Prepared by Oscar T. Shuck, Attorney-at-Law, 509 Kearny Street.












From the Consolidation of the City and County in 1856.








Abbott, John E.


1885 to 1886


Acheson, Thomas S.


1878 to 1879

His office declared vacant by Board of Supervisor's Nov. 10, 1879

Ackerson, C. H.

Chief Engineer Paid Fire Department

July 20, 1870 and April 4, 1871


Ackerson, William W.

Superintendent Streets

1893 to 1894


Adams, James


1870 to 1871


Adams, James


1872 to 1873

Sheriff's Attorney, Leonard Reynolds.

Alers, P. F. August, M.D.

Member Board of Health

1883 to 1887


Allen, James M.

Superior Judge

1880 to 1882

Presiding Judge in 1882.

Alvord, William

Mayor and President Board of Health

1872 to 1873


Alvord, William

Park Commissioner

1874 to 1878; 1882 to 1883


Alvord, William

Police Commissioner

Since 1878


Ames, Edwin E.

School Director

1891 to 1892


Ames, Fisher

School Director

1876 to 1877


Ames, Fisher

Fire Commissioner

1887 to October 3, 1893


Ames, Pelham W.

School Director

1893 to 1894


Ames, Robert C.

Gas Inspector

1880 to 1884


Anderson, James W.

Superintendent Common Schools

1887 to 1890


Artiguez, Joseph E., M.D.


Jan. to Dec. 1892

Appointed vice Henry Evans, deceased.

Ashley, Sidney J.

Superintendent of Streets

1871 to 1873


Ashbury, Monroe


1864 to 1870


Ashbury, Monroe

Member Board of Health

1868 to 1869


Ashbury, Monroe


1871 to 1875


Ashworth, Thomas


1883 to 1884


Ashworth, Thomas

Superintendent of Streets

1887 to 1890

Also Nov. to Dec. 1886, vice Charles S. Ruggles, deceased.

Austin, Alexander

Tax Collector

1869 to 1875


Austin, Joseph

Park Commissioner

Since 1886


Ayer, Washington, M.D.

School Director

1865 to 1868


Ayer, Washington, M.D.


1891 to 1892


Ayres, John C.




Bacon, Joseph S.

School Director

1878 to 1879; 1882


Badlam, Alexander

Member Board of Health



Badlam, Alexander


1878 to 1871


Badlam, Alexander


1875 to 1882


Badger, William G.

School Director

1862 to 1867

Resigned April 30, 1867

Baldwin, A. S.



Appointed to fill vacancy.

Bamberger, Solomon S.

Assistant City and County Attorney

1887 to 1888


Bandman, Julius

School Director



Barnes, William S.

District Attorney

1891 to 1894


Barrett, James


1872 to 1873


Barry, David

School Director

1887 to 1888


Barry, David


1889 to 1890


Barry, Joseph E.

Justice of the Peace

1893 to 1894

Presiding Justice 1893.

Bartlett, Robert D.

Sergeants at Arms, Supervisors

1879 to 1882; 1885 to 1886


Bartlett, Washington

Mayor, President Election Commissioners, New City Hall Commissioners, and Board of Health

1883 to 1886


Bartling, William

School Director

1859 to 1863


Batchelor, E. P.

Justice of the Peace

1872 to 1873


Batchelor, E. P.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court

1874 to 1875


Bates, Cicero M., M.D.

Health Officer

1872 to 1873


Bauer, John A.


1872 to 1873; 1885 to 1886


Bayly, Charles A.


1880 to 1881


Beach, Carmi W.

School Director

1884 to 1886


Becker, Diedrich


1889 to 1890


Beckh, G. W.


1857 to 1860


Beggs, Neil T.

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisors

1893 to 1894


Behre, R. L.

Assistant City and County Attorney



Belcher, Edward A.

Superior Judge

1893 to 1894

Appointed Nov. 1, 1893, vice E. R. Garber, resigned.

Bell, Gerrit W.


1862 to 1866

Died in office, accidentally killed April 16, 1866.

Benchley, L. B.


1858 to 1859


Benjamin, Jacob

Public Administrator

1869 to 1873

Joseph Naphtaly, attorney.

Bermingham, John

School Director

1878 to 1879


Biden, Charles S.


1859 to 1862


Bingham, Henry


1889 to 1890


Bingham, James W.

License Collector

1868 to 1861

Jointly with N. Proctor Smith

Bingham, James W.

Clerk Board of Supervisors

1861 to 1868

Died in office April 23, 1868.

Blaney, E. W.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court

1880 to 1886


Black, Alfred P.

Assistant District Attorney

1892 to 1894


Black, H. M.

School Director

1876 to 1877


Blake, Francis

School Director

1860 to 1861

Resigned July 2, 1861.

Blake, George M.

School Director

1856 to 1857


Blattner, William J.

County Clerk

1891 to 1892


Blitz, B. S.

Sergeant at Arms, Super Supervisors

1861 to 1868

Died in office July 14, 1868.

Blake, Maurice C.

County Judge

1857 to 1863


Blake, Maurice C.

Probate Judge

1864 to 1867


Blake, Maurice C.

Judge Municipal Criminal Court

1872 to 1879


Blake, Maurice C.

Mayor and President of Election Commissioners, New City Hall Commissioners and Board of Health


By Act of the Legislature all the officers elected in 1881 held for one year only (1882) so as to make all following elections fall in even numbered years.

Block, Abram


1874 to 1875

Appointed to fill vacancy April 20, 1874.

Block, James N.

Tax Collector and Election Commissioner

1893 to 1894


Bloomfield, H.

Gas Inspector

1878 to 1880


Bodfish, William H.



 By Act of the Legislature all the officers elected in 1881 held for one year only (1882) so as to make all following elections fall in even numbered years.

Boland, James I.

Justice of the Peace

1887 to 1890


Bolander, H. N.

 Superintendent Common Schools 1876 to 1877



Bond, Charles W.


1856 to 1858

Resigned April 7, 1858.

Bond, C. R.


1856 to 1861


Bohen, George T.

Superintendent of Streets

1861 to 1864


Bohen, George T.

Fire Commissioner

since October 3, 1893


Bowen, E. J.

School Director

1881 to 1882


Bowman, James

School Director

1861 to 1863


Borden, Rhodes

Assistant City and County Attorney

1893 to 1894


Bowie, Robert J.

School Director

1883 to 1884


Boyce, Thomas


1876 to 1877


Boyd, Colin M.

Auditor, Election Commissioner, and New City Hall Commissioner

May to Nov. 1879

Appointed vice George after Maynard, deceased, May 15, 1879

Boyd, Colin M.


1887 to 1890


Bradbury, W. T.

School Director

1874 to 1875


Bradford, A. C.

Assistant District Attorney



Bradford, George B.




Bragg, Robert

School Director

1874 to 1875


Brand, Ernest

School Director

1883 to 1884


Brenham, Charles J.

Park Commissioner



Brewer, John H.

School Director

1859 to 1860


Brickwedel, Henry


1878 to 1879


Brickwedel, Henry

Auditor, Election Commissioner and New City Hall Commissioner



Briggs, Edgar

School Director

1870 to 1871

Resigned March 14, 1871

Brittan, William J.

Justice of the Peace

1891 to 1892


Britton, Joseph




Broderick, William

Auditor, Election Commissioner and New City Hall Commissioner

1893 to 1894


Brooks, Frank W.




Brooks, Max

School Director

1891 to 1892


Brown, Harvey S.

District Attorney

1858 to 1860


Brown, John Q

Gas Inspector

1888 to 1892


Brown, William A.

Registrar of Voters

1891 to 1892


Brumagin, J. W.

Public Administrator

1863 to 1866

His own attorney in office.

Bryan, Thomas


1876 to 1877


Bryan, William J.


1883 to 1884


Bryant, Andrew J.

Mayor and President of New City Hall Commissioners, and Board of Health

1876 to 1879


Bryant, Andrew J.

President Election Commissioners

1878 to 1879


Buckley, E. P.

License Collector

1868 to 1874

Removed September 7, 1874.

Bucknall, George J., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1892 to 1893


Buffington, J. M.

School Director

1874 to 1875


Bugbee, John S.

Assistant City and County Attorney

1885 to 1886


Bugbee, S. C.

School Director

1866 to 1867


Bulger, Martin

Harbor Master

1870 to 1871


Bulger, Martin

Fire Commissioner



Burgess, O. O., M.D.

Member Board of Health



Burke, Ethelbert

Justice of the Peace

1880; 1885 to 1888

Presiding Justice, 1885 to 1886.

Burke, Jeremiah T.

School Director

1893 to 1894


Burke, Martin J.

Chief of Police

1858 to 1865


Burnett, John M.

School Director

1868 to 1871

And President of the Board in 1870 to 1871.

Burnett, W. C.

Attorney and Counselor

1871 to 1879


Burnett, W. C.

 New City Hall Commissioner

1876 to 1879


Burnett, W. C.

Election Commissioner

1878 to 1879


Burling, James W.


1891 to 1892


Burr, E. W.


1856 to 1859

Office styled "President of the Board of Supervisor's" until 1863.

Burns, Aaron M.


1887 to 1888


Burns, Daniel M.

Police Commissioner

Since December 2, 1891

Appointed vice R. P. Hammond, deceased.

Burton, Charles H.


1883 to 1884


Bush, Charles S.


1887 to 1890


Bush, David

School Director


Appointed to fill vacancy March 2, 1881.

Bushway, Maurice

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisors

1891 to 1892


Butterworth, S. F.

Park Commissioner

1870 to 1871; 1873 to 1875


Byrne, Henry H.

District Attorney

1868 to 1871


Cabaniss, George H.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 3

1893 to 1894


Cahalin, John

School Director

1883 to 1884


Calkin, Milo

Clerk Board Supervisors

1856 to 1860


Campbell, Alexander

School Director

1863 to 1864


Campbell, Jr., Alexander

Assistant District Attorney

1890 to 1891


Campbell, James A.

Justice of the Peace

1891 to 1892


Campbell, James A.

Judge Police Court No. 1

1893 to 1894


Canavan, P. H.


1868 to 1870

Appointed Supervisor to fill vacancy and elected for 1869 to 1870.

Carmany, John H.




Carnes, George A.


1891 to 1892


Carew, Thomas R.

School Director

1893 to 1894


Cary, James C.

Superior Judge


Drew one year term, first election under present Constitution.

Cashin, D. M.


1885 to 1886


Castree, David B.

Supervisor and J. P.

July to November 1856


Cavallier, J. B. E.


1868 to 1869


Chamberlain, C. M.

Supervisor and J. P.

July to November 1856


Cheever, H. A.

Harbor Master



Cherry, John W.




Clarke, Jr., Alfred

Superintendent Fire Alarm, Exira

January 30 to February 27, 1888


Clayton, Charles

Member Board of Health

1866 to 1867


Clayton, Charles


1865 to 1868


Clement, Joseph

School Director

1870 to 1879

President of the Board, 1870 to 1873 and 1876 to 1877

Clement, Roswell P.


1866 to 1867


Cleveland, Charles D., M.D.

School Director

1883 to 1884


Clinton, Charles A., M. D.

Member Board of Health



Clinton, Charles A., M. D.

School Director

1893 to 1894


Clough, F. M.

Justice of the Peace

1881 to 1882


Clough, F. M.

Superior Judge

1883 to 1885

Resigned August 23, 1885.

Clunie, Andrew J. Assistant City and County Attorney




Cobb, Henry A.

School Director

1868 to 1869

President of the Board in 1869.

Cockrill, Theodore G.

Chief of Police

1874 to 1875


Cody, Michael


1864 to 1865


Coe, Edward H.

School Director

1867 to 1870


Coffee, Patrick J.


1891 to 1892


Coffey, James V.

Superior Judge


Presiding Judge 1887.  Present term will and December 31, 1894.

Coffey, Joseph F.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 2

1883 to 1884; 1887


Coffey, Joseph F.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 1



Cofran, George

School Director

1859; 1861 to 1862


Cofran, George

Superintendent of Streets

1864 to 1868


Colton, A. O.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 2

1891 to 1892


Commins, Edward


1871 to 1873


Cole, R. Beverly, M.D.


1868 to 1869


Conboy, Thomas

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisors

November 10, 1890 to January 1891


Connelly, D. W.

Park Commissioner

1870 to 1872

Died in office January 21, 1872.

Connelly, J. D.

Justice of the Peace

1880 to 1882

Accidentally killed June 1, 1882.

Connolly, Patrick


1883 to 1884

Sheriff's attorney, Matthew I. Sullivan.

Conklin, Frank

School Director

1883 to 1884


Conroy, Michael C.

License Collector

1885 to 1887

Died in office February 4, 1887.

Cook, G. W. F.

Justice of the Peace

1891 to 1894


Cook, J.


July to November 1856


Conlan, Charles T.

Judge Police Court No. 2

1893 to 1894


Coon, H. P.

Police Judge

1856 to 1860


Coon, H. P.


1864 to 1867

Office of Mayor, styled "President of the Board of Supervisors," until 1862.

Coon, H. P.

President Board of Health

1865 to 1867


Cooney, Michael

Justice of the Peace

1870 to 1871


Corbett, Henry E.

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisors

1883 to 1884


Corbett, J. C.




Corkery, Charles

Justice of the Peace

1870 to 1871


Cornwall, Pierre B.

School Director

1867 to 1868


Cotter, Edward B.

Fire Commissioner

1880 to 1882

Resigned October 2, 1882.

Cowdery, Jabez F.

Attorney and Counsellor, Election Commissioner, New City Hall Commissioner



Cowles, Samuel

Police Judge

1861 to 1863


Cowles, Samuel

County Judge

1864 to 1867


Craig, William

Attorney and Counsellor Election Commissioner, New City Hall Commissioner

1883 to 1884


Crowell, Eugene


1861 to 1862

Resigned April 21, 1862.

Crowley, Patrick

Chief of Police

1866 to 1873


Crowley, Patrick

Chief of Police and Police Commissioner


Still in office.

Creswell, Henry Thorton

Attorney and Counsellor Election Commissioner, New City Hall Commissioner

1893 to 1894


Cudworth, James W.


1861 to 1863

Appointed to fill vacancy November 4, 1861; elected for 1862 to 1863.

Culver, James H.

School Director

1882; 1885 to 1886


Culver, James H.

 School Director

1891 to 1894


Cummings, A. H.


1864 to 1865


Curran, Hugh


1887 to 1888


Curran, John

Superintendent Fire Alarm, etc.

1887 to 1888

Removed January 30, 1888.

Curtis, Charles J.

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisors

May 1887 to January 14, 1889

Resigned January 14, 1889.

Curtis, John B.


1891 to 1892


Curtis, J. F.

Chief of Police

1856 to 1857


Curtis, Tyler

Fire Commissioner


Appointed to fill vacancy April 5, 1870.

Daingerfield, William P.

Judge 12th  District Court

1876 to 1879


Daingerfield, William P.

Superior Judge


Presiding Judge; expired while holding Court May 5, 1880.

Daingerfield, William R.

Superior Judge


Elected for unexpired term to end December 31, 1894.

Daly, P. H.

Supervisor and Fire Commissioner


Died December 10, 1867.

Dalton, Frank

School Director

1889 to 1890

And President of the Board for his term.

Danforth, Edwin


1878 to 1879


Danielwitz, Isidor

School Director

April 2 to August 8, 1881; 1883 to 1884

In 1881 to fill vacancy.

Darling, George L.

School Director

1880 to 1881


Darling, W. A.


1856 to 1859


Darling, Charles Ben

Assistant District Attorney

1876 to 1879


Davidson, Joseph, R. M. D.

Member Board of Health

1889 to 1891


Davies, John S.

Supervisor 1860 to 1861



Davies, William A.

County Clerk

1889 to 1890


Davis, A. McF.

School Director

1874 to 1875

President of the Board in 1875.

Davis, Erwin

School Director


Resigned April 5, 1864.

Davis, Henry L.


1864 to 1867

Sheriff's Attorney, William H. Sharp.

Day, Robert


1893 to 1894


Dean, James O.

License Collector

September 14, 1874 to 1875


Deane, Charles T., M.D.

School Director

1885 to 1886


Decker, Charles W.

School Director

1891 to 1894


Deering, James H.


1874 to 1875


Deering, James H.

School Director

1872 to 1873

Appointed to vacancy October 8, 1872.

Denny, J. J.


1856 to 1858


Denman, James

Superintendent Common Schools

1859 to 1860; 1868 to 1870; 1874 to 1875


Denman, James

School Director

1889 to 1890

Appointed October 9, 1889, vice Raphael Weill, resigned.

Denman, James


1893 to 1894


Desmond, Thomas


1880 to 1881

Sheriff's Attorney, Clitus Barbour.

Deveny, Peter

School Director


Appointed March 14, 1891 vice N. B. Stone, resigned.

Deveny, Peter

Clerk Justices Court

1886 to 1888


Devoe, B. O.

Superintendent of Streets

1856 to 1857


De Witt, Thomas B., M.D.

School Director



Dietrich, W. K.


1880 to 1881


Dillon, Thomas I.

Assistant City and County Attorney

1893 to 1894


Dimon, Jacob S.

Fire Commissioner



Dimond, William H.

Park Commissioner

1887 to 1889


Dithmar August C.

School Director

1885 to 1886


Doane, Charles


1857 to 1861


Doane, Micah


1880 to 1881


Doble, Abner

School Director

1864 to 1865

Appointed to fill vacancy July 19, 1864.

Dodge, Henry L.


1861 to 1862


Dodge, J. W.

School Director

1862 to 1864


Donohoe, Joseph A.

Member Board of Health



Donohoe, Joseph A.

School Director


Resigned January 14, 1868.

Donnelly, Edward

School Director



Donovan, M. J.

School Director

1871 to 1875


Doolan, William

Public Administrator

1878 to 1879

Attorney in 1878, Solomon A. Sharp; in 1879, R. H. Lloyd.

Dorr, Levi L., M.D.


1878 to 1881


Douglass, William A., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1870; 1882 to 1887


Dowling, John J.

School Director

1893 to 1894


Drake, Samuel


1880 to 1881


Drucker, August


1876 to 1877


Duer, William

County Clerk

1857 to 1858


Dundon, Patrick F.


1893 to 1894


Dungan, J. Shade

School Director

1858 to 1860


Dunn, Horace D.

School Director



Dunn, John J.

School Director

1891 to 1894


Dunn, and John P.


1879 to 1881

Appointed to vacancy in November 1879, and elected for 1880 to 1881.

Dunn, Thomas F.

Fourth Assistant District Attorney

1893 to 1894


Dunne, Joseph J.

Justice of the Peace

1883 to 1884


Dunne, Joseph J.

Assistant District Attorney

1887 to 1888


Dunne, Joseph J.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 1

1889 to 1890


Durst, John H.

Attorney and Counsellor, Election Commissioner, New City Hall Commissioner

1891 to 1892


Dutton, Samuel D.

School Director

1891 to 1894


Dwinelle, Samuel H.

Judge 15th District Court

1864 to 1879

The entire period of the existence of the Court.

Eastland, J. G.

New City Hall Commissioner

1870 to 1874


Eastman, Frank


1880 to 1881


Easton, Fred W.


1876 to 1877


Easton, James M., M.D.

School Director

1883 to 1884


Easton, James M., M.D.


January to December 1890


Ebbets, Arthur M.




Ebbets, Arthur M.


1874 to 1875


Edgar, William M.


1883 to 1884


Edmonds, M. A.

Superior Judge

1880 to 1886

Presiding Judge 1886.

Edwards, A. S.

School Director



Edwards, C. B.

Fire Commissioner

1873 to 1874

Appointed Fire Commissioner, vice John Rosenfeld, resigned.

Edwards, C. B.




Edwards, Frank G.

Fire Commissioner

1880 to 1894


Edwards, L. B.

Harbor Master

1872 to 1873


Edwards, T. M.

 School Director

1876 to 1877


Eldridge, J. O.

 School Director

1858 to 1860


Eldridge, Oliver

Park Commissioner

1879 to 1882


Ellert, Levi R.


1889 to 1892


Ellert, Levi R.

Mayor and President of Election Commissioners, New City Hall Commissioners, and Board of Health

1893 to 1894


Ellerhorst, H. D.

 School Director



Elliott, S. F., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1865 to 1867


Ellis, Henry H.

Chief of Police

1876 to 1877


Ellis, John S.


1862 to 1864

Sheriff's Attorney, William H. Sharp.

English, John F.

 School Director

1885 to 1886


Estabrook, W. W.

 School Director

1856 to 1857


Evans, A. J.

Registar of Voters

1893 to


Evans, Henry



Died in office, in November 1, 1891.

Evans, Oliver Perry

Superior Judge

1880 to 1883

Presiding Judge, 1881; resigned August 1, 1883.

Ewer, Warren B.

 School Director



Ewing, Charles G.

 School Director

1879 to 1880

Appointed to vacancy November 25, 1879, and resigned December 13, 1880.

Fabens, F. A.

Justice of the Police

1872 to 1873


Fairman, William B.



Died in office January 21, 1867.

Farnsworth, David L.


1885 to 1886


Farren, John W.


1878 to 1879


Farwell, Willard P.


1885 to 1886


Fay, John


1864 to 1865


Ferguson, T. H.

School Director

1880 to 1881


Ferral, Robert

Assistant District Attorney

1874 to 1875


Ferral, Robert

Judge City Criminal Court

1876 to 1879


Ferral, Robert

Superior Judge

1880 to 1884


Field, Charles

Fire Commissioner

1875 to 1879


Finn, John F.

Superior Judge

1880 to 1892

Presiding Judge 1888.

Fishborne, R. W.

 School Director

1856 to 1857


Fisher, Charles A.




Fiske, H. M., M.D.

School Director

1878 to 1879; 1882


Fiske, H. M., M.D.

 Member Board of Health

1889 to 1891


Fitzhugh, William M.


1893 to 1894


Flaherty, Edward


1867 to 1870

Elected in September, 1867, for unexpired term of 1867 to 1868; reelected for 1869 to 1870. 

Flaherty, Edward

Fire Commissioner

1873 to 1883

Died while Fire Commissioner September 1, 1883.

Flint, Brillsford P.

 School Director

1889 to 1898

Appointed October 9, 1889, vice W. F. Goad, resigned.

Flood, Noah F.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court

1876 to 1879


Flournoy, Jr., George

 Attorney and Counsellor, Election Commissioner, New City Hall Commissioner

1887 to 1890


Flynn, James J.

County Clerk

1885 to 1886


Foley, John


1878 to 1879


Forbes, Andrew B.


1871 to 1873


Foard, John M.

School Director

1883 to 1884


Ford, Thomas J.

School Director

1889 to 1890


Ford, William

Fire Commissioner

1873 to 1876


Ford, William

 Election Commissioner


In 1879 served as Tax Collector and Election Commissioner from July 14th by appointment, vice William Mitchell, deceased.

Ford, William

 Tax Collector

1876 to 1877; 1879


Fogarty, John P.

License Collector

1884 to 1885


Forman, Sands W.

Deputy Clerk Supervisor's

1875 to 1872

Resigned June 30, 1882.

Forman, Sands W.


1893 to 1894


Frank, Otto H.


1874 to 1877


Frazer, Hugh


1880 to 1881


Frazer, Hugh W.

Assistant City and County Attorney



Freelon, Thomas W.

Assistant District Attorney

1868 to 1871


Freelon, Thomas W.

Judge Municipal Court of Appeals

1878 to 1879


Freelon, Thomas W.

Superior Judge

1880 to 1882


Freeman, Ben. H.

Fire Commissioner

1868 to 1873


Freese, Andrew C.

Public Administrator

1891 to 1894

Administrator's Attorney, Jeremiah D. Sullivan.

French, Frank J.

School Director

1892 to 1893

Appointed April 13, 1892, vice William Harney, deceased; resigned August 30, 1893.

Gallagher, James L.

Assistant City and County Attorney



Galloway, J. W.

School Director


Died in office May 10, 1880.

Gannon, John E.

Gas Inspector

Since December 1892


Garber, Eugene R.

 Superior Judge

1889 to 1893

Presiding Judge, 1893; resigned November 1, 1893.

Gardiner, J. J.

Superintendent of Streets

July to November 1856


Garratt, William T.

 School Director

1872 to 1873

Appointed to vacancy July 25, 1872.

Gates, H. S., M.D.


1859 to 1860


Gates, Justin, M.D.


1885 to 1886


Garwood, William T., M.D.


1891 to 1892


Gaven, Dominick


1861 to 1863


George, H. A.


1856 to 1858


Gibbons, Jr., Henry, M.D.

Member Board of Health

1880 to 1883


Gibbons, Jr., Henry, M.D

School Director

1889 to 1890


Gibbons, Jr., Henry, M.D

Health Officer

1874 to 1875


Gibbs, Frederick A.


1876 to 1879


Gilleran, James


1885 to 1886


Gilleran, James

Superintendent of Streets

1891 to 1892


Gilson, Edward

Justice of the Peace

1881 to 1884


Glynn, Thomas J.


1893 to 1894


Goad, William F.

School Director

1887 to 1889

President of the Board 1887 to 1888; resigned August 2, 1889.





Goddard, E. B.

School Director

1856 to 1858


Goodall, Charles

Harbor Master

1862 to 1865


Goodall, Charles

Park Commissioner

1885 to 1886


Goodwin, Michael


1893 to 1894


Goodwin, Robert


1871 to 1873


Gordon, C. C.

Member Board of Health

1868 to 1869


Gordon, Danielle J.

Clerk Justices' Court

1891 to 1892


Grady, John H.

Tax Collector and Election Commissioner

1882 to 1884


Graham, Robert J.

Superintendent of Streets



Graves, Hiram T.

School Director

1886 to 1887


Graves, Walker C.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court

1883 to 1884


Graves, Walker C.

Assistant District Attorney

1887 to 1888


Gray, Frank J.

Justice of the Peace

1891 to 1894

Presiding Justice 1893.

Gray, Giles H.




Gray, Giles H.

School Director

1864 to 1865

Appointed to vacancy April 12, 1864.

Greenwood, M.

Superintendent Fire Alarm, etc.

1865 to 1875

Resigned April 15, 1875.

Griffin, John D.


1883 to 1884


Grover, William A.

School Director

1865 to 1866


Hagan, B.

School Director

1876 to 1877


Hagan, John

Superintendent of Streets

1876 to 1877


Hager, John S.

Judge Fourth District Court

1855 to 1861


Haight, Robert

School Director

1876 to 1877


Haight, Robert


1878 to 1879


Hale, Henry M.


1861 to 1868


Hale, William F.

School Director

1867 to 1868


Haley, Michael C.

County Clerk

1893 to 1894


Halsey, Charles

Superior Judge

1880 to 1882


Hammond, Richard P.

School Director



Hammond, Richard P.

President Board Police Commissioner's

1878 to 1891

Resigned as School Director March 24, 1868; died, while Police Commissioner, November 28, 1891.

Hammond, Jr., Richard P.

Park Commissioner

1886 to 1894


Hanna, John

County Clerk

1870 to 1871


Hanscom, J. O.

School Director

1874 to 1875


Hardy, J. P.

Justice of the Peace

1876 to 1879


Hanvey, William

County Clerk

1872 to 1875


Hanvey, William

School Director


Died in office accidentally killed, September 15, 1891.

Harris, Ben. E.


1868 to 1869


Harris, S. R.


1864 to 1867


Harris, S. R.

Member Board of Health

1866 to 1867


Hastings, Horace M.

Attorney and Counsellor

1867 to 1868


Hastings, Robert P.

School Director

1883 to 1884

And President of the Board.

Harrold, John


1868 to 1871


Harlor, Marcus

Harbor Master

1865 to 1867


Harlor, Marcus

Member Board of Health 1865



Hathaway, A. L.

School Director

1861 to 1862

Resigned July 15, 1862.

Halstead, James L.

School Director

1887 to 1888


Harvey, E. E.

School Director

1880 to 1881


Hawkins, A. K.

School Director

1868 to 1871


Hawkins, William


1887 to 1888


Hayes, George W.


1876 to 1877


Hayne, Robert Y.

Superior Judge

January to October 1881


Hebbard, J. C. B.

Justice of the Peace

1889 to 1890


Hebbard, J. C. B.

Superior Judge


Term will and December 31, 1896.

Henry, L. J., M.D.

Member Board of Health



Herz, Cornelius, M.D.

Member Board of Health

1876 to 1877


Hewston, George, M.D.


1874 to 1875


Hewston, George, M.D.


November 2 December 1875

Appointed vice James Otis, deceased.

Heyer, Albert


1885 to 1888; 1891 to 1892


Hiester, A. C.

School Director

1878 to 1879

And President of the Board for his term.

Hickox, George C.

School Director

1866 to 1867


Higgins, William L.


1870 to 1871


Hill, Horace L.



Resigned October 7, 1878

Hinckley, W. C.


1861 to 1864


Hinkle, Walter S.

Assistant District Attorney

1891 to 1893

Resigned December 1, 1893.

Hinton, William M.


1893 to 1894


Hitchcock, George B.

School Director

1864 to 1865


Hixson, William M.

School Director



Hobe, George J.

School Director

1885 to 1886


Hoge, Joseph P.

Superior Judge

1889 to 1891

Died in office August 14, 1891.

Hoitt, Ira G.

School Director

1884 to 1886

In 1884 elected for unexpired term of Lee O. Rodgers, resigned; elected for 1885 to 1886; President of the Board in 1885 to 1886.

Holbrook, T. W. J.

School Director


Appointed to fill vacancy.

Holladay, Samuel W.

Attorney and Counsellor

1860 to 1861


Holland, Nathaniel

School Director

1872 to 1873


Hollub, A.

Public Administrator

1861 to 1862

Administrators Attorney, H. J. Labatt.

Holt, Thomas H.

School Director

1868 to 1869

President of the Board in 1868.

Holt, Thomas H.


1869 to 1870


Holtz, Louis F.


1883 to 1886


Hooker, Richard C.

School Director

1887 to 1888


Hooper, William




Hooper, William

School Director

1856 to 1857


Hopkins, Peter

Fire Commissioner

1878 to 1879


Hopkins, Peter


1885 to 1886

Sheriff' s Attorneys, Naphtaly, Freidenrich & Ackerman.

Hornblower, F. A.

Judge Police Court No. 1

1887 to 1888


Hosmer, John A.

Assistant District Attorney

1889 to 1894


Hossefross, George H.

Superintendent of Streets

1858 to 1860


Houseman, J. S.

Harbor Master

1868 to 1869


Hoyer, Cornelius,

License Collector

1862 to 1863

Jointly with Charles R. Story.

Hubbard, H. H., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1871 to 1873 and 1878 to 1879


Hubert, Charles


1874 to 1879


Humphreys, William P.


1868 to 1871; 1874 to 1879


Humphreys, William P.

Surveyor and Election Commissioner

1878 to 1879; 1882


Humphreys, John T.

Assistant City and County Attorney

1887 to 1890


Hunt, D. D.


1891 to 1892


Hunt, Jr., John

Superior Judge


Presiding judge in 1884; President term will and December 31, 1896.

Hunt, Jonathan

School Director

1856 to 1857


Hunt, Jonathan

Tax Collector

1858 to 1860


Hughes, Jerome A., M.D.


1858 to 1860


Hurlbut, George C.

School Director

1874 to 1875


Hussey, S. A.

School Director

1880 to 1881


Hyde, Frederick A.

School Director

1891 to 1894

President of the Board, 1892 to 1893.

Jackson, Charles H.

Assistant District Attorney



Jackson, David B.


1891 to 1892

Died in office July 2, 1892.

Jacobs, Myer

Justice of the Peace

November to December 1884

Elected November 4, 1884, vice C. H. Wolf, deceased.

Jacobs, Myer

First Assistant City and County Attorney

1891 to 1892


James, Jefferson G.

School at Director

1887 to 1888


James, Jefferson G.


1883 to 1884; 1893 to 1894


Janes, Henry B.

Superintendent Common Schools

1857 to 1858


Janes, Henry B.

School Director

1859 to 1860


Jarboe, John R.

School Director


Appointed December 30, 1867, vice Joseph W. Winans, resigned; and resigned Jun. 10, 1868.

Joachimsen, Henry L.

Justice of the Peace

Judge of Police Court No. 3

1872 to 1880; 1887 to 1888


Presiding Justice 1874 to 1875.

Johnson, James A.

Registrar of Voters

1883 to 1884


Johnson, W. B.




Joost, Hermann


1887 to 1888


Judson, Egbert

School Director

1858 to 1860


Kalloch, Isaac S.

Mayor, President Election Commissioners, New City Hall Commissioners, and Board of Health

1880 to 1881


Kaplan, Louis

Registrar of Voters

1878 to 1880


Keefe, Henry J.

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisor's

1870 to 1876

Died in office August 6, 1876.

Kelly, Martin

Fire Commissioner

December 13, 1886 to 1890


Kelly, and J.


1870 to 1871


Kelly, Peter

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisor's


Resigned May 2, 1887.

Kennedy, John F.




Kennedy, E.C.



Presiding January 18, 1864.

Kennedy, L. W.

School Director



Kennedy, Patrick J.


1893 to 1894


Kenney, James J.

Fire Commissioner

1870 to 1871

Appointed December 12, 1870, vice C. E. McLane, resigned.

Kenney, James J.


1871 to 1875


Kent, S. H.

Superintendent of Streets

1874 to 1875


Kimball, Henry

School Director

1880 to 1881


King, Henry L.


1862 to 1865; 1872 to 1873


King, James L.

Fire Commissioner


Appointed vice E. N. Torrey, resigned.

Kingwell, Vincent


1889 to 1890


Kirk, Joseph

Assistant District Attorney

1887 to 1888


Kirkpatrick, John

Chief of Police and Police Commissioner

1878 to 1879


Kloppenburg, Otto


1868 to 1871


Knight, William H.

School Director



Knorp, Albert F.


1887 to 1888


Knowles, C. C.

School at Director

1858 to 1863

And President of the Board in 1863.

Kohler, Charles

School at Director

1870 and 1887

Resigned during his first term, and died in his last.

Kreling, William

Tax Collector and Election Commissioner

1887 to 1888


Kruse, Edward

School of Director

1871 to 1872

Office declared vacant July 25, 1872, on account of absence from the State.

Kunkler, John E., M.D.


1885 to 1886


Ladd, P. B.

Justice of the Peace

1868 to 1869


Lake, Delos

Judge Municipal Criminal Court

1870 to 1871


Lamb, W. E.

Clerk Justices Court

1881 to 1883


Lambert, William P.


1887 to 1888


Lane, Levi C., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1873 to 1874


Lane, N. C.


1856 to 1859


Latimore, L. D.

Superior Judge


Appointed vice W.P. Daingerfield, deceased, May 15, 1880.

Laumeister, Charles S.


1889 to 1892

Sheriff's Attorneys, Dorn & Dorn

Laven, James A.

School Director

1878 to 1879; 1883


Laven, James A.

License Collector

June 25, 1883 to Feb. 1884

Died in office, Feb. 1, 1884.

Lawler, Frank W.

Superior Judge

1881 to 1892

Presiding Judge in 1885.

Lawler, James

Judge Police Court No. 2

1883 to 1890


Lee, George W.

License Collector

June 1891 to June 1893


Lees, Frederick W.

License Collector

June 1893

Term will in June 1, 1895.

Leger, George

School Director

1856 to 1857


Leggett, Joseph

School Director

1878 to 1879


Leman, Walter M.

Justice of the Peace



Leman, Walter M.

Public Administrator


Administrator's Attorney, Frank J. French.

Leonard, E. W.

. Recorder

1868 to 1869


Letterman, Jonathan, M.D.


1868 to 1871


Levingston, Marc, M.D.


1883 to 1884


Leviston, George

Justice of the Peace

1868 to 1869


Levy, Walter H.

Prosecuting Attorney City Criminal Court



Levy, Walter H.

Second Assistant District Attorney

1880 to 1881


Levy, Walter H.

Superior Judge


Appointed August 28, 1885, vice F. M. Clough, resigned; elected in 1888 for full term of six years; President term will and December 31, 1894.

Lewellyn, Robert

School Director

1871 to 1873


Lewis, John B.


1883 to 1884


Le Tourneaux, P. J., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1889 to 1891


Lindsley, A. A.

Supervisor and Election Commissioner

1880 to 1881


Litchfield, J. M.


1879 to 1881

Appointed in November, 1879, vice Horace L. Hill; elected for 1880 to 1881.

Loewy, William

County Clerk

1863 to 1867


Long, James H.

Prosecuting Attorney Please Court 3

1889 to 1890


Long, Seely F., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1892 to 1893


Louderback, Davis

Assistant District Attorney

1864 to 1866


Louderback, Davis

Police Judge

1872 to 1879


Love, John Lord

Attorney and Counsellor, Election Commissioner, New City Hall Commissioner

1885 to 1886


Love, John Lord

Judge Police Court No. 2


Appointed January in 4, 1892, for the year 1892, vice A. E. T. Worley, deceased.

Low, Charles A.

Justice of the Peace

1891 to 1892

Presiding Justice in 1891.

Low, Charles A.

Judge Police Court No. 4

1893 to 1894

Appointed by the Governor on the creation of the Court.

Lowney, Timothy J.

Superintendent Streets

1883 to 1884


Lunt, Daniel

School Director


Resigned July 12, 1864.

Lynch, James H.

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisors

1876 to 1879

Appointed August 14, 1876, vice H. J. Keefe, deceased; and position declared vacant December 22, 1879.

Lynch, John


1860 to 1861

Resigned October 7, 1861.

Lynch, Michael

School Director

1861 to 1866

President of the Board, 1864 to 1865.

Maguire, James G.

Superior Judge 1883 to 1888



Macdonald, D. A.


1874 to 1877


Mahoney, Daniel J.

Fire Commissioner

1887 to 1890


Mann, A. L.

Superintendent of Schools

1878 to 1879


Mangels, Martin


1878 to 1879


Manzer, L. M.

Superintendent of Streets

1878 to 1879


Marshall, Edward C.

Assistant District Attorney

1880 to 1881


Marshuetz, M. J.

Public Administrator



Martin, A. J.

Fire Commissioner

1891 to 1893


Mason, John


1880 to 1881


Mason, John

Fire Commissioner

1882 to 1886


Mastick, L. B.

School Director

1862 to 1866


Mather, Joseph W.

School Director

1870 to 1872

Office declared vacant July 25, 1872, on account of absence from the State.

Mayer, Simon

Public Administrator

1874 to 1877

John F. Finn, Administrator's Attorney.

Maynard, George F.

Auditor, and New City Hall Commissioner

1876 to 1879


Maynard, George F.

Election Commissioner

1878 to 1879

Died in office, by his own hand, May 15, 1879.

Mays, W. H., M.D., Member Board of Health

1892 to 1893



Meares, J. L., M.D.

Health Officer

1886 to 1889


Meagher, John F.

School Director

1868 to 1873


Menzies, Stewart


1871 to 1875


Melcher, Jesse A.

School Director

1883 to 1884


Meredith, John H.

Assistant City and County Attorney

1883 to 1884


Merrill, George B.

Public Administrator


Was his own Attorney in office.

Merrill, John C.


1862 to 1864

Appointed to vacancy June 2, 1862; elected for 1863





Merrill, John C.

Fire Commissioner

1866 to 1870

Removed with E. N. Torrey, by Act of Legislature, March 14, 1870.

Merrill, Oliver




Merritt, Samuel


1856 to 1860


Mickle, E.


1856 to 1860


Mitchell, J. C.

School Director

1856 to 1857


Mitchell, William

Tax Collector and Election Commissioner

1878 to 1879

Died in office, July 12, 1879.

Molineux, Henry




Monaghan, Joseph

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisors

October 8, 1888 to November 10, 1890


Montgomery, William



Died in office, May 8, 1893.

Morrison, C. J.

Sergeant at Arms, Supervisors

July, 1868 to 1869


Morrison, Robert F.

Judge Fourth District Court

1878 to 1879


Morton, Sargent S.


1887 to 1888


Morton, W. H.

Harbor Master

1874 to 1875

An Act of March 30, 1874, abolished this office.

Mosgrove, Samuel

School Director

1872 to 1873


Mott, William

Prosecuting Attorney Police the Court 2

1887 to 1890


Moulder, Andrew J.

Superintendent of Schools

1883 to 1886


Mountain, John J.

School Director

1878 to 1879

Resigned to November 25, 1879.

Murasky, Frank J.

Justice of the Peace

1889 to 1890


Murphy, Daniel J.

District Attorney

1872 to 1873; 1876 to 1879


Murphy, Daniel J.

Superior Judge


President term will end December 31, 1896.

Murphy, Frank P.

Clerk Justices' Court

1884 to 1885


Murphy, James, M.D.

Member Board of Health 1880 to 1883



Murphy, John Luttrell

Attorney and Counsellor, Election Commissioner and New City Hall Commissioner

1880 to 1881


Myrick, Milton H.

Probate Judge

1872 to 1879


MacDermot, Charles F.

Park Commissioner

1870 to 1873


McCarthy, Edmund P.

Gas Inspector

September 1884 to May, 1888

Died in office, May 3, 1888.

McCarthy, Timothy


1870 to 1873


McCarthy, William D., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1887 to 1888


McCombe, John

County Clerk


Appointed to serve five months from August 1, 1881, vice William A. Stuart, resigned.

McCoppin, Frank


1861 to 1867


McCoppin, Frank

Mayor, and President Boards of Health and Police Commissioners

1868 to 1869


McDade, John J.


1893 to 1894

Sheriff's attorney, Matthew R. A. Sullivan.

McDonald, James M.


1887 to 1888

Resigned January 14, 1889, just after beginning his second term.

McDonald, John W.

School Director 1887 to 1890



McDonald, John W.

Fire Commissioner

Since October 3, 1893


McDonnell, J. J.

School Director

1880 to 1881


McDowell, Irwin

Park Commissioner

September 14, 1883 to June 5, 1885

Resigned June 5, 1885.

McElroy, J.

Chief of Police

July to November 1856


McElwee, John V.

Fire Commissioner

1866 to 1867


McJunkin, Hugh J.

Assistant District Attorney



McKee, Samuel Bell

Judge Third District Court

1872 to 1877

Resided in Oakland, his district embracing a portion of San Francisco.

McKew, John




McKibbin, William




McKibbin, William


1874 to 1875

Sheriff's Attorney, Leonard Reynolds.

McKinstry, E. W.

County Judge

1868 to 1869


McKinstry, E. W.

Judge 12th  District Court

1870 to 1873


McLane, Charles E.

Fire Commissioner


Appointed to vacancy April 5, 1870, and resigned the Dec. 6, 1870.

McLane, Charles E.

New City Hall Commissioner

1870 to 1874


McLane, Louis

Park Commissioner

1875 to 1882


McMann, William


1887 to 1888

Sheriff's Attorney, R. B. Mitchell.

McMillan, Daniel


1885 to 1886


McNeil, Daniel R.

License Collector

1882 to 1883


McNulty, J. M., M. D.


1857 to 1860


McNulty, J. M., M. D.

Health Officer

1865 to 1866


McNulty, J. M., M. D.

Member Board of Health

1872 to 1875


McQuesten, Charles A., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1887 to 1891


Nealon, James C.


1887 to 1890


Newman, Samuel

Fire Commissioner

December 8, 1884 to 1891


Nichols, Asa C.

School Director

1866 to 1867


Nicholson, W. A. S.

Justice of the Peace


Appointed June 5, 1882, vice J. D. Connelly, deceased.

Nicholson, W. A. S.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 1

1891 to 1892


Noble, Patrick


1889 to 1890


Norton, Edward

Judge 12 District Court

1854 to 1860


Nougues, Joseph M.

Attorney and Counsellor

1869 to 1870


Noyes, Amos

Harbor Master

1856 to 1858


Nunan, Edward


1868 to 1869


Nunan, Matthew


1876 to 1879

Sheriff's Attorney, M. C. Hassett.

Ordenstein, B.

Fire Commissioner

1875 to 1878


Osborn, William K.

District Attorney

1857 to


Otis, James


1860 to 1861

Resigned November 25, 1861

Otis, James

Member Board of Health

1868 to 1870


Otis, James


1874 to 1875

Died in office October 30, 1875.

O'Brien, Thomas

School Director

1885 to 1886


O'Brien, Thomas

Tax Collector and Election Commissioner

1889 to 1892


O'Brien, T. I.

License Collector

1887 to 1891


O'Donnell, C. C., M.D.

Coroner to

1885 to 1886


O'Kane, John

School of Director

1887 to 1888


O'Keefe, Stephen R.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 2

1893 to 1894


O’Neil, A. A.

School Director

1877 to 1879


O’Neill, Richard

School Director

1858 to 1860


Page, Jr., James D.

Justice of the Peace



Page, Jr., James D.

District Attorney

1889 to 1890


Page, Robert C.

Clerk Board of Supervisors

July to November 1856


Palmer, Wales L.


1856 to 1858


Palmer, Wales L.

School Director 1861 to 1863

President of the Board 1861 to 1862; resigned from the Board May 27, 1863.


Parsons, T. J.

Fire Commissioner



Patch, W. Y.

Tax Collector



Parrish, Nathan C.




Patridge, H. C.

School of Director

1880 to 1881


Patterson, William

Superintendent of Streets

1880 to 1881; 1886

Appointed in 1886, vice Charles S. Ruggles, deceased.

Patterson, William C.

Deputy Clerk Board Supervisors

Since June 30, 1882


Paxson, J. S.


1859 to 1860


Paxson, J. S.


1862 to 1867


Pearson, William

School Director

1856 to 1861

And President of the Board in 1859 to 1860.

Pease, William C.


1874 to 1875


Peixotto, Edgar D.

Third Assistant District Attorney


Appointed December, 1893, vice A. P. Black, promoted.

Pelton, John C.

Superintendent Common Schools

1856; 1865 to 1867


Pennie, James C.

Justice of the Peace

1868 to 1879; 1881 to 1886

Presiding Justice 1868 to 1873, and 1881 to 1884.

Pennie, James C.

Public Administrator

1887 to 1890

Administrator's Attorneys, Naphtaly, Freidenrich and Ackerman.

Pennington, George W.

School of Director

1891 to 1892


Perry, Alfred, M. D.

Member Board of Health

1883 to 1886; 1888


Pescia, Joseph, M.D.


1887 to 1890


Peyton, Balie

Attorney and Counsellor



Phelps, William S.


1866 to 1867


Phillips, J. Burk

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court



Phillips, W. A.

School Director

1876 to 1879


Pilster, Henry

Supervisor 1889 to 1890



Pixley, Frank M.

Park Commissioner

1882 to 1886


Platt, Horace G.

School Director


Appointed April 23, 1884, vice Raphael Weill, resigned.

Pollitz, Edward

School Director

1885 to 1886


Playter, E. W.

Clerk Board Supervisors


Resigned December 9, 1856.

Plum, Charles M.

School Director

1866 to 1867

Resigned January 22, 1867.

Plunkett, William A.

School Director

1871 to 1873


Pond, Edward B.


1883 to 1886


Pond, Edward B.

Mayor and President of Election Commissioners, New City Hall Commissioners and Board of Health

1887 to 1890


Pope, John F.

School Director

1864 to 1865


Porter, Nathan

District Attorney

1861 to 1867


Potter, George C.


1862 to 1867


Pratt, Leonidas E.

District Attorney



Pratt, Leonidas E.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 2

1885 to 1886


Pratt, Orville C.

Judge 12th District Court

1864 to 1869


Prindle, B. A.

Registrar of Voters

1887 to 1888


Provines, R. R.

Police Judge

1868 to 1869


Purdy, I. B.

School Director



Quarles, William A.

Public Administrator

1866 to 1868

John S. Finn, Administrator's Attorney.

Rainey, Jr., Samuel

Fire Commissioner

1868 to 1873


Randall, A. G.



Resigned February 13, 1860.

Randall, P. M.

School Director

1856 to 1857


Rankin, Herman


1883 to 1884


Rankin, Ira P.

School Director


Appointed May 14, 1867, vice William G. Badger, resigned.

Rankin, Samuel B.

Superintendent Fire Alarm, etc.

1889 to 1890


Ransom, L. W.

Justice of the Peace

1875 to 1877; 1879 to 1880

Presiding Justice in 1880.

Reed, Charles W.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 1

1893 to 1894


Reed, Edward B.


1891 to 1892


Reed, William C.

License Collector

1857 to 1860

Jointly with N. Proctor Smith.

Reddington, J. H.


1862 to 1863


Rearden, Timothy H.

Superior Judge

1883 to 1890

Appointed September 16, 1883, vice Oliver P. Evans, resigned; elected for full term in 1884.

Regensburger, M., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1892 to 1893


Reichenbach, John J.


1883 to 1884


Reimer, Julius

Justice of the Peace

1889 to 1890


Reis, Christian


1883 to 1884; 1887 to 1890


Reis, Christian


1893 to 1894


Reis, Gustave

Fire at Commissioner

1877 to 1881; 1883 to 1884

Resigned December 3, 1884.

Reynolds, Ben. A.

Public Administrator

1880 to 1881

Leonard Reynolds, Administrator's Attorney.

Reynolds, Charles H.

School Director

1870 to 1871


Reynolds, James H.


1866 to 1867


Reynolds, James H.

Fire Commissioner

1868 to 1872

Died in office February 6, 1872.

Reynolds, Samuel F.

Judge 4th District Court

1862 to 1863


Reynolds, Thomas H.

Deputy Clerk Supervisors

1868 to 1875

Resigned November 22, 1875.

Reynolds, Thomas H.

County Clerk

1876 to 1879


Rice, George H.

Fire at Commissioner

1882 to 1883


Rice, John R.



Removed from office November 20, 1874.

Ring, Richard


1869 to 1870


Risdon, John N.

School Director

1863 to 1864

Appointed July 14, 1863, vice Wales L. Palmer, resigned; resigned February 2, 1864.

Rix, Alfred

Police Judge

1866 to 1867


Rix, Hale

Police Judge

1880 to 1882; 1885 to 1886; 1889 to 1892


Roach, Philip A.

Public Administrator

1883 to 1886

Administrator's Attorneys, Harry T. Hammond and John A. Wright, 1883; thereafter, (Mr. H. having died) John A. Wright and T. E. K. Cormac.

Roberts, James B.


1874 to 1875


Roberts, John C.


1875 to 1877

Appointed November, 1875, vice George Hewston, elected Mayor

; and elected for 1876 to 1877.




Roberts, M. R. Supervisor


1856 to 1857


Rodgers, Lee O., M. D.

School Director


Resigned August 7, 1883.

Rogers, Daniel


1893 to 1894


Rogers, George H.

Surveyor and Election Commissioner

1883 to 1884


Rogers, James A.

School Director

1863 to 1868

Appointed September 24, 1867 to fill vacancy, and in office September 26, 1868.

Rogers, Robert C.

Public Administrator

1856 to 1857

Administrator's Attorney, Daniel Rogers.

Rosener, Levi


1870 to 1875

Removed from office February 5, 1875.

Rosenbaum, Simon

Judge Police Court No. 2

1881 to 1882

Appointed on the organization of the Court.

Rosenfeld, John

Fire Commissioner

1870 to 1873


Rosenfeld, John

Park Commissioner

1882 to 1886


Rosekrans, Hiram

School Director

1872 to 1875


Rosenstirn, Julius, M.D.

Member Board of Health



Rosewald, Jacob H.

School Director

1893 to 1894


Rothschild, Joseph

School Director

1887 to 1888


Rowell, Isaac

Member Board of Health



Rowell, Isaac


1865 to 1866


Rowell, Isaac

Health Officer

1867 to 1870


Rountree, James O.


1878 to 1879


Roy, Robert


1885 to 1886


Roysdon, A. W.

Prosecuting Attorney City Criminal Court



Ruddick, William J.

County Clerk

1887 to 1888


Ruggles, Charles S.

Superintendent of Streets

1885 to 1886

Died in office.

Russ, Henry B.




Russell, Alexander


1889 to 1890


Russell, John A.

Deputy Clerk Board Supervisors

1866 to 1868


Russell, John A.

Clerk Board Supervisors


Elected by the Board April 24, 1868, vice James W. Bingham, deceased; still in office.

Ryan, James


1893 to 1894


Ryan, James H.

Justice of the Peace

1881 to 1882


Ryan, Lawrence

Supervisor and Justice of the Peace

July to November 1856


Ryan, Thomas P.

District Attorney

1874 to 1875


Sabin, John I.

School Director

1891 to 1892

And President of the Board in 1891.

Sage, Lewis P.

School Director

1856 to 1857


Sage, Lewis P.

Public Administrator

1858 to 1860

Administrator's Attorney, William W. Crane, Jr.

Sanderson, Austin A.

Superior Judge

1891 to

Presiding Judge since November 1, 1893; term will end December 31, 1896.

Sanderson, George H.

Mayor, and President of Election Commissioner, New City Hall Commissioners, and Board of Health

1891 to 1892


Saunders, John H.

Attorney and Counselor

1861 to 1866


Savage, Lincoln E.

2nd Assistant City and County Attorney

1891 to 1892


Sawyer, E. D.

School Director


Resigned December 8, 1863.

Sawyer, E. D.

Judge 4th District Court

1864 to 1869


Sawyer, Frederick A.

Justice of the Peace

1878 to 1871; 1874 to 1875 and 1878 to 1879

Presiding Judge 1878 to 1879; died in office November 28, 1879.

Sawyer, Lorenzo

Judge 12th District Court

1862 to 1863


Sawyer, Woodbury B.

Police Judge 1870 to 1871



Schaeffer, J. B.

Harbor Master

July to November 1856


Scheeline, N.

School Director

1876 to 1877


Schmitt, Maurice

Fire Commissioner

1892 October 3, 1893


Schottler, Antone


1880 to 1881


Schreiber, Jacob



Appointed May 21, 1866, vice Gerrit W. Bell, deceased.

Scott, A. W.

School Director

1867 to 1868


Scott, A. W.


1874 to 1875; 1878 to 1879


Seawell, James M.

Superior Judge


Term will end of December 31, 1898.

Sedgwick, John



Sheriff' s Attorney, E. F. Salomon.

Selby, Thomas H.

Mayor and President of the Board of Health

1870 to 1871


Sesnon, William T.

County Clerk

1883 to 1884


Sewell, Daniel

School Director

1891 to 1892


Shaber, W. R.


1880 to 1881


Shackleford, Thomas J.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 4

1893 to 1894


Shafter, James McMillan

Superior Judge

1889 to 1890

Appointed in July, 1889, vice J. F. Sullivan, resigned.

Sharpstein, John R.

Judge 12th District Court

1874 to 1875


Shattuck, D. D.


1868 to 1869


Shattuck, D. O.

Judge of (old) Superior Court

1855 to 1857

Court abolished in his instance May 1, 1857.

Shaw, George T.

School Director

1885 to 1886


Shepard, J. L. N.

School Director


Presiding January 24, 1865.

Shepheard, P. W.

Assistant District Attorney

1860 to 1863


Shepheard, P. W.

Police Judge

1864 to 1865


Sherman, William

School Director

1856 to 1858

And President of the Board.

Sheldon, B. A., M.D.


1862 to 1864


Shew, William

School Director

1869 to 1870


Shine, John P.

School Director

1871 to 1875


Shine, John P.


1876 to 1877


Shirley, John


1882; 1883 to 1884


Shorb, J. Campbell, M.D.

Member Board of Health

1871 to 1872; 1876 to 1879 and 1883 to 1887


Shrader, Andrew J.


1865 to 1873


Shuck, Oscar Tully

Justice of the Peace

1868 to 1869


Siebe, Frederick C.

Fire Commissioner

1882 to 1887

Office declared vacant August 1, 1887, on account of absence from the State.

Siebe, John D.


1891 to 1894


Sims, John R.


1874 to 1875


Simpson, James, M.D.

Member Board of Health

1874 to 1877; 1880 to 1883


Sinton, Richard H.

School Director

1869 to 1870


Sinton, Richard H.

License Collector

1876 to 1881


Slack, Charles W.

Superior Judge


Appointed August, 1891, vice Joseph P. Hoge, deceased; and elected in 1892 for full term ending December 31, 1898.

Sloss, Gordon B.

Fire Commissioner

1873 to 1881; 1883 to 1887

Resigned January 3, 1887.

Smiley, Thomas J. L.

Registrar of Voters

1889 to 1890


Smiley, Thomas J. L.

Auditor, Election Commissioner, and New City Hall Commissioner

1891 to 1892

Appointed March 3, 1891, vice David Stern, deceased.

Smith, E. W.


July to November 1856


Smith, J. Henley


1878 to 1879; 1883 to 1884

Resigned November 10, 1884.

Smith, M. C.

Superintendent of Streets

1869 to 1870


Smith, N. Proctor

License Collector

1858 to 1861

In 1858 to 1860 jointly with William C. Reed.

Smith, S. Harrison

Surveyor and Election Commissioner

1887 to 1890


Smith, William B.

Justice of the Peace

1885 to 1886


Smoot, David L.

District Attorney

1880 to 1881


Sneath, R. G.


1856 to 1859


Sneath, R. G.

Member Board of Health

1866 to 1868


Southard, J. B.

2nd  Assistant District Attorney

1886; 1889 to 1890


Spaulding, Jerome

School Director

1874 to 1875


Spinetti, J. A.

Justice of the Peace

June to October 1884

Appointed vice Charles H. Wolff, deceased.

Spotts, Albert T.


1887 to 1888


Stafford, H. J.

Justice of the Peace

1885 to 1890

Presiding Judge 1889 to 1890.

Stanford, Leland

Part Commissioner

1882 to 1883

Resigned June 29, 1883.

Stanly, John A.

County Judge

1870 to 1874

Resigned in October, 1874.

Stanton, James I., M.D.


1887 to 1888


Stanton, James I., M.D.


1893 to 1894

Appointed June and 12, 1898, vice William Montgomery, deceased.

Stanyan, Charles H.


1866 to 1869


Steinbach, John A.

School Director

1887 to 1888


Stephens, John J.

3rd Assistant City and County Attorney

1891 to 1892


Stern, David

School Director

1882; 1885 to 1886


Stern, David

Auditor, Election Commissioner, and New City Hall Commissioner


Died in office, March 2, 1891.

Sterrett, B. F.

School Director



Stetson, James B.


1880 to 1881


Stevens, Martin

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 3

1891 to 1892


Stillman, J. D. B., M.D.

School Director

1869 to 1870


Stillman, J. D. B., M.D.


1872 to 1873


Stoddard, S. B.

School Director



Stone, Charles B.

School Director

1887 to 1890


Stone, Frank M.

First Assistant District Attorney



Stone, N. B.

School Director


President of the Board; resigned from the Board December 13, 1880.

Stonehill, Edward B.

First Assistant District Attorney

1883 to 1884


Stonehill, Edward B.

District Attorney

1887 to 1888


Story, Charles R.

License Collector

1862 to 1864

In 1862 to 1863 jointly with Cornelius Hoyer.

Story, Charles R.

Tax Collector

1864 to 1868


Story, Charles R.


1870 to 1873


Story, Lafayette

School Director

1862 to 1864


Stow, W. W.

Park Commissioner

Since September 18, 1889

President of the board since 1891.

Stretch, R. H.


1872 to 1873


Strother, Fleet F.


1876 to 1877; 1883 to 1884


Strother, Fleet F.

Auditor, Election Commissioner, New City Hall Commissioner

1885 to 1890


Stuart, William A.

County Clerk

1880 to 1881

Resigned August 1, 1881.

Stubbs, J. C. S.

School Director

1881 to 1882

And President of the Board in 1882.

Sturdivant, Robert O.

Justice of the Peace

November to December 1882

Elected vice J. D. Connelly, deceased.

Sullivan, Daniel T.

2nd Assistant District Attorney

1883 to 1884


Sullivan, Eugene L.

Park Commissioner

1872 to 1878


Sullivan, Jeremiah D.

District Attorney

1883 to 1884


Sullivan, Jeremiah F.

School Director

1878 to 1879


Sullivan, Jeremiah F.

Superior Judge

1880 to 1889

Presiding Judge in 1883; resigned July, 1889.

Sullivan, John T.


1883 to 1884

Appointed November, 1874, vice Dr.John R. Rice, removed; and elected for 1876 to 1877.

Swan, Benjamin R., M.D.


1874 to 1877


Swain, H. F.


1872 to 1873


Sweeny, Myles D.


1862 to 1863


Swett, John

Superintendent of Schools

1891 to 1894


Symmes, Frank J.

School Director

1893 to 1894

Appointed October 25, 1893, vice Frank J. French, resigned.

Taber, Charles W.


1891 to 1892


Tait, George

Superintendent of Schools

1862 to 1865


Tait, George

School Director

1876 to 1877

Resigned as School Director September 18, 1877.

Talbert, Thomas A.


1878 to 1879

Appointed October 28, 1878, vice Horace L. Hill, resigned.

Taliaferro, T. W.

Justice of the Peace

1868 to 1871

Also Apr. 2 November 1884, appointed vice G. A. Young, deceased.

Tandler, A.

School Director



Tams, Sampson

School Director

1889 to 1890


Taylor, Charles L.

School Director



Taylor, Charles L.


1879 to 1881

Appointed November, 1879, vice T. S. Acheson, office declared vacant.

Taylor, John W.

School Director

September 18, 1877 to 1879


Taylor, John W.

Superintendent Common Schools

1880 to 1882


Taylor, Samuel P.


1872 to 1873


Taylor, Stuart M.


1878 to 1879


Taylor, William E., M.D.


1889 to 1890

Resigned in January 6, 1890.

Tennent, Thomas


1859 to 1860


Teschemacher, H. F.

Mayor of

1860 to 1863

Office styled "President of the Board of Supervisors" until 1863.

Tharp, J. L.

Registrar of Voters

1880 to 1882


Thomas, Charles J.

Superintendent Fire Alarm, expectorant

1891 to February 13, 1893


Thompson, L.

School Director

1880 to 1881


Thompson, S. B.

School Director

1864 to 1866


Thompson, R. Aug.

Justice of the Peace

1874 to 1877

Presiding Justice 1876 to 1877.

Thompson, W. T.

Harbor Master

1859 to 1861


Thornton, James D.

Judge 23rd District Court

1878 to 1879


Tilden, Harmon J.

School Director

1874 to 1875

President of the Board 1874.

Tillinghast, W. H.


1857 to 1861


Tillson, Charles

Tax Collector and Election Commissioner

November 14, 1879 to 1881

November 14 to December 31, 1879, vice William Mitchell, deceased.

Tilton, Charles S.

Surveyor and Election Commissioner

1885 to 1886; 1891 to 1892


Tilton, S. S.


1856 to 1859


Titcomb, A. H.


1863 to 1866


Tittel, F. G. E.


1866 to 1867

Beginning September 17, 1866, vice Gerrit W. Bell, deceased.

Titus, Isaac S., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1878 to 1879


Tobin, Robert J.

Police Commissioner


Still in office, appointed at its creation.

Todd, D. B.

School Director

1876 to 1877


Toland, H. H., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1871 to 1880

Died in office February 27, 1880.

Toohy, Dennis J.

Superior Judge

1883 to 1888


Torpey, William H.

Superintendent Fire Alarm, etc.

Since February 13, 1893


Torrens, George




Torrey, Erastus N.

Fire Commissioner

1866 to 1874

Resigned as Fire Commissioner April 17, 1874.

Townsend, Clarence F.

Justice of the Peace

1872 to 1873


Tracy, Frederick P.

Attorney and Counsellor

1857 to 1859


Travers, Charles E.

School Director

1883 to 1884


Troutt, James M.

First Assistant District Attorney

1885 to 1886


Troutt, James M.

Superior Judge


Present term will end December 31, 1898; was Presiding Judge for 1892.

Turner, G. R.


1857 to 1861


Urquhart, J. S.

Superintendent Fire Alarm, etc.

1875 to 1877

Office declared vacant April 9, 1877.

Valleau, Samuel


1885 to 1886


Van Alen, W. K.


1856 to 1858


Van Ness, James

Police Judge



Van Reynegom, F. W.

Superior Judge

1889 to 1890

Appointed 8, 1889, vice T. K. Wilson, resigned.

Van Schaick, L. H.

School Director

1880 to 1881

President of the Board 1881.

Von Rhein, Otto F.

School Director

1876 to 1877


Wadham, Luman

School Director

1880 to 1881


Wadham, Luman

Tax Collector and Election Commissioner

1885 to 1886


Wallace, William T.

Superior Judge


Presiding Judge 1891

Walsh, Patrick F.

Registrar of Voters

1884 to 1887


Wangenheim, A. L.

School Director

1871 to 1873


Wangenheim, A. L.



Died in office January 28, 1874.

Washburn, E. H.

Tax Collector

1861 to 1864


Wasserman, A.

School Director


Appointed April 4, 1868, vice R. P. Hammond, resigned.

Waymire, James A.

Superior Judge

1881 to 1882

Appointed to fill vacancy October 17, 1881.

Webster, B. F.

School Director



Wedekind, George L.

Clerk Justices' Clerk

1868 to 1880


Webb, C. C.


1862 to 1863


Webb, H. Watson

Judge Police Court No. 1

1883 to 1884


Weeks, F. S., M.D.




Weill, Raphael

School Director

1883 to 1884; 1889

Resigned April 21, 1884; also October 9, 1889.

Welch, Lawrence J.

Assistant City and County Attorney



Weller, Jr., Charles L.

Assistant City and County Attorney 1883



Wells, William A.

Clerk of Board of Supervisors


Resigned to September 16, 1861.

Wempe, William

School Director

1889 to 1870


Wentworth, George A.

Assistant City and County Attorney



Wentworth, John P. H.

School Director

1885 to 1886


Whalen, John H.

Prosecuting Attorney City Criminal Court



Wheaton, William R.


1863 to 1867


Wheelan, Peter


1889 to 1890


Whelan, George J., President Board Supervisors

July to November 1856



Wheeler, E. D.

Judge 19th District Court

1872 to 1879


White, Patrick J.


1868 to 1871

Sheriff's Attorney, James H. Hardy and J. F. Cowdery.

Whitney, James D.


1880 to 1881


Whitney, J. P., M.D.

Member Board of Health

1865; 1874 to 1875


Widber, James H.

School Director

1859 to 1865


Widber, James H.

Superintendent Common Schools

1871 to 1873


Widber, James H.


1882; 1891 to 1894


Wilder, David

County Clerk

November to December 1881; 1882

Appointed in 1881, vice William A. Stuart, resigned; and elected for 1882.

Wiley, Austin

School Director


Appointed February 12, 1867, vice Charles M. Plum, resigned; and resigned September 24, 1867.

Wilkinson, William


1891 to 1892


Willett, Walter M.

Justice of the Peace

1893 to 1894


Williams, Edward W.

Clerk Justices' Court

1893 to 1894


Williams, Henry F.

School Director

1869 to 1870


Williamson, James


1885 to 1886


Willis, Henry M.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court

1857 to 1858


Wilson, Charles


1856 to 1858


Wilson, James K.

School Director

1889 to 1890


Wilson, John N. E.

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court 2

1881 to 1882


Wilson, Marion A.

Clerk Justices' Court

1889 to 1890


Wilson, Thomas K.

Superior Judge

1880 to 1889

Resigned May 16, 1889; was Presiding Judge in 1880 from the death of Judge Daingerfield, May 5th.

Winans, Joseph W.

School Director

1866 to 1867

And President of the Board.

Winkle, Henry


1868 to 1870


Wise, John H.


1876 to 1877


Wolff, Charles H.

Justice of the Peace

1883 to 1884

Died in office Jun. 1, 1884.

Wood, Clement F.

Justice of the Peace

November to December 1884; 1885 to 1886

In 1884, vice George A. Young, deceased.

Wood, Joseph M.

School Director

1861 to 1863


Woods, George L.

2nd Assistant District Attorney

1885 to 1886


Woodward, Thomas P.

School Director

1887 to 1892


Worley, A. E. T.

Judge Police Court No. 2


Died in office January 1, 1892.

Wright, Stuart S.

Justice of the Peace

1878 to 1879


Wright, Selden S.

Probate Judge

1868 to 1870


Wright, Selden S.

County Judge

1874 to 1879


Wright, Selden S.



Appointed County Judge, vice John A. Stanly, resigned, for October 1874 to December 1875; elected for 1876 to 1879.  Appointed Supervisor 1889, vice J. M. McDonald, resigned.

Young, George A.

Justice of the Peace

1883 to 1884

Died in office, April 1, 1884.

Young, Thomas


1859 to 1860


Young, Thomas


1862 to 1867








Bowie, Augustus J.

School Director

1887 to 1888

Brown, Samuel H.

Fire Commissioner

1892, Still in office.

DeLaMontanya, H.


1861 to 1865

Louderback, Davis

Prosecuting Attorney Police Court

1866 to 1871












Ackerman, C. H.

Second Assistant Engineer

1867 to July 20, 1870


Ackerman, C. H.

Chief Engineer

July 20, 1870 to April 4, 1871


Brady, Matthew

Second Assistant Engineer

September 19, 1870 to April 6, 1874


Brady, Matthew

First Assistant Engineer

April 6, 1874 to 1881


Brady, Matthew

Assistant Chief Engineer

1881 to September 21, 1882

Accidentally killed while on duty.

Burckes, H. W.

First Assistant Engineer

1867 to June 11, 1870 and April 21, 1873 to December 1, 1873


Corbell, George W.

Second Assistant Engineer

July 20, 1870 to September 19, 1870


Corbell, George W.

Third Assistant Engineer

1870 to to April 6, 1874


Corbell, George W.

Fourth Assistant Engineer

April 6, 1874 to December 3, 1877


Dolan, Michael J.

Assistant Engineer

Since 1892


Dougherty, John

Assistant Engineer

1889 to 1892


Dougherty, John

Assistant Chief Engineer

 Since April, 1893


Imbrie, A. C.

Assistant Engineer

December 3, 1877 to 1887


Kennard, George W.

Assistant Engineer

1887 to 1889


Kennard, George W.

Assistant Chief Engineer

Since 1889


Mooney, Cornelius

First Assistant Engineer

June 11, 1870 to April 21, 1873 and December 1, 1873 to April 6, 1874

Also Third Assistant Engineer, Volunteer Fire Department, 1864; 2nd Assistant, 1865; and First Assistant, 1866.

McCarthy, John

Assistant Engineer

September 27, 1882 to 1891


McKittrick, Edward F.

Assistant Engineer

Since 1890


Riley, James

Second Assistant Engineer

April 6, 1874 to September 25, 1882


Riley, James

Second Assistant Chief Engineer

September 25, 1882 to 1889


Ross, John E.

Fourth Assistant Engineer

1872 to June 10, 1873


Ross, John E.

Assistant Engineer

April 6, 1874 to April 3, 1883

Date of his death; accidentally killed in service.

Sands, Thomas

Assistant Engineer

1883 to 1888


Scannell, David

Chief Engineer,

April 4, 1871 to April 21, 1873 and December 1, 1873 to March 30, 1893

Date of his death.  Was also Chief Engineer of the Volunteer Fire Department, 1861 to 1866.

Shaughnessy, Patrick H.

Assistant Engineer

Since 1892


Sullivan, Dennis T.

Assistant Engineer



Sullivan, Dennis T.

Assistant Chief Engineer

1892 April 4, 1893


Sullivan, Dennis T.

Chief Engineer

Since April 4, 1893


Walsh, George

Assistant Engineer

Since 1892


Whitney, Frank E. R.

Chief Engineer

1867 to July 20, 1870 and April 21, 1873 to December 1, 1873

Also Chief Engineer of the Volunteer Fire Department in 1851, and 1856 to 1860.

Wills, John

Assistant Engineer

Since 1892


Wolff, Bernard

Fourth Assistant Engineer

June 10, 1873 to April 6, 1874








The following table shows the members of the respective Boards of 1880, 1882 and 1886, the date of each election held at which proposed charters were submitted to the people of San Francisco, the vote cast for and against the adoption, with the expense consequent upon the preparation and submission of the same to the electors:





J. P. Hoge, President

J. S. Hager, President

R. C. Harrison, President

S. M. Wilson

John F. Swift

A. G. Booth

M. M. Estee

W. C. Burnett

Jacob Greenebaum

R. C. Harrison

N. B. Stone

George R. B. Hayes

A. S. Hallidie

W. F. McNutt

A. S. Hallidie

Thomas B. Bishop

I. P. Rankin

A. H. Loughborough

A. Comte, Jr.

J. B. Stetson

Thomas Magee

Washington Bartlett

E. N. Torrey

D. A. Macdonald

James M. McDonald

Fisher Ames

E. R. Taylor

J. M. McNulty

A. J. Bryant

John McKee

Charles Kohler

 Charles Kohler

D.C. McRuer

Isaac Wormser

R. J. Wilson

R. J. Wilson

M. P. Jones

R. Tobin

C. Holbrook

James T. Boyd

George T. Marye, Jr.

 George T. Marye, Jr

T. I. Bergin

P. Harrington

S. G. Murphy

William T. Atwood, Secretary

A. E. T. Worley, Secretary

 A. E. T. Worley, Secretary

Election held March 30, 1880

Election held March 5, 1883

Election held April 12, 1887


© 2003 Nancy Pratt Melton




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