  (1903)  Third

Gambitz, Miss N.  (1896)  Second

Dwyer, Miss M. C.  (1897)  Second

Carew, Miss M. R.  (1894)  First

Cullen, Miss J. A.  (1883)  First

McGeough, Miss R.  (1884)  First

Hill, Mrs. M. E.  ( (1889)  First



Janitress, Mrs. B. Byrne, 1713 Eddy st.






Location (frame building):   Church and Hill sts. southwest corner

Enrollment:  Grammar, 82.  Primary, 406.

Rooms, 10.   Teachers, 12.  


Principal, Josephine Saunders.


Saunders, Miss J.  (1887)  Principal

Kelly, Miss M. C.  (1891)  Fifth

Barry, Miss M. E.  (1884)  Fifth

Flanagan, Miss H (1910) Fourth

Booth, Miss L.  (1889)  Fourth

Wilson, Miss E. N.  (1902)  Third

Serex, Mrs. M. E.  (1883)  Third

McDermott, Miss C. M.  (1892)  Second

Porter,  Miss H.  (1907)  Second

Power, Miss A. R.  (1898)  First

Harrigan,  Miss A. M.  (1891)  First


Janitress, Mrs. A. Swanson, 141 Chattanooga st.






Location (permanent building):   Pine st. north side, bet. Divisadero and Scott sts.

Enrollment:  Primary, 555.  (School for girls.)

Rooms, 15.   Teachers, 15.  


Principal, Mrs. Teresa F. Spencer.


Spencer, Mrs. T. F.  (1901)  Principal

Estes, Miss C.  (1907)  Fourth

Nelson, Miss M. F.  (1896)  Fourth

Gambitz, Miss L. B.  (1897)  Fourth

Folsom, Miss M. L.  (1896)  Third

Casamayou, Miss A. G.  (1897)  Third

Bailey, Miss C. B.  (1894)  Third

Spafford, Miss D. B.  (1906)  Second

Mordecai, Miss C.  (1905)  Second

Tiling, Miss A.  (1897)  Second

Dennis, Miss E.  (1888)  First

O’Brien, Miss L.  (1890)  First

Meyer, Miss R.  (1884)  First

McLaughlin,  Miss A. M.  (1877)  First

Watson, Miss M. A.  (1890)  Upgraded


Janitor, George F. Dunn, 597 Fell st.






Location (temporary building):   Bryant st. north side, bet. 6th and 7th sts.  (Site belongs to Playground commission.)

Permanent building being planning for site at Bryant and 7th sts., northeast corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 18;  Primary, 22. (School for boys.)

Rooms, 3.   Teachers, 3.   Manual Training Laboratory.   Cooking Laboratory.


Principal, Rae Alexander.

Medical adviser, Annie G. Lyle, M.D.


Alexander, Miss R.  (1888)  Upgraded

Levy, Miss A.  (1891)  Upgraded

Classen, Miss L. M.  (1875)  Upgraded

Gerhardt, Mrs. M.  (1910)  Cooking


Janitress, Mrs. M. Ranken, 888 Illinois st.






Location (frame building):   Sanchez st east side, bet. 16th and 17th sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 440.  Primary, 354.

Rooms, 18.   Teachers, 19.   Manual Training Laboratory (at Church and 18th sts.   Cooking (at Mission and James Lick centers).


Principal, Selden Sturges.

Vice- Principal,  Mrs. Marjorie Stuart.


Sturges, Selden  (1875)  Principal

Theisen, Miss A. J.   (1892)  Eighth

Stuart, Mrs. M.  (1885)  Eighth

McClain, Mrs. A. W.  (1893)  Seventh

Johnson, Miss M. J.  (1876)  Seventh

Devine, Miss M. E.  (1895)  Sixth

Grimm, Miss A. L.  (1881)  Sixth

Mansfield, Miss E. M.  (1910)  Fifth

Casassa, Miss R. I.  (1898)  Fifth

Sullivan, Miss J. F.  (1897)  Fifth

Perl, Miss I. M.  (1896)  Fifth

Grant, Miss E. W.  (1905)  Fourth

Erb, Miss N. V.  (1898)  Third

Fenton, Miss E. R.  (1898)  Third

Spafford, Miss H. E.  (1902)  Second

Morse, Miss N. A.  (1890)  First

Glacier, Miss A. J.  (1877)  First

Cassidy, Mrs. K. J.  (1887)  First

Moore, Miss M.  (1883)


Janitor, Wm. Cormack, 50 Elliott Park.






Location (frame building):   Chenery st. east side, bet. Randall and 30th sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 510.  Primary, 422.

Rooms, 22.   Teachers, 23.   Manual Training Laboratory.   Cooking (at Monroe  and Glen Park centers).


Principal, William H. De Bell.

Vice-Principal, Kathryn McGough.


De Bell, W. H.  (1901)  Principal

McGough, Miss K.  (1898)  Eighth

Berard, Miss E. L.  (1901)  Eighth

Fallon, Miss D. A.  (1891)  Seventh

Hammond, Miss E. E.  (1882)  Seventh

Bain, Miss A. J.  (1910)  Seventh

King, Ellen A. (1911)  Sixth

Burke, Miss M. A.  ((1910)  Sixth

McCauley, Miss M. A.  (1897)  Fifth

Prichard, Mrs. C. B. ((1888)  Fifth

Flanagan, Miss I. R.  (1910)  Fifth

Torpey, Miss K. L.  (1898)  Fourth

O’Brien, Miss M. F. (1905)  Fourth

Woeffel, Anna M.  (1910)  Third

O’Connor, Miss N. T. (1903)  Third

Austin, Miss E. D.  (1907)  Third

Chandler, Miss M. G.  (1904)  Second

Provost, Miss C. E.  (1875)  Second

Foley, Miss M. W.  (1905)  First

McCarthy, Miss M. E.  (1901)  First

Traynor, Miss M. E.  (1876)  First

Holden, Mrs. A. F.  (1902)  Ungraded


Janitress, Mrs. J. Cuddy, 95 Chenery st.

Janitress, Mrs. N. Kellerher, 51 Whitney st.






Location (permanent building):   Holloway av. south side, bet. Capitol and Faxon sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 23;  Primary, 255. 

Rooms, 7.   Teachers, 7.   Assembly Hall.  


Principal, Theresa E. Derham.


Seavey, Miss J.  (1908)  Fifth

Wagner, Miss H. R.  (1908)  Fourth

Dunn, Mrs. M. C.  (1891)  Third

Derham, Miss T. E.  (1888)  Second

Caswell, Miss A. E.  (1910)  Second

McDonald, Miss J.  (1898)  First

Sullivan, Miss G. A. (1904)  First


Janitress, Mrs. Mollie Bassett, 1809 Ocean av.






Location (frame building):   42d av. west side, bet.  Irving and Judah sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 64;  Primary, 133. 

Rooms, 9.   Teachers, 6.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Laguna Honda center).   Cooking (at Laguna Honda center).


Principal, Virginia D. Heath.


Heath, Miss V. D.  (1894)  Principal

Bartlett, Miss A. G.  (1904)  Seventh & Eighth

Timmons, Miss K.  (1910)  Fifth & Sixth

Ashley, Miss B.  (1910)  Third & Fourth

DeForest, Mrs. J. G.  (1904)  Second & Third

Hawkins, Miss B. C.  (1902)  First


Janitress, Mrs. M. Benson, 11 Mars st.






Location (permanent building):   7th av. east side, bet.  Balboa and Cabrillo sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 279;  Primary, 377. 

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 17.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Roosevelt & Sutro centers).   Cooking (at Roosevelt & Sutro center).


Principal, Sarah B. Jenkins.


Jenkins, Miss S. B.  (1877)  Principal

Brierton, Miss M.  (1897)  Eighth

Hall, Miss M. S.  (1910)  Seventh

Smith, Miss E. S.  (1911)  Sixth & Seventh

Meek, Miss A.  (1910)  Sixth

Jacobs, Miss H. H.  (1905)  Sixth

Bailie, Miss M. (1897)  Fifth

O’Connor, Miss L.  (1910)  Fifth

Irwin, Miss M. A.  (1891)  Fourth

Love, Mrs. J. S.  (1875)  Fourth

Sullivan, Miss N. C.  (1907)  Third

Hart, Miss E. I.  (1902)  Third

Schou, Miss E.  (1908)  Second

O’Neil, Miss M. E.  (1898)  Second

Fay, Miss M. A.  (1873)  First

Wade, Miss L. M.  (1886)  First

Barber, Miss E. J.  (1884)  First


Janitress, Mrs. M. Johnson, 2128 Geary st.






Location (permanent building):   8th st east side, bet. Harrison and Bryant sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 175;  Primary, 310. 

Rooms, 12.   Teachers, 14.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Crocker and Mission and Hearst centers).   Cooking (at Mission center).


Principal, Mrs. N. Annette Wood.


Wood, Mrs. N. A.  (1866)  Principal

Harris, Miss R. S.  (1905)  Eighth

McCullough, Miss M. J.   (1907)  Seventh

Staples, Mrs. A. L.  (1890)  Sixth

Miller, Miss E. F.  (1908)  Fifth

Cowan, Mrs. M. A.  (1910)  Fifth

Mahoney, Miss N.  (1911)  Fourth

La Berge, Miss F.  (1911)  Third

Edwards, Miss E. G.  (1910) Third

Nesfield, Miss E. M.  (1902)  Second

Parker, Miss A. A.  (1909)  Second

Roper, Miss B.  (1869)  First

Dunn, Miss C. E.  (1884)  First

Kellogg, Miss A. E.  (1909)  First


Janitress,  Mrs. Jennie Mullane, 31 Brady st.






Location (frame building):   McAllister st. north side, bet. Broderick and Baker sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 256;  Primary, 421. 

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 17.  

Manual Training  (at Crocker center).   Cooking (at Crocker center).


Principal, Rose Goldsmith.

Vice- Principal,  Mrs. Ivy D. Ostrom.


Goldsmith, Miss R.  (1873)  Principal

Ostrom, Mrs. I. D.  (1898)  Eighth

Grant, Mrs. K. D.  (1897)  Seventh

Macks, Miss J. A.  (1910)  Sixth

Fairweather, Miss E.  (1896)  Sixth & Seventh

Ramage, Miss E. T.  (1904)  Fifth

Wiley, Miss M. (1911)  Fifth

Lewis, Miss R. F.  (1898)  Fourth

Shorb, Mrs. M. E.  (1901)  Fourth

McGough,  R. M.  (1884)  Third

Barrett, Miss C.  (1910)  Third

Moran,  Miss D. F.  (1898)  Third

Luis,  Mrs. R.  (1880)  Second

MacNichol,  Mrs. J. E.  (1897)  Second

Rosenfeld, Miss F.  (1888)  First

Mount, Miss S. F.  (1889)  First

Hanley, Nora B.  (1890)  Ungraded


Janitor, Stephen Gunn, 2066 Golden Gate av.





Location (permanent building):   Kearny and Filbert sts., north west corner.

Enrollment:  Primary, 900. 

Rooms, 19.   Teachers, 20.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.  


Principal, Mary A. Scherer.


Scherer, Miss M. A.  (1879)  Principal

Busch, Miss E. E.  (1907)  Fourth

Le Fevre, Miss S.  (1911)  Fourth

Agnew, Miss E.  (1906)  Fourth

Hucks, Miss A. E.  (1864)  Third

Kelly, Miss J. G.  (1911)  Third

Grover, Mrs. E.  (1907)  Third

Maland, Mrs.  E.  (1910)  Second

Barkley, Miss A.  (1909)  Second

Von der Leith, Miss O.  (1910)  Second

Hanlon, Miss C. (1908)  Second

Lytton, Mrs. I.  (1898)  First

Lynch, Miss F. C.  (1905)  First

Wehrli, Miss E.  (1905) First

Moser, Miss M. E. (1905) First

Hess, Miss T.  (1905)  First

Carroll, Miss L. A.  (1896)  First

Haussler, Miss M. (1885)  First

Soule, Miss M.  (1896)  Ungraded


Janitor, A. L. Post, 537 Montgomery av.

Janitress, Mrs. Julia Stormer, 437 Tenth av.






Location (permanent building):   Seventh av. east side, bet California and Clement sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 19;  Primary, 201. 

Rooms, 8.   Teachers, 8.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.  


Principal, Anna Dwyer.


Dwyer, Miss A. M.  (1879)  Principal

Maguire, Mrs. M. E. (1880)  Fifth & Fourth

Cavanagh, Miss M. E.  (1908)  Fourth

Harris, Miss E. L.  (1908)  Third

Duffy, Miss A. A.  (1884)  Third

Lipman, Miss N. E.  (1897)  Second

Watson, Mrs. M. G. (1898)  Second & First

Ephraim, Miss A. (1882)  First


Janitor, John Brennan, 1633 Ninth av.

Janitress, Mrs. N. Bole, 140 Sixth av.






Location (permanent building):   Brompton av. and Bosworth st., southwest corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 240;  Primary, 349. 

Rooms, 13.   Teachers, 14.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Monroe and Fairmount centers).   Cooking Laboratory.


Principal, Janet Wade.

Vice- Principal, Julia A. Doran.


Wade, Miss Janet  (1878)  Principal

Doran, Julia A.  (1869)  Eighth

McCarty, Miss A.  (1907)  Seventh

Glennon, Miss I. T.  (1873)  Sixth

McNeil, Miss F. A. (1900)  Fifth & Fourth

Ganter, Miss C. (1909)  Fourth

Crowley, Miss M. E. (1878)  Third

McDermott, Miss L.  (1904)  Third

Crowley, Miss A. T.  (1897)  Second

Evans-Smith, Mrs. V. E.  (1877)  Second

McGuire, Miss M.  (1882)  Second

Barron, Miss C. M.  (1888)  First

Phelps, Mrs. J. H.  (1877)  First

Gray, Mrs. O. P.  (1910)  Fifth


Janitor, Mrs. Ellen O’Connor, 22 Joost av.

Janitress, Mrs. E. J. Moriarty, 813 Chenery st.






Location (permanent building):   Golden Gate av. north side, bet. Scott and Pierce sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 71;  Primary, 329.

Oral School for Deaf.  Kindergarten (conducted by G. G. Kindergarten association). 

Rooms, 12.   Teachers, 11.  

Assembly Hall.  


Principal, Pauline Hart.


Hart, Miss P.  (1870)  Principal

Holden, Mrs. J. B.  (1901)  Oral-Deaf

Holden, A. N.  (1902) Oral-Deaf

Wiseman, Miss M. L.  (1876)  Fifth

Houston, Miss M. A.  (1877)  Fourth

Bonnelli, Mrs. E. M.  (1877)  Fourth & Third

Ryan, Miss E. T.  (1875)  Third

Kaplan, Miss M. E.  (1884)  Second

Cashin, Miss M. G. (1886)  Second

Hare, Mrs. K. M.  (1873)  First

Johnson, Miss A. M.  (1879)  First


Janitress, Mrs. M. E. Dohoney, 1854 Ellis st.






Location (frame building):   Pacific av. north side, bet. Broderick and Baker sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 201;  Primary, 175. 

Rooms, 9.   Teachers, 10.  

Manual Training  (at Pacific Heights centers).   Cooking (at Pacific Heights centers).


Principal, Ida E. Shaw.


Shaw, Miss I. E.  (1882)  Principal

Kincaid, Miss B. C.  (1896)  Eighth

Ryder, Miss V.  (1905)  Seventh

Wagner, Miss J. A.  (1908)  Sixth

Cookson, Miss A. B.  (1898)  Fifth

Body, Miss C.  (1909)  Fourth & Fifth

Rhine, Miss E.  (1903)  Third & Fourth

Davidson, Miss E. R.  (1898)  Third

Aune, Miss T.  (1905)  Second

Gies, Miss H.  (1911)  First


Janitress, Mrs. J. W. McAdams, 1238 Twelfth av.






Location (permanent building):   Shrader and Grattan sts, south-east corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 33;  Primary, 275. 

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 9.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.  


Principal, Mrs. Elisabeth Butler.


Butler, Mrs. E. (1882)  Principal

Sprague, Miss A. F.  (1867) Fifth

Frontin, Miss E. A.  (1877)  Fourth

Maccord, Miss L.  (1878)  Third

Owens, Miss M. A.  (1898)  Third

Drake, Mrs. A. K.  (1903)  Second

Diggs, Miss A. B.  (1903)  Second

Simon, Miss M.  (1875)  First

Shepheard, Miss K.  (1873)  First



Janitor, Harry Woods, 620 Linden av.

Janitress, Mrs. Nora Dawson, 1208-A Cole st.






Location (frame building):   Mission st. west side, bet. 25th and 26th sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 68;  Primary, 532. 

Rooms, 14.   Teachers, 15.  


Principal, Mary A. Haswell.


Haswell, Miss M. A.  (1867)  Principal

Wieland, Miss S. M.  (1906)  Fifth

Sweeney, Miss C. L.  (1876)  Fifth

Gilmore, Miss E. M.  (1897)  Fourth

Donovan, Miss E.  (1868)  Fourth

Neppert, Miss F. E.  (1904)  Third

Grace, Miss J. G.  (1907)  Third

Flanagan, Miss G. M.  (1908)  Third

Enewold, Miss A. T.  (1908)  Second

Gallagher, Miss R. C.  (1889)  Second

Davidson, Mrs. T.  (1880)  Second

McDevitt, Miss J.  (1903)  First

Miller, Miss S. E.  (1866)  First

Forsyth,  Miss L. M.  (1902)  First

O’Connor, Miss J.  (1905)  First


Janitress, Mrs. M. Lavelle, 2911 Mission st.






Location (frame building):   Geary st. south side, bet. Pierce and Scott sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 641;  Departmental system in 7th and 8th grades.

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 17.  

Manual Training  (at Roosevelt and Crocker centers).   Cooking Laboratory.


Principal, Adelbert E. Kellogg.

Vice- Principal, Ella J. Morton.


Kellogg, A. E.  (1886)  Principal

Morton, Miss E. J.  (1875)  Geography

Hauselt, Miss E. E.  (1902)  Geography

Brown, Isabelle R.  (1885)  History

Shaw, Mrs. L. A.  (1895)  History

Strauss, Miss I. R.  (1873)  Arithmetic

Whitley, Miss A.  (1901)  Arithmetic

Page, Miss K. H.  (1886)  English

French, Miss I. B.  (1889)  English

Allen, Miss S. H.  (1901)  Sixth

Martin, Miss I. C.  (1901)  Sixth

Redmond, Miss M. T.  (1905)  Sixth

Manley, Miss I. M.  (1903)  Fifth

Brittan, Miss A. C.  (1901)  Fifth

Moldrup, Miss E.  (1910)  Fifth

Silverberg, Miss A.  (1903)  Upgraded

Shepard, Miss V.  (1911)  Typewriting


Janitress, Mrs. Ellen N. Creighton, 2775 21st st.

Janitress, Mrs. Jennie Hanley, 1499 Scott st.






Location (permanent building):   Filbert st. north side, bet. Jones and Taylor sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 283;  Primary, 215. 

Rooms, 18.   Teachers, 16.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  Laboratory .  Cooking (at Jean Parker center).


Principal,  Nellie G. Gallagher.

Vice- Principal, Mrs. Mary G. Martini.


Gallagher, Miss N. G.  (1896)  Principal

Cereghino, Miss J.  (1910)  Italian

Martini, Mrs. M. G.  (1889)  Eighth

Scanlan, Miss R.  (1905)  Eighth

Pfeiffer, Miss L. M.  (1905) Seventh

Furbush, Miss M. W.  (1907) Sixth

Liebold, Mrs. E.  (1911)  Sixth

Smith, Miss M.  (1911)  Fifth

Burke, Miss M. C.  (1905)  Fifth

Barry, Miss M. D.  (1910)  Fifth

O’Neil, Miss Agnes  (1905)  Fourth

McWilliams, Miss B.  (1908)  Fourth

O’Connor, Miss E.  (1908)  Fourth

Eichen, Miss R. M.  (1911)  Third

Kurtz, Miss A.  (1911)  Third

Deane, Mrs. N. E.  (1907)  Ungraded


Janitor, Louis Costello, 732 Union st.

Janitress, Mrs. J. Heine, 2037 Taylor st.






Location (frame building):   Railroad and Jamestown avs., south east corner.

Enrollment:  Primary, 145. 

Rooms, 6.   Teachers, 4.  


Principal, Mary R. Moran.


Pencovic, Mrs. M. H.  (1902)  Third & Fourth

Moran, Miss M. R.  (1890)  Second & Third

Dolan, Miss M. J.  (1888)  First & Second

Griffin, Mrs. E.  (1911)  Substitute


Janitress, Miss Belle Kavanaugh, 7748 Railroad av.






Location (frame building):   Shotwell st east side, bet. 22d and 23d sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 49;  Primary, 401. 

Rooms, 10.   Teachers, 11.  


Principal, Mrs. Sarah J. Mann.


Mann, Mrs. S. J.  (1874)  Principal

Willett, Mrs. M. A.  (1892)  Fifth

Barrett, Miss A. L.  (1905)  Fourth

Wilbur, Mrs. A. R.  (1892)  Fourth

Lapham, Miss E. M.  (1904)  Third

Curran, Mrs. N. W.  (1888)  Third

Miller, Miss M. A.  (1910)  Second

Simon, Miss L. F.  (1897)  Second

Leary, Miss E. G.  (1911)  First

Barrett, Miss N. L.  (1898)  First

Love, Miss M. L.  (1897)  First


Janitress, Mrs. S. Allen, 2771 Folsom st.






Location (permanent building):   Filbert Hermann and Fillmore sts., south west corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 374;  Primary, 319. 

Rooms, 19.   Teachers, 20.  

Manual Training  (at Mission and Moulder centers).  Cooking Laboratory.


Principal,  Nelly F. Sullivan.

Vice-Principal, Fannie M. Franklin.


Sullivan, Miss N. F.  (1876)  Principal

Franklin, Miss F. M.  (1880)  Eighth

Eisenschimel,  Mrs. R.  (1885)  Eighth

Bray, Miss L. F.  (1885)  Seventh

Thompson, Miss A. W.  (1897)  Seventh

Finnegan, Miss C. L.  (1884)  Sixth

Torpey, Miss M. C. (1897)  Sixth

Humphrey,  Miss K. A.  (1896)  Fifth

Van Den Bergh, Miss F. (1880)  Fifth

McKeon, Miss R.  (1898)  Fifth

Lahey, Miss M. T. (1905)  Fourth

Martin, Miss A.  (1878)  Fourth

Peake, Mrs. B. M.  (1883)  Third

O’Neil, Mrs. N. O.  (1892)  Third

Haynes, Miss R. H.  (1905)  Second

Crowley, Miss E. A.  (1877)  First

Cole, Miss L. C.  (1882)  First

Haynes, Miss F. S.  (1896)  First

Grace, Miss H. M.  (1896)  Ungraded


Janitor, Harry Ferbeck, 342 Clinton Park.






Location (frame building):   Turk st. south side, bet. Webster and Buchanan sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 36;  Primary, 438. 

Rooms, 12.   Teachers, 13.  


Principal, Mrs. May T. Camblien.


Camblien, Mrs. M. F.  (1877)  Principal

Thompson, Miss R. A.  (1877)  Fifth

Greenhood, Miss F.  (1886)  Fourth

Adams, Miss L. F.  (1877)  Fourth

Ambrose, Miss J. R.  (1895)  Third

Smith, Mrs. A. H.  (1908)  Third

Haas, Miss Susie  (1890)  Third

Power, Mrs. E.  (1908)  Second

Haas, Miss C.  (1891) Second

Hill, Mrs. M. E.  (1885)  First

Loud, Mrs. E. S.  (1879)  First

Boukefsky, Miss R.  (1886)  First

Thompson, Miss S. R.  (1875)  First


Janitress, Miss E. McQuaid, 1061 Laguna st.







Location (frame building):   Valencia st. east side, bet. 22d and 23d sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 919.  Departmental system in 7th and 8th grades.

Rooms, 22.   Teachers, 20.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  Laboratory.   Cooking Laboratory.


Principal, Richard D. Faulkner.

Vice- Principal, Nellie O’Loughlin.


Faulkner, Richard D.  (1888)  Principal

Neppert, Miss J. M.  (1895)  History

Dowd, Mary E.  (1888)  History

Elliott, Mary  (1879)  Arithmetic

Casey, Miss M. E.  (1875)  Arithmetic

O’Loughlin, Miss N.  (1872)  Arithmetic

Hatch, Mrs. L. R.  (1881) Geography

Peckham, Miss L.  (1901)  Geography

Toland, Miss M.  (1906)  Geography

Ferguson, Miss M. E.  (1911)  English

Clary, Agnes E.  (1906)  English

Keith, Miss E. D.  (1891)  English

Stein, Miss L.  (1911)  Sixth

Clendenin, Miss M. G.  (1911)  Sixth

Cooney, Miss K.  (1910)  Sixth

Grant, Miss M. C.  (1910)  Sixth

McNicoll, Miss B.  (1872)  Sixth

O’Brien, Miss Kate  (1878)  Fifth

Carson, Miss E.  (1884)  Ungraded




Janitor, David Herring, 172 Julian av..

Janitor, John McGowan, 214 Putnam st






Location (temporary building):   Inness av. south side, bet. Hawes and Griffiths sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 27;  Primary, 10. 

Rooms, 2.   Teachers, 1.  


Teacher in charge,  A. J. Itsell.

Itsell, A. J.  (1871)  Ungraded.


Janitress, Mrs. G. Koch, 207 Galvez av.






Location (frame building):   Tennessee st. west side, north of 22d st.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 258.  Primary, 354. 

Rooms, 17.   Teachers, 16.  

Manual Training  (at Bay View center).   Cooking Laboratory.


Principal, Anna T. Croughwell.

Vice- Principal, Mary L. Downey.


Croughwell, Miss A. T.  (1891)  Principal

Downey, Miss M. L.  (1886)  Eighth

Mooney, Miss M. F. (1898)  Sixth

Davis, Miss K. M.  (1907)  Fifth & Sixth

Bryan, Miss E. M.  (1906)  Fifth

White, Miss M. J.  (1904)  Fourth & Fifth

Wright, Miss M. A.  (1898)  Fourth

Gaffney, Miss A. M.  ((1904)  Third

Kincaid, Miss M.  (1905)  Second

Marsh, Miss A. L.  (1903)  Second

Edwards, Miss F. M.  (1892)  First

Stack, Miss C. M.  (1887)  First

Huntley, Miss A. M.  (1873)  First

Perlet, Mrs. M.  (1896)  Third

McManus, Mrs. A. F.  (1897)  Ungraded


Janitress, Mrs. Emma A. Rollins, 1421 San Bruno av.

Janitress, Mrs. M. E. Clarke, 1010 Tennessee st.






Location (temporary building):   Oak st. south side, bet. Shrader and Stanyan sts.  (Site is leased.)

Permanent building being planned at Hayes st. north side, bet Cole and Clayton sts.

Enrollment:  Primary, 175. 

Rooms, 6.   Teachers, 5.  


Principal, Alice Chalmers.


Ragan, Miss M. L.  (1897)  Fourth

Cooney, Mrs. M. C.  (1904)  Third

Chalmer, Miss A.  (1902)  Second

Hinds, Miss A.  (1880)  First

Gray, Miss F. H.  (1907)  First


Janitress, Mrs. M. Dolan, 1435 Hayes st.






Location (frame building):   25th and Noe sts. southwest corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 533.  Primary, 42.

Rooms, 12.   Teachers, 13.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  Laboratory.   Cooking Laboratory.


Principal, Elizabeth M. Graham.

Vice- Principal, Frances R. Lewis.


Graham, Miss E. M.  (1879)  Principal

Lewis, Miss F. R.  (1879)  Eighth

Kinney, Miss L. M.  (1886)  Eighth

Torpey, Miss M. M. (1892)  Seventh

Kilpatrick, Miss G. S.  (1904) Seventh

Johnson, Miss E. M.  (1905)  Sixth

Manning, Miss C. V.  (1905) Sixth

Wolff, Miss M.  (1893)  Sixth

Langstadter, Miss P.  (1872)  Fifth

Strahle, Miss H. B.  (1911)  Fifth

Lewis, Miss H. C.  (1911)  Fifth

Kennedy, Mrs. J.  (1895)  Fifth

Hogan, Miss H. M.  (1901)  Ungraded


Janitress, Mrs. Johanna Foley, 4138 25th st.






Location (permanent building):   Broadway north side, bet. Powell and Mason sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 253;  Primary, 423.  (Schools for girls.)

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 17.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Cooking Laboratory.


Principal,  Mrs. Celina R. Pechin.

Vice- Principal, Nellie C. Haswell.


Pechin, Mrs. C. R.  (1871)  Principal

Haswell, Miss N. C.  (1874)  Eighth

McCorkell, Miss L.  (1880)  Seventh

Casey, Miss May  (1884)  Sixth

Woodland, Miss E.  (1902)  Sixth

Anderson, Miss J.  (1892)  Fifth

Glazer, Miss M. C.  (1910)  Fifth

McBoyle, Miss A. B.  (1892)  Fourth

d’ Erlach, Miss M. E.  (1903)  Third

Coons, Mrs. S.  (1888)  Third

Carroll, Miss Agnes  (1905)  Third

Thompson, Miss R. V.  (1908)  Second

Dworzazek, Miss B. E.  (1882)  Second

Hopkins, Miss J. M.  (1903)  First

Wettig, Miss Anna  (1882)  First

Heath, Miss R. E. L.  (1885)  First

Beardsley, Miss E. F.  (1879)  Upgraded



Janitor, Thos. H. Woods, 1335 Twenty-third av.

Janitress, Mrs Sarah Kennedy, 808 Broadway.






Location (frame building):   Nineteenth av. east side, bet. Irving and Judah sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 27.  Primary, 99.

Rooms, 4.   Teachers, 4.  

Stereopticon equipment.  


Principal, Bertha E. Roberts.


Roberts, Miss B. E.  (1902)  Third & Fourth

Carmichael, Miss B.  (1910)  Second & Third

Brown, Miss M. L.  (1908)  First


Janitress, Mrs. A. Baker, 1280 Nineteenth av.






Location (temporary building):   McAllister st. north side, bet. Franklin and Gough sts.

Permanent building being erected at Golden Gate av. south side bet. Franklin and Gough sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 284.  Primary, 306. 

Rooms, 14.   Teachers, 15.  

Manual Training  (at Moulder center).   Cooking (at Mission and Hearst centers).


Principal, Mrs. Mary M. FitzGerald.

Vice- Principal, Alice H. Lalande.


FitzGerald, Mrs. M. M.  (1879)  Principal

Walsh, Miss M. U.  (1895)  Eighth

Lalande, Miss A. H.  (1879)  Eighth

McCarthy, Mrs. E. B.  (1896)  Seventh

Carroll, Miss G.  (1897)  Sixth & Seventh

Williams, Mrs. M. C.  (1877)  Sixth

Duggin, Mrs. M. E.  (1904)  Fifth

Horgan, Miss K. (1905)  Fourth & Fifth

Madden, Miss E. L.  (1898)  Fourth

Schwerin, Mrs. L. B.  (1886)  Third

Corbett, Miss L. J.  (1911)  Second & Third

Erkson, Mrs. J. H.  (1897)  Second

Doud, Mrs. E. M.  (1887)  First

Alderson, Mrs. A. E.  (1888)  First

Mandeville, Miss K.  (1885)  Ungraded


Janitor, Abraham Kaskell, 308 Anza st.






Location (permanent building):   Highland av. and Holly Park Circle, southwest corner.

Enrollment:  Primary, 757. 

Rooms, 17.   Teachers, 18.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.  


Principal,  Nora M. Sullivan.


Sullivan, Miss N. M.  (1878)  Principal

McInerney, Miss L. E.  (1909) Fourth

Hill, Miss L.  (1911)  Third

Kendrick, Miss M. E.  (1908)  Third

Douglass, Miss M. L.  (1905)  Third

McConnell, Miss A. C.  (1910) Third

Wooll, Miss H. L.  (1867) Second

Foley, Miss E. M.  (1896)  Second

O’Connell, Miss M. F. (1906)  Second

Frank, Miss J. E.  (1896)  Second

McCarthy, Miss M. A.  (1911)  Second

Cohen, Miss G. J. (1895)  First

Laven, Mrs. S. F.  (1879) First

O’Reilly, Miss J. F. (1897)  First

Dworzazek, Miss P. A.  (1897)  First

Adams, Miss C. A.  (1871)  First

Wilson, Miss M.  (1904)  First


Janitor, G. Staff, 335-A Richland av.

Janitress, Mrs. Ella Murphy, 175 Highland av.






Location (permanent building):   Noe st. west side, bet. Day and 30th sts.

Enrollment:  Primary, 462. 

Rooms, 15.   Teachers, 12.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.  


Principal,  Frances L. Quinlan.


Quinlan,  Mrs. F. L.  (1884)  Principal

O’Connell, Miss A.  (1905)  Fourth

Young, Miss M.  (1905)  Fourth

Cashman, Miss M.  (1911)  Third

Mayers, Miss B.  (1886)  Third

Orr, Miss A. C.  (1909)  Second & Third

O’Connell, Miss Mary C.  (1902)  Third

O’Connor, Miss E.  (1908)  Second

Bronson, Mrs. F. P. (1884)  First

Cook, Miss E. A.  (1903)  First

Hansell, Mrs. M.  (1897)  First

d’Or, Miss M.  (1901)  First


Janitor, Emil Linstrum, 538 30th st.

Janitress, Mrs. Margaret McHugh, 4043 Army st.






Location (frame building):   Thirty-seventh av. east side, bet Geary and Anza sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 29.  Primary, 122.

Rooms, 5.   Teachers, 5.  

Manual Training  (at Sutro and Roosevelt centers).   Cooking (at Sutro center).


Principal, Mary McLeran.


McLeran, Miss M.  (1901)  Principal

Lissak, Miss M.  (1909)  Kindergarten

Bigelow, Mrs. S. H.  (1876)  Second & Third

Sullivan, Miss H.  (1905) First

Livingston, Miss N.  (1910)  6th, 7th & 8th


Janitress, Mrs. D. F. Hemenez, 545 Thirty-ninth av.






Location (permanent building):   Seventh av. east side, bet. Irving and Judah sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 295.  Primary, 410. 

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 15.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  Laboratory.   Cooking Laboratory.



Principal,  Mrs. Mary L. O’Neal.

Vice- Principal, M. Louise Donnelly.


O’Neal, Mrs. M. L.  (1874)  Principal

Donnelly, Miss M. L.  (1875)  Eighth

Sechrist, Mrs. A. M.  (1886)  Seventh & Eighth

Carson, Mrs. N. E.  (1898)  Seventh

McKown, Mrs. M. E.  (1869)  Sixth

Lynch, Miss E.  (1905)  Fifth

Holmes, Miss E. T.  (1898)  Fifth

Bertagna, Miss L. C.  (1910)  Fourth

Coonan, Miss M.  (1905)  Fourth

Stack, Miss K.  (1905)  Third

Leeds, Miss B. E. (1905)  Third

Hofinghoff, Miss H. L.  (1905)  Second & Third

Croughwell, M. V.  (1904)  Second

McDonald, Miss A. M.  (1901)  First

Lewis, Miss J.  (1878)  First


Janitor, D. A. Nolan, 1373 Seventh av.

Janitress, Mrs. M. R. Kavanagh, 1258 Twelfth av.






Le Conte School building of 10 rooms being planned for Norwich st. south side, bet. Harrison and Alabama sts.






Location (temporary building):   Harrison st. south side, bet. 3d and 4th sts. (Site is leased property.)

Permanent building being erected at Harrison st. north side, bet. 4th and 5th sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 117.  Primary, 178. 

Rooms, 8.   Teachers, 9.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Mission center).   Cooking (at Hearst and Mission centers).


Principal, William W. Stone.


Stone, W. W. (1873)  Principal

Backman, Mrs. F. L.  (1883)  Seventh & Eighth

Dower, Miss J. E.  (1906)  Sixth & Seventh

Donnelly, M. P.  (1910) Fifth

Redmond, Miss J.  (1907)  Fourth

Barry, Miss M. C.  (1872)  Third

Drewry, Misss M. (1910)  Second

Macdonald,  Mrs. B. L.  (1884) First

Lynch, Miss A. E.  (1876)  First


Janitress, Mrs. S. McShea, 21 Zoe st.






Location (permanent building):   Lowell and Morse sts., southwest corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 96.  Primary, 217. 

Rooms, 18.   Teachers, 9.  

Assembly Hall.   Manual Training  (at Monroe center).   Cooking (at Monroe center).



Principal,  Ella L. McCarthy.


McCarthy, Miss E. L.  (1884)  Principal

Greenwood, Velma  (1911)  Seventh

Hackley, Miss N. P.  (1911)  Sixth & Third

Meaney, Miss M. E.  (1893)  Fifth

Young, Mrs. M. A.  (1910) Fourth

Willcox, Miss M. A.  (1909)  Third

Dwyer, Miss A. C.  (1905)  Second

Dwyer, Miss Nora  (1891)  First

O’Connor, Miss A. M.  (1898)  First


Janitor, J. F. Cook, 876 Brunswick st.






Location (permanent building):   14th and Castro sts., southwest corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 96.  Primary, 217. 

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 11.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Cooking (at Mission center).



Principal, Cora Gallagher.


Gallagher, Miss C.  (1878)  Principal

Henderson, Miss M. J.  (1872)  Seventh

Smith, Miss M. A.  (1887)  Sixth

Kresteller, Miss S. M.  (1906)  Fourth & Fifth

Moynihan, Miss N.  (1877)  Fifth

Casey, Miss M.  (1888)  Fourth

Dearin, Miss A. E.  (1907)  Third

McKinney, Miss M. C.  (1888)  Third

Gurry, Miss M. E.  (1888) Second

Kean, Miss K. E.  (1885)  First

Sarles, Mrs. Julia  (1881)  First


Janitor, Robt. T. A. Langan, 2211 15th st.

Janitress, Mrs. May McCullough, 1121 Treat av.






Location (permanent building):   Clay st south side, bet. Arguello blvd. and Cherry st.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 189.  Primary, 217. 

Rooms, 12.   Teachers, 11.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Roosevelt and Sutro centers).   Cooking (at Roosevelt and Sutro centers).



Principal,  Elizabeth F. Bartlett.


Bartlett, Miss E. F.  (1885)  Principal

Howard, Miss E. G.  (1892)  Arithmetic

Plageman, Miss D. E.  (1905)  History

Tobriner, Miss E.  (1908)  Grammar

Herlihy, Mrs. L.  (1905)  Geography

FitzGerald, Miss M. F.  (1899)  Fifth

Emmons, Miss I. C.  (1876)  Fourth

Rowland, Mrs. A. E.  (1898)  Third

Cobb, Miss E. S.  (1901) Second

Breese, Miss A. A.  (1897)  First

Bannan, Miss M. F.  (1873)  First


Janitor, Philip F. Power, 539 Seventh av.






Location (temporary building):   Julian av. east side, bet. 15th and 16th sts. (Leased lot.)

Annex located at 19th and Angelica sts., southeast corner.

Permanent building being under consideration.

Enrollment:  Primary, 588.  (includes Annex).

Rooms, 13.   Teachers, 14.  


Principal, Mrs. Margaret H. Walker.


Walker, Mrs. M. J.  (1869)  Principal

Harrigan, Miss J.  (1884)  Fourth

Lundt, Miss J. C.  (1875)  Fourth

Flanagan, Miss M. C.  (1908)  Third

Poppe, Miss M. H.  (1886)  Third

Belding, Mrs. M. L.  (1876) Second

Reid, Miss M. F.  (1910)  Second

Elliott, Miss E. F.  (1885)  First

Smith, Miss M. J.  (1895)  First

Herndon, Miss A. C.  (1878)  First

Kerns, Miss M.  (1904)  First

Bryan, Miss J. (See Annex)

Robinson, Mrs. L. A.  (See Annex)

O’Connor, Miss C.  J.  (See Annex)

Gray, Mrs. H. W.  (See Annex)


Janitress, Mrs. Esther Kelly, 3463 Mission st.






Location (temporary building):   19TH AND Angelica sts., southeast corner.

Annex located at 19th and Angelica sts., southeast corner.

Permanent building being under consideration.

Enrollment:  Primary, 180. 

Rooms, 5.   Teachers, 4.  


Teacher in charge, Cicely J. O’Connor.


Bryan, Miss J.  (1191) Fourth

Gray, Mrs. H. W.  (1892)  Third

Robinson, Mrs. L. A.  (1908)  Third

O’Connor Miss J. C.  (1904)  First


Janitress, Mrs.Catherine Heslin, 924 Minnesota st.






Location (permanent building):   Mission st. west side, bet. 15th and 16th sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 457. 

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 12.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  Laboratory .  Cooking Laboratory.


Principal,  Kate H. Crowley

Vice- Principal, Jeanette Hillman.


Crowley, Miss K. H.  (1880)  Principal

Hillman, Miss J. C.  (1879)  Eighth

Doyle, Miss M. E.  (1889)  Eighth

Fitzsimmons, Miss R. A.  (1888)  Seventh

Noon, Miss M. A.  (1901)  Seventh

Noon, Miss M. G.  (1883)  Seventh

Horn, Miss L. J.  (1872)  Sixth

O’Brien, Miss M. A.  (1897)  Sixth

Doyle, Miss J. (1898)  Sixth

Cashman, Miss R. S.  (1902)  Sixth

Sykes, Mrs. M. A.  (1897)  Fifth

Harvey, Miss E. F.  (1890)  Fifth


Janitor, Charles Whiting, 1325 Guerrero st.

Janitress, Mrs. A. Belden, 317-A Guerrero st.






Location (permanent building):   Excelsior av. and London st., northeast corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 383.   Primary, 545. 

Rooms, 14.   Portable rooms, 7.  Teachers, 23.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  Laboratory .  Cooking Laboratory.


Principal,  Annie M. Hagarty.

Vice- Principal, Annie W. Harrower.


Hagarty, Miss A. M.  (1883)  Principal

Harrower, Miss A. W.  (1901)  Eighth

McLay, Miss M. R.  (1891)  Eighth

Curtin, Miss Ella J.  (1905)  Seventh

Beardsley, Miss L. J.  (1904)  Seventh

Devine, Miss C. N.  (1910)  Sixth

Hussey, Miss N. E.  (1907)  Sixth

O’Flaherty, Miss M. E.  (1907)  Sixth

Enkle, Miss M. E.  (1872)  Fifth

Rahilly, Miss E. T.  (1907)  Fifth

Murphy, Miss J. A.  (1911)  Fifth

Ellis, Miss L.  (1889)  Fourth

Maher, Miss J. G.  (1884)  Third

Meloche, Miss G. E.  (1910)  Third

Colgan, Mrs. K.  (1884)  Second

Hussey, Miss N. E.  (1896)  Second

Purvine, Miss E. M.  (1908)  First

Fleming, Miss J.  (1890)  First

O’Brien, Miss A. T.  (1881)  First

Ryan, Miss M. T. (1908)  First

Morgan, Miss L. V.  (1896)  First

Langdon, Miss M. M.  (1904)  Ungraded



Janitor, Wm. Buttle, 122 Alpine st.

Janitress, Mrs. O. Savage, 104 Excelsior av.






Location (frame building):   Page and Gough sts., northwest corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 43.  Primary, 195.

Rooms, 10.   Teachers, 7.  

Manual Training  Laboratory.


Principal, Anna M. O’Connell.


O’Connell, A. M.  (1884)  Principal

Cadwalader, Miss E.  (1895)  Fourth

McGinniss, Miss G.  (1907)  Third

Miel, Mrs. S. M.  (1900)  Second

Deal, Miss V. V.  (1892)  First

Hackett, Mrs.  E. S.  (1873) First


Janitress, Mrs. Josephine Jones, 736 Shrader st.






Location (permanent building):   24TH AND Douglass sts., northwest corner.

Enrollment:  Primary, 718. 

Kindergarten (conducted by G. G. Kindergarten association).

Rooms, 15.   Teachers, 17.  


Principal,  Mrs. Edith H. Lyon.


Lyon,  Mrs. E. H.  (1882)  Principal

Schnedel, Miss M. A.  (1901)  Fourth

Gaffney, Miss S. A.  (1903)  Fourth

Conroy, Miss M. A.  (1898)  Fourth

Waterbury, Mrs. A. M.  (1888)  Fourth

Mulgrew, Miss A. M.  (1911)  Third

Martin, Elizabeth R.  (1905)  Third

Nolan, Miss M. L.  (1904)  Third

Harrison, Miss E. D.  (1903)  Second

MacDonald, Miss L. M.  (1907)  Second

Merell, Miss G. S.  (1907) Second

Gray, Mrs. J. E. (1890)  Second

Hall, Mrs. M. V.  (1887)  First

McLane, Miss H. E.  (1892)  First

Egan, Mrs. K. F. (1897)  First

Gercke, Mrs. L.  (1903)  First


Janitor, John Kelley, 173 Andover av.

Janitress, Mrs. M. Skinner, 864 Greewich st.






Location :  In Golden Gate school building on Golden Gate av. north side, bet. Scott and Pierce sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 14.  Primary, 10.


Teacher in charge, Mrs. Jennie B. Holden.  (See Golden Gate School.)






Location (temporary building):    Clay st. south side, bet. Powell and Stockton sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 87.  Primary, 292. 

Rooms, 10.   Teachers, 10.  


Principal,  Mrs. Cecilia C. Newhall.


Newhall, Mrs. C. C.  (1870)  Principal

Barrett, Miss K. C.  (1907)  Seventh & Eighth

Cilker, Miss J. A.  (1904)  Seventh & Eighth

Brown, Miss H. H.  (1906)  Fourth & Fifth

Nixon, Miss V. E.  (1902)  Third

McInerney, Miss F. R.  (1904)  Second & Third

Greer, Jane E.  (1868)  Second

Griffith, Miss A. C.  (1898)  First

Arnold, Miss M. V.  (1891)  First


Janitress, Mrs. J. Naughton, 1515 Noe st.






Location (frame building):   Jackson st. north side; bet. Fillmore and Webster sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 406.  Primary, 316.

Rooms, 19.   Teachers, 20.  

Manual Training  Laboratory.  Cooking Laboratory.


Principal, Alice M. Stincen.

Vice- Principal, Augusta C. Robertson.


Stincen, Miss A. M.  (1868)  Principal

Ram, Dr. H.  (1911)  German

Robertson, Miss A. C.  (1867)  Eighth

Bliven, Miss F. M.  (1880)  Eighth

Earle, Miss C. B. (1872)  Eighth

Boggs, Miss S.  (1903)  Seventh

Dreyfus, Miss R. E.  (1905)  Sixth

Church, Miss E. F.  (1883)  Sixth

Timmins, Miss A. C.  (1888)  Sixth

Cook, Miss F. G.  (1904)  Fifth

Griffith, Miss K. A.  (1905)  Fifth

Belvel, Miss M. J.  (1911)  Fifth

Spadoni, Miss F. C.  (1905) Fourth

Burnham, Miss C.  (1885)  Fourth

Stincen, Miss E. E.  (1907)  Third

Wollner, Miss M.  (1902)  Second

Donahue, Miss M. F.  (1904)  Second

Wentworth, Miss G. M.  (1878)  First

Dowling, Miss A. C.  (1897)  First

Bonnell, Miss G. D.  (1894)  First


Janitress, Mrs. Julia McDonald, 2028 Ellis st.

Janitress, Mrs. Kate McMahon, 1209 Green st.






Location (temporary building):    Taraval st. south side, bet. 30th and 31st avs. (Site is leased property.)

Enrollment:  Grammar, 2.  Primary, 21. 

Rooms, 1.   Teachers, 1.  


Principal,  Mrs. E. S. Code.


Code, Mrs. E. S.  (1871)  First to Fifth


Janitress, Mrs. M. Jileck, 2570 Thirtieth av.






Permanent building of 12 rooms planned, Vermont st. east side, bet 18th and 19th sts.






Location (frame building):   Corbett av. east side, near Ocean av.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 15.  Primary, 18.

Rooms, 2.   Teachers, 1.  


Teacher in charge, Daniel J. Delay.


Delay, D. J.  (1872)  First to Eighth


Janitress, Mrs. Mary Davis, 604 Randolph st.






Location (permanent building):   Bacon st. north side, bet. Berlin and Girard sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 177.   Primary, 531. 

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 17.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Bay View center).  Cooking (at Bay View center).


Principal,  Mrs. Ida E. Mills.


Mills, Mrs. I. E. (1877)  Principal

Lloyd, Miss E.  (1910)  Seventh & Eighth

Gillespie, Miss J. H.   (1888)  Sixth

King, Shirley A.  (1911)  Fifth

Tessmer, Miss E. H.  (1903)  Fourth

des Roches, Miss P.  (1911)  Fourth

Laverne, Miss C. J.  (1907)  Third

McGraw, Miss Mary  (1908)  Third

Ames, Miss I.  (1911)  Third

Bruce, Miss C. (1911)  Third

Gavigan, Miss M. K.  (1889)  Second

McDonald, Miss A. A. (1908)  Second

Ruff, Miss M.  (1905)  Second

Johnson, Miss A. E.  (1891)  First

Sullivan, Miss M.  (1905)  First

Blackman, Miss R. E.  (1907)  First


Janitor, William Reid, 48 Tioga av.

Janitress, Mrs. B. Holmes, 2488 San Bruno av.






Location (permanent building):   Pine st south side, bet. Larkin and Polk sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 130.   Primary, 310. 

Rooms, 12.   Teachers, 14.   Portables, 2.

Manual Training  (at Washington center).  Cooking (at Pacific Heights center).


Principal,  Mary A. Deane.


Deane, Miss M. A.  (1872)  Principal

Sullivan, Miss T.  (1903)  Eighth & Seventh

White, Mrs. E. B.  (1905)  Sixth

Jones, Miss M. M.  (1910)  Fifth

May, Miss H. M.  (1909)  Fourth

Holmes, Mrs. M. B.   (1911)  Fourth

Grillo, Mrs. C. M.  (1902)  Third

Erikson, Miss A. M.  (1909) Third

Sullivan, Miss E. G.  (1898)  Second

Martin, Miss F.  (1881)  First

Donahue, Mrs. L. E.  (1885)  First

Duffy, Miss Alma  (1902)  First

Webster, Miss S. A.  (1881)  First

Geary, Miss M. E.  (1903)  Upgraded


Janitress, Mrs. D. Curran, 318 Myrtle av.






Location (temporary building):    Silver st. north side, bet., 2d and 3d sts.

Enrollment:  Primary, 87. 

Rooms, 2.   Teachers, 2.  


Principal in charge, W. W. Stone of Lincoln School.


Coyle, Mrs. M. G.  (1892)  Second & Third

Barry, Miss A. P.  (1886)  First


Janitress, Mrs. Martha Hogan, 1531 Fulton st.






Location (frame building):   25th av. east side, bet. Lake and California sts.  Additional 4-room building on 24th av.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 196.  Primary, 301.

Rooms, 14.   Teachers, 13.  

Assembly Hall.   Manual Training  (at Sutro center).  Cooking (at Sutro center). 


Principal, Annie E. Gavigan.


Gavigan, Miss A. E.  (1875)  Principal

Simms, Miss E.  (1883)  Eighth

Oliver, Miss M. D.   (1905)  Seventh

Savage, Miss D. A.  (1904)  Sixth

Bell, Miss L. V.  (1910)  Fifth

McIntyre, Miss J. L.  (1905)  Fifth

Evans, Isabel  (1904)  Fourth

McGowan, Mrs. J. D.  (1886)  Third

McDonnell, Miss A. F.  (1897)  Third

Wilbur, Mrs. V.  (1897)  Second

Fairweather, Helen B.  (1882)  Second

Powers, Mrs. M. V.  (1885)  First

Hanlon, Miss L. R.  (1884)


Janitress, Mrs. Anna Stelljes, 80 Dehon st.






Location (frame building):   Arguello blvd. east side, north of Geary st.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 290.  Primary, 336.

Rooms, 17.   Teachers, 18.  

Manual Training  Laboratory . Cooking Laboratory.


Principal,  Albert Lyser.

Vice-Principal, Rebecca M. Boukofsky.


Lyser, Albert  (1888)  Principal

Cohen, Miss D.  (1908)  German

Levy, Miss M. A.  (1898)  Eighth

Boukofsky, Miss R.  (1884)  Eighth

Kedon, Mrs. A. E.  (1896)  Seventh

Boyle, Miss Mary  (1878)  Seventh

Browning, Miss E. F.  (1901)  Sixth

Hinds, Miss J. B.  (1896)  Sixth

Cotrel, Miss Edna  (1892)  Fifth

Kelly, Miss M. F.  (1909)  Fifth

Hitchens, Miss F. J.  (1889)  Fourth

McEachern, Miss M. V.  (1910)  Fourth & Third

Hurley, Miss A. F. (1888)  Third

Kurlandzik, Miss R.  (1903)  Second

Ryan, Miss B.  (1886)  Second

Theobald, Miss A.  (1891)  Second

Stark, Miss L. M.  (1887)  First

McDonnell, Miss M. T.  (1892) Ungraded


Janitress, Mrs. I. Fevrier, 560 Third av.

Janitress, Mrs. M. B. Lillis, 511 Fifth av.






Location (permanent building):   Capitol av. west side, bet. Lobos and Farallones sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 277.   Primary, 391. 

Rooms, 20.   Teachers, 15.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  Laboratory .  Cooking Laboratory.


Principal,  Catherine F. Riordan.

Vice-Principal, Josephine Downey.


Riordan, Miss C. F.  (1890)  Principal

Downey, Miss J.  (1891)  Eighth

Murphy, Miss H.  (1905)  Seventh

Everett, Miss E. B.  (1892)  Seventh

Hussey, Miss E. G.  (1907)  Sixth

Tierney, Miss E. A.  (1904)  Sixth

Miklau, Miss M.  (1905)  Fifth

Ehat, Mrs. M. J.  (1905)  Fifth

Harte, Mrs. S.  (1903)  Fourth

Christman, Miss G. A.  (1910)  Fourth

Brignardell, Miss H.  (1897)  Third

Harrington, Miss E. F.  (1911)  Second & Third

Kyne, Miss E. M.  (1908)  Second

O’Connor, Miss A. J.  (1905)  First & Second

Busteed, Miss M. W.  (1896)  First

Hawley, Miss M. E.  (1879)  First


Janitor, Stephen T. Arnold, 3262  22d st.

Janitress, Mrs. Agnes Moran, 229 Lobos st.






Location (frame building):   Arguello blvd. east side, north of Geary st.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 71.  Primary, 343.

Rooms, 14.   Teachers, 13.  


Principal,  Jennie M. A. Hurley.


Hurley, Miss J. M. A.  (1863)  Principal

Zulberti, C.  (1910) Italian

Russell, Miss A. C.  (1911)  Fifth & Sixth

Fleming, Miss L. M.  (1909)  Fifth

Kinsey, Miss L.  (1910)  Fourth

Millar, Mrs. S. H.  (1880)  Fourth

Sullivan, Miss N.  (1890)  Third

Erb, Miss F. M.  (1908)  Third

Lyons, Miss E. H.  (1881)  Second

McLerie, Miss J. T.  (1896)  Second

Hitchens, Miss E.  (1885)  First

Gull, Mrs. M.  (1877)  First

Unger, Miss R.  (1885)  First


Janitress, Miss Margaret Kelly, 2938 Laguna st.






Location (permanent building):   Jackson st. south side, bet Hyde and Larkin sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 250.   Primary, 205. 

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 12.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Washington center).  Cooking (at Pacific Heights center).


Principal,  Mary E. Keating.

Vice-Principal, Alice C. Gregg.



Keating, Miss M. E. (1880)  Principal

Gregg, Miss A. C.  (1868)  Eighth

Hoogs, Mrs. M. A.  (1877)  Eighth

Shea, Miss A. B.  (1884)  Seventh

Murphy, Miss A. J.  (1903)  Seventh

Davis, Miss F.  (1897)  Sixth

Gallagher, Miss E. R.  (1891)  Sixth

Grozeller, Miss C. B. S.  (1905)  Fifth

Hause, Miss E. N.  (1909)  Fourth

Dittenhoefer, Miss M. B.  (1908)  Third

Sutherland, Miss M. C.  (1888)  Second

Bradley, Mrs. A. B.  (1882)  First


Janitress, Mrs. A. Branley, 2516 Polk st.






Location (temporary building):    San Bruno av. west side, south of 25th st.

Enrollment:  Primary, 87. 

Rooms, 9.   Teachers, 9.  


Principal, Mrs. Kate C. McGrath.


McGrath, Mrs. K. C.  (1878)  Principal

Williams, Miss K. F.  (1881)  Fourth

Goldman, Miss J. E.  (1879)  Third

Keegan, Miss M. E.  (1910)  Third

Jordi, Mrs. S. J.  (1885)  Third

Ellis, Miss M. R.  (1908)  Second

Foley, Kate J.  (1903)  Second

Louderback, Miss E. S.  (1884)  First

O’Sullivan, Miss L.  (1897)  First


Janitress, Mrs. J. Neary, 3000 San Bruno av.






Location (permanent building):   Hearst av. south side, bet. Foerster and Edna sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 32.   Primary, 121. 

Rooms, 8.   Teachers, 4.  


Principal,  Janette Ephraim.


Mitchell, Mrs. G. D.  (1879)  Sixth & Fifth

Ephraim, Miss J.  (1876)  Fourth & Third

Papina, Miss J.  (1911)  Third & Second

Moore, Miss K. T.  (1903)  First


Janitress, Mrs. Mary Morris, 242 Hearst av.






Location (permanent building):   13th av. east side, bet. California and Clement sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 255.   Primary, 307. 

Rooms, 16.   Teachers, 16.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Laguna Honda and Roosevelt centers).  Cooking Laboratory. School garden, two blocks south.


Principal,  Mary Magner.

Vice-Principal, May R. Duraind.


Magner, Miss M.  (1876)  Principal

Duraind, Miss M. R.  (1875)  Eighth

Smullen, Miss A. M.  (1903)  Eighth

Gordon, Miss H. F.  (1910)  Seventh

Curran, Miss M. M.  (1906)  Sixth

Faucompre, Miss M. E.  (1886)  Sixth

Karatar, Miss A. C.  (1883)  Fifth

Hart, Miss A. P.  (1907)  Fourth

Johnson, Miss A. J.  (1907)  Fourth

Connor, Miss E. L.  (1908)  Third

Connolly, Miss M. J.  (1908)  Third

Regan,  Mrs. V.  (1908)  Second

Read, Miss M. H.  (1902)  Second

Maguire, Miss H. E.  (1892)  Second

O’Brien, Miss M. J.  (1892) First

McNamara, Miss K. L.  (1904)  Ungraded


Janitor, James J. Rossiter, 1517 Laguna st.

Janitress, Mrs. Winifired (sic) Gauzert, 408 22d st.






Location (temporary building):    Union st. north side, bet. Kearny and Montgomery sts.

Enrollment:  Primary, 18. 

Rooms, 2.   Teachers, 1.  


Teacher in charge, Miss Joanna Blum.


Blum, Miss J.  (1897)


Janitress, Mrs. A. Fitzpatrick, 858 Greenwich st.






Location (permanent building):   Visitacion av. and Schwerin st., northeast corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 85.   Primary, 193. 

Rooms, 12.   Teachers, 9.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Bay View center). 


Principal,  Mrs. E. B. Iredale.


Iredale, Mrs. E. B.  (1878)  Principal

Nolan, Miss M. A.  (1901)  Eighth

Friedman, Miss F.  (1911) Sixth

Dailey, Miss Alice  (1907)  Fifth

Mack, Miss A.  (1908)  Fourth

Sawyer, Miss L.  (1911)  Third

McIlvain, Miss M.  (1911)  Second

Kenny, Miss M.  (1907)  First

Corbett, Miss A. M.  (1905)  First


Janitress, Mrs. R. Freeland, 218 Teddy av.






Location (permanent building):   Washington and Mason sts., southwest corner.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 266.   Primary, 256. 

Rooms, 18.   Teachers, 15.  

Assembly Hall.   Manual Training  Laboratory.


Principal,  Thomas H. McCarthy.

Vice-Principal, Frank G. Huskey.


McCarthy, T. H.  (1891)  Principal

Zulberti, C.  (1910)  Italian

Huskey, F. G.  (1897)  Eighth

Fischer, Miss J. G.  (1878)  Seventh

Butler, Mrs. L. M. I.  (1910)  Sixth

Kirkwood, W. A.  (1907)  Sixth

Kervan, Miss I. M.  (1872)  Fifth

Casey, Miss A. E.  (1908)  Fifth

Hanson, Miss L. A.  (1910)  Fourth

Thomas, Mrs. M. A.  (1903)  Third

Weed, Miss A.  (1875)  Second

Vogelsang, Miss D. (1901) First

Hanlon, Miss M. R.  (1909)  First

Scott, Miss J.  (1881)  First

Silvey, Paul A.  (1907)  Ungraded


Janitor, Dominic Kane, 2707 Mariposa st.






Location (temporary building):    Broadway north side, bet. Montgomery and Sansome sts.

Permanent building being planned for same site.

Enrollment:  Primary, 329.  Kindergarten (conducted by G. G. Kindergarten Association).

Rooms, 10.   Teachers, 8.  


Principal,  Caroline B. Barlow.


Miller, Miss J. G.  (1895)  Fifth

Barlow, Miss C. B.  (1868)  Fourth

Elms, Miss K.  (1910)  Third

McEwen, Miss E. G.  (1895)  Second

Fleming, Miss H. S.  (1907)  Second

McVerry, Miss M.  (1884)  First

Laurent, Miss S. E.  (1908)  First


Janitress, Mrs. B. McMahon, 399 Noe st.






Location (frame building):   Lombard st. north side, bet. Broderick and Baker sts.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 86.  Primary, 201.

Rooms, 8.   Teachers, 9.  

Manual Training  (at Pacific Heights center).  Cooking (at Pacific Heights center). 


Principal,  Mary E. Thomas.


Thomas, Miss M. E.  (1887)  Principal

Horgan, Miss E. E.  (1901)  Seventh & Eighth

Wolcott, Miss H. F.  (1911)  Sixth

Birch, Mrs. L. (1907)  Fifth

Hortenstein, Miss M. L.  (1908)  Fourth

Lindberg, Miss E. U.  (1874) Third

Wright, Miss A. B.  (1902)  Second

Thomas, Miss A. G.  (1898)  First

Demmick, Mrs. M. F. (1890)  First


Janitor, Edward V. McEnvoy, 2812 Octavia st.






Location (permanent building):   Greenwich st. north side, bet. Webster and Fillmore sts.  Building erected after fire of 1906 by money donated by school children of U.S.A.

Enrollment:  Grammar, 131.   Primary, 383. 

Rooms, 13.   Teachers, 14.  

Assembly Hall.   Stereopticon equipment.   Manual Training  (at Pacific Heights center).  Cooking (at Pacific Heights and Jean Parker centers).


Principal,  Kate F. Casey.


Casey, Miss K. F.  (1876)  Principal

Klaus, Miss B. J.  (1903)  Seventh

Roden, Miss J. W.  (1906)  Sixth

O’Rourke, Miss E.  (1911)  Fifth

Stewart, Miss J. M.  (1880)  Fourth

Purvine, Miss A.  (1908)  Fourth

Waltenspiel, Miss M. C.  (1903)  Third

Clauss, Miss R. E.  (1911)  Second

Bloch, Miss B. B.  (1873)  Second

Jacobs, Miss N. A.  (1888)  First

McHugh, Miss M.  (1881)  First

Hochheimer,  Miss M. G.  (1877)  First

L’Hommedieu, Miss M. G.  (1891)  First

Klein, Miss M. G.  (1902)  Ungraded


Janitress, Mrs. Annie Hill, 3155 Steiner st.

Janitress, Mrs. Annie Andrews, 1501 Sacramento st.




Transcribed by Nancy Pratt Melton.

© 2010 Nancy Pratt Melton






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