San Francisco, California

APRIL 18, 1918

ISLAM TEMPLE, Geary St., Between Jones and Leavenworth






Amandus Ahman

Herman E. Albert

B. F. Alden

Charles Allen

Fred J. Anderson

Marquitt Anderson

John S. Baker

Herbert Baldwin

August H. Bartcher

Roy E. Belden

Alexander Berkowitz

Siebert D. Boak

Carl Boehringer

Richard J. Bond

Thomas G. Bond

Jules R. Brown

George T. Brownridge

Frederick Bruse

Albert W. Burgren

Philip E. Cantlon

Joseph Carleton

Fred L. Castle

John O. Cedar

Howard F. Clark

Perry O. Clark

Raimon F. Conlisk

Albert A. Courteney

Sigmund S. Cowen

Allen J. Close

Albert B. Cox

Milton H. Crowe

Paul E. Curtis

Herbert L. Damner

Darold D. DeCoe

Charles E.  Dodd

Charles P. Doe

Jesse L. Forkner

Jeffreys Friedberg

James C. Gardner

James M. Gassaway

Chester R. Gaston

Claude Goldsbury

William Goodman

Adolphus Graupner

William C. Grindley

Alrik Hammar

John Harder

Chester S. Harris

Frederick P. Hart

Harry B. Hartman

Henry T. Haustein

Clarence E. Heald

Frank D. Heastand

Ralph W. Hines

William Henderson

Rufus F. Henry

William H. Heuer

Alfred E. Hofmann

Leonard I. Hofmann

Hugo J. Holtz

Earl S. Horigan

Charles R. Howland

Ralph L. Hughes

Olav Johnson

Viggo J. L. Jorgenson

Henry A. Kassebaum

Sylvan L. Kasper

David S. Kay

Olin R. Kelcey

William J. Kelton

Harry L. Kern

Joseph A. Killian

Joseph B. Lacy

Lonnie H. Lee

T. B. W. Leland

Sigmund Levy

Albert J. Lewek

Edgar M. Lewin

Archibald O. Lockhart

John W. Logan

Melville H. Long

Francis B. Longley

Robert Lorentz, Jr.

Herbert Luhn

Duncan M. Macvean

Joseph Malfanti

George H. Mallatratt

Clifford C. Martin

William M. Martin

Wallace A. Mason

Morris Mazor

Royal Miller

Arthur Milman

Daniel Mullan

Milton R. Murray

Ernest M. Myers

John G. Mysch

Andrew J. McCallan

J. S. McKeany

Howard M. McKinley

Leslie B. McMurtry, Jr.

Frank M. Nestroy

John H. Noonan

Johan E. Nord

Pat  A. O'Brien

Earl E. Park

William C. Parker

Harry L. Pence

Frederick Peterson

William H. Phillips

James C. Popert

John J. Pryor

Armand Putz

William H. Quarg

Colvin M. Reed

Norman E. E. Reed

Arthur H. Reinstein

Herbert R. Riemer

Harry F. Robb

Evan C. Robertson

Edward Rogers

Melbourne C. Routt

Richard M. Salter

William M. Schwartz

Frank P. Schemmel

William W. Shannon, Jr.

Herbert G. Shaw

Gerald H. Simon

Bunn B. Smith

Haldor Smith

Louis "D" Smith

Ira S. Solomon

George Springett

Frank C. Stambach

William Stranahan

Sidney Sterling

Bruce M. Stern

Joseph H. Sublett

Charles H. Taylor

Jackson Temple

Edwin H. Toepke

Werner Tornroth

Marshal H. Trout

George A. Trumbo

Robert A. Tucker

Austin Y. Tuel

Eldridge C. Turner

Christian A. C. Van Dort

Leo C. Waters

J. Nelson Watt

George S. Waugh

Harry M. Weiss

William E. Welsh

Henry Westhofer

John Wikander

G. Hazleton Wilson

Russell J. Wilson

John B. Wolters, Jr.

Jesse W. Woolridge


Islam Temple will publish in the bulletins a Roll of Honor of its Nobles who have entered the service of the United States.  Dues of such nobles will be remitted and every possible honor acckrded our brothers who are making this sacrifice for their country.

You are requested to kindly send the Reporter the name, rank and branch of service of any Noble of Islam, who has joined the Red, White and Blue.





Noble Harry Maundrell



            At the stated meeting of February 14, 1918, Noble Harry Maundrell was selected Recorder of Islam Temple.

            Islam is fortunate in securing the services of a Noble so well known in Masonic circles and with the experience that Harry has acquired in the work of the Shrine.  He has passed through various stations of the Divan to Past Potentate and has served on all important committees of recent years.

            He has been elected Representative to Imperial Council eight successive times and has had practical experience in charge of the Patrol.  Now that he is Recorder, do your part.




Islam's New Home


            May, 1918, Islam Temple Headquarters will move from Powell Street to the new temple, 650 Geary Street, between Jones and Leavenworth.  The Recorder's office will be located at the new address May 1st and the Club Rooms as soon as possible furniture can be installed.  The handsome edifice, luxurious furnishings and the successful completion of the thousand details incidental to be consistent execution of the Oriental scheme of Islam's new home, bear testimony to be untiring work in constant attendance of the committee in charge of building and furnishing.







Noble John Bennett

Entered the Unseen Temple, January 29, 1918



            There is today a vacant place in the EXECUTIVE BODY of ISLAM TEMPLE; a pillar in that Body has fallen, and one of its chief components has bowed to the Omnipotent Decree.  "The silver cord is loosed; the golden bowl is broken; the pitcher is broken at the cistern; the dust has returned to the earth it was and the spirit has returned to God who gave it."



Noble John Bennett


            In him we all had an interest.  We valued him for his efficiency; we admire him for his fidelity; we love him for his genial courtesy; we will remember him and praise him for his untiring efforts in all that pertains to the welfare of our Temple.

            On the 9th day of December, 1909, our beloved Noble Brother was elected to this position, and from that date until the summons of Death removed him from us, Noble Bennett's heart was in his labors for us, in season and out, there was no flagging in his work, no lack of devotion to the discharge of the onerous and responsible duties of the position to which the unanimous suffrages of the Nobility of Islam called him.  The neatness, correctness and style of the books of his office are evidence of his care and efficiency.  Models they are that may well serve as guides and aids to those who may hereafter be called to follow him in the execution of the duties of this most important position.  His devotion will prove an inspiration to all those who may succeed him.

            We regarded his loss to us as a great misfortune, and humbly trust that the Nobles of Islam, putting aside all other consideration, will carefully honor his memory and honor themselves by like care, character and efficiency.

            We desire to express the sympathy of the Nobles to those of his household in this sad affliction that has befallen them.  May He who doeth all things, aid, protect and comfort them in this dark hour of grief.

            In testimony of our love and esteem for Noble Bennett and our sympathy for the bereaved, we, in session assembled, ordered this Memorial spread in full upon the minutes of the Temple, and a copy thereof be sent to his family.

                                                                                                                        J. W. Anderson, Chairman.

                                                                                                                        William Crocker, Committee

                                                                                                                        Charles G. Gebhardt, Committee





Congratulations, Ernie!


            Noble Enest C. Hueter, our genial Assistant Rabban, has won the heart and hand of Miss Lauretta Boyd, one of Sacramento’s fairest and most charming daughters.  The happy couple were married on January 2, 1918, and will reside in San Francisco.  Islam wishes them every blessing.









Acampo and Vicinity--- John B. Cory, James Terry Langford.

Angels Camp and Vicinity--- William M. Nuner, Jr.

Atwater and Vicinity--- S. Herbert Buck.

Auburn and Vicinity--- Ernest S. Birdsall, William G. Lee.

Chico and Vicinity--- William B. Dean, K. B. Troxel, R. W. Durham, E.T. Reynolds, Gilbert H. Taylor.

Colusa and Vicinity--- Burr H. Mitchell, Jesse Poundstone.

Dos Palos and Vicinity--- Dennis A. Leonard.

Eureka and Vicinity--- George A. Belcher, Garland A. Dungan, Alexander Rankin, William N. Speegle, Joseph J. Weiss, William R. McMillan.

Fresno and Vicinity--- Charles T. Cearley, Duncan D. Allison, J. M. Buswell, James T. Chism, W. Chittenden, Alfred B. Clark, Herbert Levy ., Harvey Wilber,

Theodore D. Keech.

Gridley--- Charles H. Brown, William Jeffreys.

Hanford and Vicinity--- George W. Kelly, Henry T. Hendricks, John C. Rice, F. J. Steele, M. Borba.

Hollister and Vicinity--- William R. Flint.

Los Banos and Vicinity--- W. W. Wright.

Madera and Vicinity--- A. B. McGilvray, A. J. Manasee, F. W. Krohn, Elmer H. Cox.

Marysville and Vicinity--- Arthur W. Gluckman, Harry E. Hyde.

Merced and Vicinity--- Jonathan H. Simonsen, A. F. Pedreira.

Modesto and Vicinity--- William H. Hatton, F. R. De Lappe.

Monterey and Vicinity--- Robert L. Anderson, S. Charmack McCabe, Douglas Cooper.

Napa and Vicinity--- L. J. Evans, George A. Hearn, M. McIntyre, R. Raymond.

Nevada City and Vicinity--- Fred L. Arbogast, Ralph W. Gaylord.

Oroville and Vicinity--- A. F. Jones, Charles G. Leeson.

Petaluma and Vicinity--- Frank H. Phillips, Ed I. Camm, Thomas Maclay.

Placerville and Vicinity--- R. K. Berry, Seth B. Beach.

Redding and Vicinity--- Arthur M. Dean, W. Coyne, R. M. Saeltzer.

Red Bluff and Vicinity--- H. C. Swain, Charles E. Fish, Frank H. Hendricks, Henry P. Stice.

Sacramento and Vicinity--- Joseph H. Stephens, Louis F. Breuner, Frank J. Ruhstaller, H. F. Diggles, R.O. Kimbrough, C. A. Root, R. B. Wilcox, H. E.

Yardley, Charles J. Crittenden, John Clauss, Edwin J. Harvey, Edward A. Weil, Adolph Teichert, A. T. Spencer.

Salinas and Vicinity--- Frederick E. Dayton, Edward F. Rossi.

San Francisco and Vicinity--- Charles Albert Adams, Joseph B. Abrams, Robert E. Allan, James W. Anderson, P. Bernhard, A. G. Boggs, Frank E. Booth, Albert E. Boynton, Herbert M. Brown, Albert W. Burgren, Robert N. Carson, Dewey Coffin, Jesse B. Cook, William Crocker, A. J. De Lamare, H. G. W. Dinkelspiel, Gus E. Dorn, Daniel E. F. Easton, George Filmer, William P. Filmer, A. W. Foster, Mark E. Gaines, John O. Gantner, John E. Gilson, W. A. Gompertz, Edmond Godchaux, Fred L. Hansen, Marshall C. Harris, William C. Hassler, Ralph L. Hathorn, John W. Heidt, Christian Hellwig, William H. Hendricks, William V. Hollingbery., William P. Humphreys, Charles Jellinek, Alphonse Judis, J. C. Kains, Francis V. Keesling, C. G. Kenyon, John A. Klein, Alfred Kutner, Mark W. Levy, E. R. Lilienthal, Harvey D. Loveland, L. B. McMurtry, R. E. Miller, Charles H. Murphy, Howard Nauman, George A. Newton, Francis H. E. O'Donnell, Charles L. Patton, William A. Rasmussen, F. L. Rosenau, T. Patterson Ross, Thomas Trebell, Charles S. Wheeler, John Witcher, F. W. Williams, Hermon F. Wilson, Clark Wise, Casimir J. Wood.

San Jose and Vicinity--- Walter F. Lillick, Ray Chapman, Bert Goldsmith, Arthur M. Free, Arthur B. Langford, A. J. Koch, George A. Howes, George E. Powell.

San Rafael and Vicinity--- William A. Rice.

Santa Cruz and Vicinity--- Ralph Heins, George A. Montell, W. C. Moore, George H. Cardiff, W. S. Moore.

Santa Rosa and Vicinity--- H. W. Jacobs, Charles D. Barnett, Orin L. Houts, M. L. Wasserman, A. F. Upp.

Sonora and Vicinity--- Charles H. Burden, David H. Steinmetz, Frank Morgan.

Suisun and Vicinity--- William Pierce.

Susanville--- Jules Alexander.

Tulare and Vicinity--- George C. Burnett, William P. Williams, Thomas D. Blodgett.

Ukiah and Vicinity--- James M. Mannon.

Vacaville and Vicinity--- George Ackerly, Stirling W. Dobbins.

Vallejo and Vicinity--- A. Hammar, Thomas B. Dick, J. S. Symington.

Visalia and Vicinity--- William R. Spalding, A. H. Murray, Jr., Charles H. Kinkler, Irwin A. Shiffert.

Watsonville and Vicinity--- John E. Trafton.

Weaverville and Vicinity--- John S. Reid.

Yreka and Vicinity--- William B. Shearer, Fred E. Wadsworth, Louis F. Coburn.











Illustrious Potentate

Chief Rabban

Assistant Rabban

High Priest and Prophet

Oriental Guide



First Ceremonial Master

Second Ceremonial Master


Captain of the Guard

Outer Guard


Director Scenic Effect

John D. McGilvray

Leslie B. McMurtry

Ernest C. Hueter

Thomas L. Hill

Ira W. Colburn

Charles G. Gebhardt

Harry Maundrell

Walter N. Brunt

Charles P. Doe

William Worden

Otto F. Grundel

James L. Arthur

George K. Porter

A. F. Schleicher








Illustrious Potentate

Past Potentate

Past Potentate


Honorary Life Member Imperial Council, Past Potentate

John D. McGilvray

Harry Maundrell

William Crocker

Joseph Heineberg

George Filmer







1883… William H. Barnes

1884… Rueben H. Lloyd

1885… Arthur W. Foster

1886… William Center

1887… Curtis G. Kenyon

1888-1889..  Franklin H. Day

1890, 1891, 1897, 18908, 1899…

… Charles L. Field P. I. P.

1892-1893… Hiram T. Graves

1894… Brilsford P. Flint

1895-1896… Charles L. Patton

1901… Joseph C. Campbell

1902, 1903… Charles H. Murphy

1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1914, 1915… Charles Filmer

1908… Harry Ascroft

1909… William Crocker

1910… Robert B. Moore

1911… Francis V. Keesling

1912… Harry Maundrell

1913… W. H. Hendricks

1916…Casimir J. Wood





Fred W. Birlem, Chief Alchemist



T. S. Hoin

H. W. Jacobs

Albert A. Rhine

Frank F. Terramorse

E. A. Low

M. A. Gale

O. K. Jones






William P. Filmer

Francis V. Keesling

Harry Mandrell





Joseph D. Abrams, Chairman


James S. Hawkins

John Gillson





Casimir J. Wood, Chairman


Christian Hellwig

E. W. Tucker






Marshall C. Harris, Chairman


Joseph Heineberg

Edward Rainey






Clarence F. Pratt, Chairman

Philip Hastings

Robert B. Cleghorn

T. B. W. Leland






J. A. Ulrich, Chairman

A. F. Schleicher

J. Claude Perry

Ernest Hueter

T. Paterson Ross

Howard Nauman





Gerald L. Dillon, Chairman

Philip Hastings

Hugo Hertz

Edward H. Kemp

Raymond H. Bone





Charles G. Gebhardt






Clarence F. Pratt









H. Wertsch, Captain

J. A. Bush, First Lieutenant

E. S. Rainey, Second Lieutenant

H. S. Thomas, Adjutant

F. O. Raabe, Treasurer

A. F. Schleicher, Quartermaster

T. B. W. Leland, Surgeon

C. F. Pratt, Historian

Leo Weinand, Commissary





A. F. Bohle

W. B. Boyer

C. A. Brown

T. A. Cavanaugh

C. E. Coburn

L. W. Dake

J. W. Davies

R. F. Dickinson

A. D. Disston

L. P. Fischbeck

R. J. H. Forbes

J. S. Hannah

Arthur G. Hatfield

C. H. O. Holdsworth

C. W. Holloway

E. C. Hueter

G. W. Johnson

P. Jorgensen

H. R. Kage

C. H. Hornbeck

H. McBirney

R. B. McMurtry

T. E. Moore

H. D. Noble

C. Petersen

W. A. Rainey

P. A. Sainges

J. A. Sorensen

W. W. Thompson

C. A. Wegener

W. E. Wehser

H. W. Welch




J. W. Smith, Substitute

A. H. Vogt, Substitute

H. S. McGilvray, Probationary

Alex Robb, Probationary

Howard M. McKinley, Probationary

R. W. Weber, Probationary






Theo. L. Wolters, Manager

George W. Bennett, Musical Director

George S., Pomeroy, Assistant Musical Director

L. A. Larsen, Drum Major

William T. Schofield, Secretary

James Williamson, Quartermaster

Thomas Tippett, Librarian



Leo J. Alkalay

William F. Altvater

Alfred F. Broad

Carl H. Burg

H. K. Bosard

W. E. Burnham

C. P. Chamberlain

F. M. DeLano

C. E. Diebold

George Eckhardt

Grant Falkenstein

F. N. Fontana

C. A. Gwynn

E. Hueter

O. R. Kelcey

E. La Haye

Henry Mauser


A. J. McCallan

Dr. A. J. Minaker

Frank Morgan

George G. Newbauer

Edgar G. Oden

R. A. Pabst

William R. Proll

A. Putz

Fred Rau

Charles Robinson

Philip Sapiro

H. R. Scott

D. R. Sewell

N. H. Sernberg

George Weisel

H. Williamson



Transcribed by Nancy Pratt Melton.

Source: Islam Temple Program, 18 April 1918.  12 pages.

© 2008 Nancy Pratt Melton.




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