Post and Mason Streets
San Francisco, California
Pages 41-57
and Friends
This list of members and friends of First Church is as correct as it has been possible to make it. We recognize the difficulty in keeping addresses and telephone numbers up-to-date in a highly mobile fellowship. We also regret to say that names may be omitted because of inadequate records at our disposal. We earnestly request anyone having helpful information regarding names, addresses, telephone numbers, or omissions to report them to the church office for correction in future publications.
Names in heavy type
are active members.
Name, Address, Telephone,
Zone Adams, Miss Gretchen Louise, 31 Bucareli Drive, JU 5-6751, 27 Adams, Miss Nancy, 1360 Sloat Boulevard, MO 4-6220, 16 Aitken, James, 707 Third Avenue, BA 1-5487, 18 Akers, Dr. and Mrs. E. David (Mary), San Quentin, Cal., San Rafael 623 Allen, Mrs. Rose M., 424 Ellis Street, GR 4-5649, 2 Alsford, Mrs. Evelyn A., 1627 Sanchez Street, MI 8-0598, 14 Anderegg, Mrs. Dorothy, 938 Santiago Street, MO 4-6309, 16 Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. (Barbara), 3360 16th Street, KL 2-1829, 14 Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. George (Lee), 1721 Geneva Ave, JU 4-0210, 12 ..Kenneth . Georgia Anderson, Miss Jeannette, 582 45th Avenue, SK 1-7638, 21 Anderson, Paul, 438 A Vallejo Street, _, 11 Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip, 2060 Leavenworth Street, GR 4-9423, 11 Armstrong, Mrs. E., 629 Post Street, _, 9 Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barrett (Lillian), 3820 Scott Street, FI 6-6667, 23 Arnald, Mrs. Frank W. (Anne), 257 Romain Street, _, 14 Avery, Mrs. Carrie R., 708 Broderick Street, FI 6-7765, 17 Badke, Mrs. Charlotte, 1010 Bush Street, _, 9 Bailey, Frank M., 760 Geary Street, PR 6-5462, 9 Baird, Miss Stella, 322 Ellis Street, OR 3-6116, 2 Balee, Mr. and Mrs. John P. (Amelia B.), 766 Sutter Street, OR 3-7866, 9 Ballou, Mr. and Mrs. Richards A. F., 129 Upland Drive, DE 4-0215, 27 Sheila Bandeau, Miss Ella M., 1369 Hyde Street, GR 4-0231, 9 Baney, George W., 1781 15th Street, MA 1-4406, 3 Banfield, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. (Gertrude M.), Kentfield, Calif., HE 1-0180 Barnaby, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C., 2223 Lake Street, _, 21 Barnes, Miss Irma M., 925 Jones Street, TU 5-5998, 9 Bartlett, Kenneth F., 1334 Van Ness Avenue, PR 5-9505, 9 Baxter, Mrs. Annette, 2250 43rd Avenue, PR 5-1107, 16 Beard, Mr. and Mrs. C. S., 364 19th Avenue, _, 21 Beauchamp, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roger (Alberta), 127 Ashbury Street, SK 1-5687, 17 Beck, Gilbert, 735 Geary Street, PR 5-6434, 9 Bedell, Roy, 1379 34th Avenue, _, 22 Beiler, Mr. and Mrs. August (Grace Estelle), 385 Buckingham Way, LO 4-7238, 27 Margaret Estelle Bell, Miss Betty, 540 Leavenworth Street, _, 9 Bell, Ward Harold, 350 Laguna, _, 2 Bennett, Dr. and Mrs. John R. (May), 594 28th Avenue, BA 1-9865, 21 Benson, Mrs. Wanda, 26 Brunswick Street, _, 12 Bergstresser, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. (Lois D.), 2323 Larkin Street, PR 5-8153, 9 Berry, Miss Anna Maria, 1011 Bush Street, TU 5-2693, 9 Berry, Mr. and Mrs. James C., 3465 25th Street, MI 7-6397, 10 Beveridge, Mrs. E. A., 660 Bush Street, SU 1-8818, 8 Bishop, Mrs. Crystal I., 3575 Fillmore Street, WE 1-7355, 23 Blair, Mr. and Mrs. David K. (Marian R.), 1230 Monterey Blvd., JU 7-8312, 27 ..David K., Jr.
..Beverly Jones ..Robert Jones Blake, Miss Carol, San Francisco City and County Hospital Blevin, E., 1272 Broadway, GR 4-9496, 9 Blizzard, M. W., 139 Mallorca Way, _, 23 Blomgren, Carl H., 1324 Willard Street, MO 4-5467, 17 Bodge, Miss Muriel, 44 McAllister Street, _, 2 Boling, Mrs. Elizabeth, 415 O'Farrell Street, _, 2 Bouchard, Miss Lorraine, 1630 Sanchez Street, VA 6-5027, 14 Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. (Pearle Wolf), 2825 Sacramento, FI 6-1834, 15 Bowie, R. E., 153 Shotwell Street, MA 1-1829, 3 Bowtell, Mrs. Gladys, 925 Sutter Street, TU 5-0482, 2 Boyce, Miss Marjorie G., 346 Sutter Street, _, 8 Bradford, Roy, 1612 Howard Avenue, Burlingame, Calif. Brandon, J. Emmet, 650 Bush Street, _, 8 Brauner, Mrs. Martha E., 619 Baker Street, JO 7-3631, 17 ...Charles Breed, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. (Laquita K.) John Brewer, Miss Edith, 2572 Greenwich Street, _, 23 Brewer, Mrs. H. T. (Ida J.), 1657 La Salle Avenue, _, 24 Briggs, Mrs. Wilma, 300 Hyde Street, OR 3-1979, 9 Brind, Mrs. C. L., 118 9th Avenue, SK 1-1027, 18 Bringier, Miss Helen J., 322 Ellis Street, _, 2 Brisbine, Mrs. Ivan K. (Flora Mae), 645 Leavenworth St, OR 3-5206, 9 Britton, Mrs. James E. (Mildred), 520 Geary Street, OR 3-4116, 2 Bromsten, Fred T., 521 Post Street, _, 2 Brook, Cecil P., Hunter's Point, Calif., _, 24 Brooks, John E., Jr., 904 Steiner, JO 7-0964, 17 Brown, Annabelle, 909 Clayton Street, LO 4-5635, 17 Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse K. (Phebe), 21 Alpine Terr, MA 1-8593, 17 Brown, Miss Olive, 322 Ellis Street, OR 3-6116, 2 Brown, Mrs. Ruth, 4121 Irving Street, OV 1-4754, 22 Brown, Mrs. William Horace, 631 O'Farrell Street, GR 4-5500, 9 Brownell, Mrs. Pansy G., 407 Primrose Road, Burlingame, Calif. Brownlie, Mrs. Helen, 775 Geary Street, PR 5-0117, 9 Bryan, Miss Irene, 1045 Leavenworth Street, DO 2-1717, 9 Bufford, Charles M., 1834 Sutter Street, FI 6-0747, 15 Bullock, Fred W., 625 Bush Street, GA 1-5084, 2 Bummert, Edward, 447 Eddy Street, TU 5-0697, 9 Burbank, Mrs. Ethyl B., 1515 Leavenworth Street, GR 4-2505, 9 Burkhead, Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Edith), 335 Judson Avenue, JU 6-2989, 12 ..Donald Burling, Thomas R., 322 Park Street, MI 8-5163, 10 Burns, Lt. Comdr. Earl S., 555 Post Street, _, 2 Burns, Mr. and Mrs. William Robert (Beverly Edith), 44 Cavour Street, Daly City, Calif. Burns, Mrs. D. R., 2295 Francisco, PR 5-4110, 23 Busch, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. (Mary Alice), 834 Bush Street, TU 5-1671, 2 Caldwell, Miss Lillian Lynne, 1070 Green Street, TU 5-9526, 11 Caldwell, Mrs. S. D., 118 9th Avenue, _, 18 Cameron, Mrs. Dudley, 1715 Rose Street, Berkeley Campbell, Mrs. Carrie J., 840 Geary Street, PR 5-4808, 9 Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Donald (Edith), 120 East Point, MI 8-2821, 24 .Clyde .Edward .Donna .Cecelia Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Hooper Scott (Mary Emily), 215 25th Ave., BA 1-0782, 21 Campbell, Miss Ruby R., 641 Post Street, PR 5-6500, 2 Carotta, Mrs. Barbara, Gen. Del., Sharpe Park, EV 6-6557 Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. (Elva H.), 901 California St., YU 2-0240, 8 Carr, Miss Dee L., 919 Sutter Street, TU 5-1413, 9 Carr, Miss Elizabeth, 755 Bush Street, EX 2-9224, 2 Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C., 2201 24th Avenue, SE 1-5353, 16 Carter, Mrs. Wanda, 275 Santa Clara Avenue, LO 6-6816, 27 Casad, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. (Katherine), 224 San Miguel Way, San Mateo Case, Miss Madyline, 2211 California, _, 15 Chandler, Miss Jean Margaret, 2985 Pacific Avenue, PR 6-5557, 15 Chapin, Miss May Gertrude, 576 Sanchez Street, UN 1-7775, 14 Chaplin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold B., 15 Alhambra Street, JO 7-3607, 23 ..Judith Chmel, Miss Miriam, 1600 Fell Street, WE 1-8855, 17 Christain, Russell R., 1201 Gough Street, LO 6-8332, 9 Christiansen, Mrs. Carrie, 2600 Van Ness Avenue, OR 3-9697, 9 Christy, Mrs. Charles O., 429 Hickory, HE 1-8734, 2 Church, Miss Roberta M., 919 Sutter Street, _, 9 Churchill, Mrs. Lena, 925 Jones Street, _, 9 Clark, Miss Gertrude, 102 Shakespeare Street, PL 5-6881, 25 Clark, Miss Nellie, 1155 Pine Street,_, PR 5-4167, 9 Clark, Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. (Marguerite P.), Box K-134, Kentfield, 4222 J ...Donald Clarke, Robert Long, 401 Pacheco Street, LO 6-3935, 16 Clarke, Mrs. Edith, 2760 Sutter Street, WE 1-4235, 15 Clarke, Miss June E., 512 Hillside Blvd., PL 5-2356, 25 Clarke, Mrs. S. A., Clift Hotel, Geary and Taylor Streets, PR 5-4700, 2 Clay, Mrs. Josephine, 624 Post Street, _, 9 Close, Mrs. Harry E., 340 Page Street, HE 1-1685, 2 Clute, Edbert S., 1362 Fulton Street, WE 1-2040, 17 Cohen, Miss Ethel R., 666 Post Street, _, 9 Cohen, Miss H. T., 929 Broderick Street, _, 15 Colburn, David, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley Colburn, Mrs. Lola E., Laguna Honda Home Cole, Miss Eleanor, 2340 Clay Street, _, 15 Coleman, Misses Persis D. & Janet D., 1834 California St, PR 6-1836, 9 Conaway, Miss Ruth, 150 Franklin Street, _, 2 Conklin, Miss Leota, 24 Kingston Avenue, VA 6-5796, 10 Connolly, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. (Nita Wilson), 2219 Van Ness Ave., OR 3-1307, 9 Conyers, Miss Daphne, 947 Bush Street, PR 6-5442, 9 Cook, Mrs. Mary J., 214 Haight Street, KL 2-2081, 2 Cookingham, Miss Mary, 940 Washington Street, GA 1-8827, 8 Cooney, Mrs. Juanita, 303 Caselli Street, HE 1-6330, 14 Cortes, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent (Noelia), 1550 Hampshire, _, 10 Cory, Mrs. F., 990 Fulton Street, _, 17 Coultas, Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. (Margaret E.), 3564 17th St, UN 1-6290, 10 ..Donald Coulter, Mrs. Amanda W., 855 Pine Street, SU 1-7923, 2 Cox, Ed., 156 Third Street, _, 18 Cox, Raymond M., 1001 Pine Street, _, 9 Crawford, Miss Lavinia, 1501 Larkin Street, PR 5-0865, 9 Crawford, Miss Muriel, 70 Curtis Street, _, 12 Creasey, Lloyd, 425 Hyde Street, TU 5-5965, 9 Crone, Mrs. Charles, 440 Post Street, SU 1-6730, 2 Cross, Mrs. Mildred W., 1018 Mission Street, MA 1-9291, 3 Cruson, Miss Ethel L., 1225 Pine Street, TU 5-9849, 9 Cullen, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb G. (Cora E.), 126 Alhambra, FI 6-2027, 23 Cora Grace Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. (Olive), 1758 33rd Av, LO 6-3360, 22 Cunningham, Mrs. Laura E., 351 Geary Street, SU 1-7800, 2 Curtis, Mrs. Jane L., 465 Post Street, GA 1-8400, 2 Curtis, Mrs. Minta, 2038 Vine Street, Berkeley Cutler, Miss Mae, 2345 Larkin Street, GR 4-6892, 9 Cutter, Miss Edith, 1153 Bush Street, _, 9 Dahl, Mrs. Anna B., 860 Bush Street, PR 5-2967, 2 Dahl, Miss Alma L., 925 Jones Street, GR 4-4829, 9 Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. O. H., 1157 Broadway, PR 5-8167, 9 D'Alvy, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson G. (Alice), 1430 Judah St, LO 4-3876, 22 ..Sharon ..Michele Dame, Mrs. Helen S., 952 Sutter Street, TU 5-4975, 9 Dana, Mrs. Lewis, 1800 17th Avenue, LO 4-6309, 22 Darr, Miss Margaret R., 562 Sutter Street, GA 1-5818, 2 Daspit, Mr. and Mrs. Harold, 685 Geary Street, _, 2 Davey, Miss Mary K., 935 O'Farrell Street, _, 9 Davies, Mrs. Sarah E., 1490 Fulton Street, WA 1-8264, 17 Davis, Leo, Box 1407, San Francisco Davis, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy H. (Joy), 509 Oak Street, MA 1-3973, 2 Robert Valerie Davis, Miss Virginia, 3631 21st Street, _, 14 Davis, Winthrop E., 620 Post Street, OR 3-7860, 9 Dawley, Mr. and Mrs. Sibley M. (Mildred), 1343 30th Av, MO 4-5726, 22 Day, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Phyllis B.), 451 Moscow St, JU 7-5801, 12 Deacon, Mrs. Dorothy A., 1166 Clay Street, _, 8 Delp, Paul S., 220 Golden Gate Avenue, JU 5-0460, 2 Deming, Miss Elizabeth Ann, 42 Woodland Avenue, SE 1-3590, 17 Dettner, Ernest H., Sr., 955 Pine Street, TU 5-3035, 2 Dettner, Ernest H., Jr., 826 Howard Street, _, 3 Dickson, Miss Elvie, 745 Sutter Street, PR 5-6639, 9 Dieken, Miss Margaret, 821 Leavenworth Street, PR 5-5520, 9 Dill, Mr. and Mrs. William E. (Gertrude H.), 855 47th Av, BA 1-3708, 21 William Gary Dinger, Miss Irene G., 1080 Bush Street, GR 4-7693, 9 Dixson, Miss Ethel, 1850 Clay Street, GR 4-3195, 9 Dixson, Miss Lillian M., 1850 Clay Street, GR 4-3195, 9 Downing, Miss Rowena L., 745 Hyde Street, GR 4-6424, 9 Drenton, Theodore, 3014 Clay Street, _, 15 Druehl, Mrs. Sylvia, 9 Fortuna Avenue, JO 7-4897, 15 Dryden, Miss Mabel Sue, 1377 Geary Street, _, 9 Dubois, Mr. and Mrs. George R. (Margaret T.), 165 16th Ave., SK 2-3095, 18 Dumont, Ralph H., 1512 Jerrold Avenue, AT 2-3934, 24 Duncan, Misses Lois and Carolyn, 626 Powell Street, _, 2 Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. Orville C., 344 Noriega Street, SE 1-3767, 22 Dunning, Mrs. H. K. (Amy), 1755 Pine Street, _, 9 Dvorak, A. W., 2530 Fillmore Street, FI 6-3523, 15 Ebert, Mr. & Mrs. George L. (Beatrice), 1622 Francisco Av, Berkeley Edmondson, R. C., 555 O'Farrell Street, GR 4-1158, 2 Edson, Miss Patricia, 1409 Golden Gate Avenue, WE 1-9819, 15 Edwards, Samuel Horace, 1288 Mission Street, HE 1-9035, 3 Eissinger, Arthur, 1409 Golden Gate Avenue, WE 1-9819, 15 Elander, Frank, 212 Octavia Street, HE 1-9978, 2 Elgin, Mrs. Dorothy, 1512 California Street, GR 4-3191, 9 Ellery, Mrs. Katherine P., 2871 Clay Street, FI 6-8484, 15 Enders, Mrs. Emma, 130 Miraloma Avenue, MO 4-4014, 27 Ennis, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, 1050 Fell Street, LO 4-6886, 17 Enoch, Miss Grace H., 1167 Bush Street, PR 5-6612, 9 Ericson, Mrs. Esther, 2539 Lake Street, SK 2-2997, 21 Ethridge, Mrs. Mae H., 740 Shrader Street, BA 1-6619, 17 Joan Eva, Mrs. James M., 666 Post Street, PR 5-4281, 9 Evans, Mrs. Letitia, 100 Summitt Avenue, Mill Valley, Mill Valley 937 Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor (Alice), 2901 Gough Street, _, 23 Fahey, Miss Margaret, 1332 California Street, _, 9 Fairey, Mrs. W. T., 685 Geary Street, PR 5-2491, 2 Fancher, Mrs. Mabel, 2148 Broderick Street, JO 7-9860, 23 Farnham, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy M., 805 Bush Street, TU 5-3096, 2 Farrand, William H., 540 Lake Street, _, 18 Fenner, Miss Flora, 1544 California Street, _, 9 Ferrell, Mrs. Lawrence (Shirley), 3750 Scott Street, WE 1-4395, 23 Feusier, Mr. Henry, 1390 California Street, _, 9 Field, Mrs. Angela C., 160 San Felipe Avenue, DE 3-2610, 27 ...James Colton Fihe, Mrs. Bertha S., 650 Bush Street, GA 1-4450, 8 Finch, Mrs. George (Ruth), 1026 Pine Street, PR 5-3428, 9 Finney, Misses Maude and Mildred, 2078 Ellis Street, WE 1-7570, 15 Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. John J., P. O. Box 4122, San Francisco Flannery, Mr. and Mrs. William L. (Ida A.), 150 Franklin Street, _, 2 Flath, Mr. & Mrs. Eldon, (Georgeaun Edna), 414 Gough St, HE 1-5004, 2 Flinn, Mrs. T. M. (Ada), 580 Geary Street, OR 3-3022, 2 Flood, Mrs. E. M. (Estelle Mae), 1658 27th Avenue, OV 1-9898, 22 Folsom, Mrs. Grace Annette, 760 Geary Street, GR 4-5020, 9 Ford, Henry W., Jr., 465 Tocoloma Avenue, JU 5-4998, 24 Fotheringham, Mrs. Elizabeth, 668 Teresita Boulevard, DE 3-4422, 16 Frahm, Mrs. Robert G. (Mary Lou), 181 West Lawn Street, Daly City Frankenburger, Mrs. Ruth, 952 Sutter Street, OR 3-3258, 9 Frankl, Mr. & Mrs. John H. (Lillian Evelyn), 22 Gabilan Way, SE 1-4683, 16 Fryslie, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. (Lucille H.), 1424 Gough Street, PR 5-2338, 9 Fuller, Mrs. Raymond A. (Edith), 266 Arch Street, DE 3-1730, 25 Fulton, Miss Mary, 44 McAllister Street, _, 2 Fyfe, Bruce Davis, 179 Jessie Street, SU 1-9830, 5 Gahagen, Mr. and Mrs. Don (Maxine), 144 Appleton Ave, MI 8-3218, 10 David Fremont Gagos, Mamprey A., 174 Ellis Street, GA 1-1000, 2 Gale, Mrs. Myrtle, 773 Pine Street, EX 2-3597, 8 Gannon, Miss Catherine, 1153 Sanchez Street, VA 4-7659, 14 Gans, Miss Wilma, 1121 Bush Street, _, 9 Gardner, Mrs. John E., 2370 45th Avenue, LO 6-1613, 16 Gauld, Mrs. Margaret, 540 Leavenworth Street, PR 5-4275, 9 Geis, Mr. & Mrs. George
D. (Pearl Edna), 1831 Pacific Av, OR
3-0949, 9 George, Mrs. Grace, 508 Ashbury Avenue, UN 1-2700, 17 Gerwick, Miss Ethel S., 2339 Market Street, UN 1-7355, 14 Gibbons, Ernest M., 615 Leavenworth Street, PR 5-0503, 9 Gibbons, Mrs. Minnie, 3153 Turk Street, _, 18 Gilbert, Miss Edna L., 650 Bush Street, GA 1-4450, 8 Gilkey, Mrs. Francis B., 1195 Bush Street, _, 9 Goble, Mrs. Bessie M., 642 Jones Street, _, 2 Gould, Mrs. Alice T., 1590 Sacramento Street, OR 3-8282, 9 Gould, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart (Gladys Isabelle), 1570 12th Av, MO 4-4138, 22 Gray, Miss Blanche, 1167 Bush Street, TU 5-0082, 9 Graybiel, Mrs. Henrietta D., 2520 84th Av, Oakland, SWeetwood 8-3390 Green, Allen S., 611 23rd Avenue, BA 1-6114, 21 Green, Misses Hazel and Mabel, 1627 33rd Avenue, SE 1-4685, 22 Green, H. F., 1400 Fell Street, _, 17 Griffiths, Miss Eva A., 763 Mason Street, PR 5-1162, 2 Griggs, Miss Augusta, 445 O'Farrell Street, _, 2 Grinstead, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Gordon, 2361 California St, WE 1-5168, 15 Groth, Miss Elsie, 725 Van Ness Avenue, _, 2 Guernsey, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H., Jr., 203 McKinley Ave, JU 4-3244, 24 Gunn, Miss Amy, 2578 Chestnut Street, FI 6-8731, 23 Guy, John L., 3190 Clay Street, _, 15 Hagen, Mr. and Mrs. F. W., 2558 46th Avenue, OV 1-0503, 16 Hair, Mrs. Helen L., 1644 Taylor Street, _, 11 Hale, Mrs. Nellie H. P., Shattuck Hotel, Berkeley Halliway, Miss Jane, 711 Post Street, OR 3-2670, 9 Hamblen, Mrs. Grace C., 325 Kent Av, Kentfield, San Anselmo 5646 Hammack, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. (Ruth), 423 Vidal Dr, JU 4-3904, 27 ...Kathryn ...Patricia Hancock, Darrell E., 1885 11th Avenue, LO 4-9018, 22 Hanes, Miss Pauline, 625 Taylor Street, _, 2 Hankermeyer, Miss Heleane, 1510 Union Street, _, 23 Hansen, Miss Edna M., 701 Post Street, PR 5-4970, 9 Hansen, Miss Jeanne, 1633 Waller Street, _, 17 Hapgood, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph (Leona), 734 Bush Street, DO 2-1427, 2 Harder, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L., 25 Crystal Drive, PL 5-2717, 25 .Larry Harding, Mrs. Eunice C., 936 Leavenworth Street, OR 3-6821, 9 Harding, Mrs. Louise, 33 Tamalpais Drive, Mill Valley Harper, Mrs. Rahama S., 160 Teddy Avenue, JU 5-0692, 24 Harris, Mr. & Mrs. David (Elizabeth H.), 1839 Castro S, VA 4-4464, 14 Harris, Miss Vera J., 770 California Street, GA 1-1044, 8 Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. M. C., 850 Powell Street, GA 1-7828, 8 Hartmann, Mrs. Ruth, 455 Winchester Street, Daly City, DE 3-7154 Hase, Mrs. Edward, 25 St. Elmo Way, DE 3-1915, 27 Hatcher, Miss Dorothy, 3433 21st Street, _, 10 Haueter, Miss Gloria Deane, 3124 Octavia Street, PR 5-9352, 23 Hawes, James Hersey, 606 Post Street, PR 5-3940, 9 Hayat, Harry H., 1423 Octavia Street, FI 6-6765, 9 Hayner, Miss Kathryn, 458 Head Street, DE 3-2683, 25 Hazlett, John, 742 4th Avenue, SK 1-4019, 18 Hazlett, Dr. William
Gordon, 35 San Buena Ventura Way, OV
1-5107, 27 Hazlett, William J., Odd Fellows Home, near Los Gatos Heathman, Mrs. T. C., 2003 Lyon Street, _, 23 Heatley, Miss Jane, 719 Spruce Street, SK 1-9483, 18 Heimann, Miss Esther E., 680 Sutter Street, OR 3-3751, 2 Heinz, Miss May E., 2733 Turk Street, EV 6-5086, 18 Heller, Miss Marie, 402 Grove Street, UN 1-6447, 2 Helm, Mrs. Frank C., 861 Sutter Street, TU 5-3365, 9 Helseth, Miss Elizabeth, 4 Ashbury Terrace, LO 4-8324, 17 Helton, Mrs. Helen, 1610 Fulton Street, WE 1-3469, 17 Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E., 1029 Geary Street, OR 3-1323, 9 Henry, Edward R., 851 34th Avenue, BA 1-1007, 21 Henry, Mrs. Fred, 645 Bush Street, _, 8 Heppel, Martin, 830 14th Street, UN 1-6266, 14 Herd, Miss Mary Orlean, 609 D Street, Colma Herlocker, William R., 3848 Sacramento Street, EV 6-9515, 18 Herrick, Mrs. Lester, 3332 Cabrillo Street, EV 6-3655, 21 Herrmann, Mr. and Mrs. Philip (Katherine), 408A 30th St, MI 8-6114, 14 ..John Herschel, Paul E., 2180 Washington Street, WE 1-9792, 9 Hess, Mrs. Lillian B., 3255 Broderick Street, _, 23 Hess, Miss Ruth, 555 Eddy Street, _, 9 Hewald, Mrs. Frieda I., 1428 Fulton Street, _, 17 Hewett, Mr. and Mrs. George Ernest (Gloria H.), 3967 Sacramento, BA 1-7851, 18 Heyman, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J., 7 Arellano Avenue, JU 4-0288, 27 Hidzick, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F., Jr., 57 Highland Avenue, MI 8-5286, 10 Hill, Miss Alice Ann, 3508 Clay Street, WE 1-4426, 18 Hinshaw, Lola Marguerite, 100 Maywood Drive, JU 7-6420, 27 Robert Lyle Hinshaw, Robert Luther, 631 O'Farrell Street, GR 4-5500, 9 Hodge, Richard H., 711 Post Street, OR 3-2670, 9 Hoeper, Miss Marie, 2684 Green Street, _, 23 Hoffman, Mrs. Anne, 732 Masonic Avenue, WA 1-4267, 17 .Mary Ellen Hoffman, Miss Dorothea Smith, 1371 Masonic Avenue, UN 1-3678, 17 Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. (Mary Celeste), 34 West Clay Park, BA 1-9044, 21 Holman, Mrs. Ella, 238 Guerrero Street, GR 4-0642, 3 Holt, Wallace, 960 Haight Street, MA 1-9082, 17 Hooper, Mrs. John (Anna Jane), 1114 Turk Street, WA 1-1306, 15 Horn, Miss Mary A., 925 Leavenworth Street, PR 5-5646, 9 Houghton, Miss Mary E., 1727 Rheem Avenue, Richmond Hovde, Miss Rosalie, 562 Sutter Street, GA 1-5818, 2 Howe, Lester E., 231 11th Avenue, EV 6-8428, 18 Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. E. F., P. O. Box 5284 Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, 535 Geary Street, _, 2 Hudson, Mr. & Mrs. William H. (Ruby M.), 1203 22nd Av, SE 1-4930, 22 Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin F. (Nora C.), Corte Madera Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer (Mary Baker), 75 Montana St, DE 3-0686, 25 ..Randolph ..Amanda Hughes, Miss Marion E., 2900 Jackson Street, JO 7-8340, 15 Hukill, Miss Emma, 701 Pine Street, EX 2-9011, 8 Hunsberger, Harvey S., M.D., 3184 22nd Street, MI 7-2881, 10 Hunt, Mrs. May C., 500 Hyde Street, TU 5-6686, 9 Hustad, Miss Susan, 2825 Van Ness Avenue, PR 5-6339, 9 Ingersoll, Mr. & Mrs. Lyal
(Anne), 439 Crocker Av, Daly City, JU
7-5350 Inwards, Frederick, 707 Shrader Street, SK 1-7701, 17 Iobst, Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. (Harriet Cann) 237 Roosevelt Wy, MA 1-0532, 14 ..Johanna Jeanne Ives, Mr. and Mrs. Harold N., 1391 8th Avenue, LO 4-3179, 22 Jackson, George P., 589 Post Street, OR 3-1320, 2 Jackson, Mr. & Mrs. Lesley R. (Lucille), 355 Pacheco St, MO 4-4858, 16 ...Gwendolyn ...Beverley Jackson, Mrs. May, 980 Bush Street, _, 9 Jacob, Fred, 2320 Broadway, _, 15 Jensen, Miss Anna, 2770 Broadway, _, 15 Jensen, Miss Dorothy, 734 Bush Street, GA 1-6236, 2 Jewel, Mrs. Charles A. (Bertha M.), 155 Retiro Way, WA 1-1052, 23 Jewell, Miss Jeanne V., 1059 Tehama Avenue, Menlo Park Johansen, Mr. & Mrs. Mareno (Mabel Carroll), 795 Pine St, DO 2-4676, 8 Johnson, Miss Alice, 641 Post Street, PR 5-3940, 9 Johnson, Miss Audrey G., 770 California Street, SU 1-9231, 8 Johnson, Miss Lydia, 482 16th Avenue, _, 18 Johnstone, W. L., 208 N. San Mateo Drive, San Mateo Jonasen, Miss Marie, 1501 Scott Street, JO 7-0526, 15 Jones, Mrs. Allen, 711 Post Street, OR 3-2670, 9 Jones, Miss Beverly, 1230 Monterey Blvd., JU 7-8312, 27 Jones, Miss Rosemary, San Mateo Jones, James, 1565 Octavia Street, _, 9 Joost, Mr. and Mrs. John (Edna), 2869 Broderick Street, FI 6-3146 ..Donna ..Linda ..Karl Jordan, Charles S., 450 Jones Street, TU 5-9697, 2 Keeler, Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. (Eva Olga), 109 Rosewood Wy, So. SF Keleher, Mrs. Grace, 386 Hayes Street, UN 1-0874, 2 Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. (Mabel Dugan), 380 Eddy Street, _, 2 Kennedy, Miss Katherine, 2309 Divisadero Street, JO 7-9346, 15 Kenny, Miss Anna T., 1230 Hayes Street, FI 6-3669, 17 Kent, Mrs. Doris B., 1039 Nimitz Drive, PL 5-5896, 25 Kerns, Mrs. Marguerite, 432 Mason Street, EX 2-7461, 2 Kieyer, Mrs. M. G., 2770 Lombard Street, _, 23 Kimball, Miss Dorian, 20 Monroe Street, _, 8 Kimberley, Mrs. Lois L., 1424 Polk Street, PR 5-7054, 9 King, Misses Alice M. and Edith D., 54 Lower Terrace, UN 1-4821, 14 King, Mr. and Mrs. George L., 802 35th Avenue, BA 1-5999, 21 Kinney, Miss Alice C., 490 Geary Street, OR 3-8838, 2 Kirkbride, Mrs. Martha Sims, 40 Santa Monica Way, OV 1-3123, 27 Kiser, Miss Dorothy A., 760 Geary Street, GR 4-8697, 9 Klinting, Mrs. Hans O. (Nettie), 55 Herman Street, HE 1-1959, 2 Knox, Miss Lucy R., 2000 California Street, WE 1-3337, 9 Koetser, Mr. David, 417 Market Street, YU 2-4687, 5 Kohler, Mr. & Mrs. William A. (Alice F.), 1226 17th Av, OV 1-3096, 22 Krafft, Miss Elsie, 465 Post Street, GA 1-8400, 2 Kramer, Miss Adelaide, 258 20th Avenue, BA 1-8958, 21 Kramer, Robert N., 459 Turk Street, _, 2 Krick, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin V., 145 Laurel Street, FI 6-9117, 18 Krook, Mrs. Ethel A., 240 5th Avenue, BA 1-5156, 3 Kull, Miss Emily P., 1415 Franklin Street, PR 6-2797, 9 Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F., 20 Monroe Street, GA 1-8091, 8 |
Name, Address, Telephone, Zone Lamb, Mrs. Roselle Chapman, 1158 Hayes Street, Napa Landells, Mr. & Mrs.
Joseph H (Lydia Kassett), 55 Greenwood Av, JU 7-8867, 12 Landis, Mrs. Philip Flint, 3855 Washington Street, BA 1-3848, 18 Landrum, Mrs. Emma, 308 Eddy Street, _, 2 Lane, Miss Jane, 685 Geary Street, GR 4-0363, 2 Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. (Alice), 1106 Bush Street, GR 4-4097, 9 ..Mimi Lanier, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney (Margaret), 1859 Bush Street, LO 6-7217, 22 Michael Patricia Larsen, Olaf P., 145 Fell Street, UN 1-2904, 2 Larson, Miss Naomi, 313 Duncan Street, _, 14 Lassers, Mr. and Mrs. Leon, 2855 34th Avenue, SE 1-2856, 16 Latham, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth, 1137 Bush Street, PR 5-7369, 9 Lauke, Mrs. M. K., 457 Andover Street, _, 10 LaVille, Mr. and Mrs. H. C., 2742 Pierce Street, JO 7-6029, 23 Leary, Mrs. Marion Forrest, 899 Guerrero Street, _, 10 Lee, Mrs. Dorothy A. Arnold, 711 Post Street, OR 3-2670, 9 Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E., 3461 Mission Street, MI 7-0227, 10 Leighton, Mrs. Annie E., 860 Sutter Street, _, 9 Lensch, Miss Thelma, 44 McAllister Street, HE 1-2870, 2 Lester, Miss Madeline A., 925 Leavenworth Street, PR 5-5646, 9 Lewis, Miss Arline, 655 Powell Street, DO 2-9249, 2 Lewis, Mrs. J. J., 3665 Scott Street, FI 6-8027, 23 Lewis, Mrs. Margaret J., 1277 O'Farrell Street, JO 7-0296, 9 Lewis, Robert H., 724 Bellevue Avenue, DE 3-5507, 25 Lichtenfels, Mrs. Flora Huguenin, 139 Mallorca Way, WE 1-2453, 23 Lindenstruth, Major H. J., Presidio Linehan, John, 707 Stockton Street, _, 8 Litten, Miss Emma, 44 McAllister Street, HE 1-2870, 2 Lobley, Mr. and Mrs. William (Evangeline Kearney), 1011 Bush St., TU 5-2655, 9 Loevy, Mrs. Gertund, 1390 Broadway, PR 5-9015, 9 Lohse, Miss Beryle E., 103 Munda Road, AT 2-2803, 24 Lohse, William and Paul, 103 Munda Road, AT 2-2803, 24 Long, Miss Katherine, 625 Taylor Street, _, 2 Long, Mr. and Mrs. Watt A. (Katherine), 401 Pacheco Street, LO 6-3935, 16 ..Elinor Lorey, Mrs. Jeanette, 3320 Geary Blvd., BA 1-6881, 18 Louis, Miss Yvonne, 436 Genessee Street, JU 7-6458, 12 Lueck, Mrs. Amy C., 2211 California Street, _, 15 Lundby, Mr. and Mrs. Walter N., 2342 36th Avenue, LO 4-4527, 16 Malech, Mrs. Walter H. (Pauline), 2427 23rd Avenue, MO 4-2250, 16 Malmstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Mary), 1707 23rd Ave, MO 4-3829, 22 Beverly Mangels, Miss Carrie, 50 Laguna Street, MA 1-0184, 2 Mann, F. A., 606 Post Street, TU 5-2675, 9 Marcus, Mrs. Jean D., 1824 Lake Street, _, 21 Marcus, William A., Mill Valley Mariganian, Mr. and Mrs. Albert (Dorothy E.), 710 Cypress Ave., San Bruno Stephen Markkola, Miss Emma, 3578 California Street, _, 18 Marquart, Miss Anne, 2504 Sacramento Street, JO 7-4138, 15 Marsh, Miss Alice Louise, 1045 Church Street, _, 14 Martin, Mr. and Mrs. John H. (Mary Belle), 618 Haight Street, UN 1-3296, 17 .Coleen Sherrod .Patricia Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E., 145 6th Avenue, EV 6-6172, 18 Mathews, Miss Mary F., 977 Pine Street, TU 5-9917, 2 Maynard, Mrs. Kate A., 903 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, JU 8-1684 McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Dan (Kathleen), 3155 64th Ave., Oakland, SWeetwood 8-0488 McClure, Miss Edna, 975 Bush Street, OR 3-7010, 9 McCormack, Rev. and Mrs. William E. (Faith), 15 Aptos Avenue, DE 4-1393, 27 .William Edward .Charles Burge .David McCormick, Mrs. Grace C., 640 Sutter Street, OR 3-0600, 2 McCoy, Percy E., 1951 Golden Gate Avenue, _, 15 McDonald, Mrs. C. P. (Grace), 1155 Pine Street, PR 5-1559, 9 McDonald, Miss Joan, 1105 Bush Street, _, 9 McDonald, Mrs. Maysie, 307 21st Street, Oakland McGrew, Mrs. K. F., 438 O'Farrell Street, _, 2 McIntosh, Miss Agnes Forsyth, 2520 Union Street, WE 1-6757, 23 McIntosh, Mrs. Rhoda M., 1155 Pine Street, PR 5-0647, 9 McKeand, Mrs. Jessie Wood, 440 Geary Street, _, 2 McKeon, Miss Alice, 1335 Filbert Street, PR 6-1455, 9 McKinney, Miss Bessie L., 691 Post Street, TU 5-1974, 9 McMahon, Mrs. Bertie, St. Francis Hospital, Hyde and Bush Streets, _, 9 McPhail, Mrs. Margaret M., 1501 Leavenworth Street, OR 3-5351, 9 Mears, James, 20 Culebra Terrace, GR 4-5891, 9 Meloy, Chandler, Information Section, Presidio, WE 1-6111 Mendell, Mrs. Ruth Avis, 351 Geary Street, _, 2 Mercer, Mrs. Alma H., 2001 California Street, JO 7-8999, 9 Mezquida, Mrs. Anna G., 2030 Franklin Street, GR 4-0221, 9 Milestone, Miss Emma E., 17 Piedmont Street, LO 6-4255, 17 Millard, Mrs. Lela H., 321 Grant Avenue, SU1-6133, 8 Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Galen B. (Estolene), 154 Ellis Street, SU 1-4530, 2 Miller, Jack, 505 14th Street, SK 2-3907, 3 Miller, Miss Lydia, 937 Ashbury Avenue, LO 6-3232, 17 Miller, Miss Marjorie, 835 Hyde Street, _, 9 Mills, Mrs. Grace H., 23 Mesa, Mill Valley, Mill Valley 2088 J ..Cyril B. Minasian, Miss Margaret, 810 Jones Street, GR 4-6292, 9 Minatre, Mrs. Irene, 821 Leavenworth Street, TU 5-1879, 9 ...Greta Minkler, Dr. Donald H., 1297 Noe Street, AT 8-1101, 14 Minkler, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jay (Zelda), 2195 24th Avenue, LO 4-5332, 16 ..Jason Leo Minkler, Mr. Roy S., 2458 43rd Avenue, LO 4-5774, 16 Mittan, Miss Dorothy, 44 McAllister Street, HE 1-2870, 2 Montgomery, Mrs. Clara O., 1230 Monterey Boulevard, JU 7-8312, 27 Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. (Georgianna), 1465 Hyde Street, PR 5-4385, 9 Jean George Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. (Eleanor G.), 409 ½ Cornwall St., SK 1-5679, 18 Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram P., 486 Funston Avenue, EV 6-4901, 2 Moore, Miss Dorothy K., 322 Ellis Street, _, 2 Moore, Mrs. Pauline M., 589 Post Street, _, 2 Morris, C. E., 1972 Sutter Street, FI 6-2439, 15 Morrison, Miss Sally, 1190 Pine Street, PR 6-0051, 9 Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. (Adelaide), 2663 30th Avenue, MO 4-8227, 16 Mouradian, Miss Lucy, 531 45th Avenue, EV 6-7066, 21 Mueller, Otto, 520 South Van Ness Avenue, MA 1-4422, 10 Munday, Mrs. Roberta, 30 Paloma Avenue, DE 4-0936, 27 Murin, Miss Helen J., 886 Sutter Street, GR 4-5963, 9 Murray, Mrs. Gene G., 831 45th Avenue, _, 21 Muth, Mrs. Daniel A., 2318 43rd Avenue, LO 6-2975, 16 Napper, Harold, 1970 Page Street, EV 6-5814, 17 Ness, Mr. and Mrs. James L. (Minnie Don), 272 Missouri Street, MA 1-0245, 10 Netherland, Miss Elizabeth, 930 Sutter Street, PR 5-5795, 9 Newark, Mr. A. S., 1059 Union Street, TU 5-5541, 11 Newbury, Mrs. Janet W., 150 23rd Avenue, SK 1-1482, 21 Noel, Mrs. Josephine L. (Calais), 610 Hyde Street, PR 5-0751, 9 Norgaard, Mr. and Mrs. Loring C. (Jane Sidebottom) 2214 38th Ave., MO 4-7443,16 .Peter .Gregory Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Ellery T., 60 Leavenworth Street, MA 1-5758, 2 Norris, Norton L., 346 Lake Street, _, 18 North, Clarence William, 2511 21st Avenue, _, 16 Norton, Mrs. Vera, 1743 Golden Gate Avenue, _, 15 .Jeannette .Kathleen .Robert Standifer Norwood, Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Patricia), 701 Sutter Street, _, 9 Oldis, Mrs. Lester, 795 Pine Street, EX 2-5747, 8 Olson, Miss Hilda A., 1492 Pacific Avenue, GR 4-0582, 9 Oskanian, Miss Betty, 2139 Pacific Avenue, WE 1-9898, 15 Otto, Mr. & Mrs. William E. (Gladys E.), 1424 Gough St, PR 5-2338, 9 .William Arthur .Wayne Richard Owen, Ralph L., 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C., 218 Edgewood Ave, OV 1-4866, 17 Owens, Donald T., 661 Marson Avenue, San Bruno Oyung, Miss Rita S., 940 Washington Street, GA 1-8827, 8 Palmer, Miss Marian Eloise, 1450 Castro Street, AT 2-9942, 14 Palmer, Miss Ruth Helen, 1145 Pine Street, GR 4-8303, 9 Palmer, Stuart J., 512 Van Ness Avenue, UN 1-5758, 2 Pape, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E., 2514 32nd Avenue, OV 1-8980, 16 .Henry E., Jr. Pardee, Benjamin V., 1462 29th Avenue, MO 4-0473, 22 Paridy, Mrs. Roy, (Emma A.), 315 Hyde Street, PR 5-3003, 9 Parker, Mrs. Archie M., 737 43rd Avenue, SK 1-6473, 21 Parker, Mrs. Ray (Vida), 3825 Scott Street, FI 6-8338, 23 Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt H. (Jane L.), 845 Sutter St, PR 6-0527, 9 Paul, Mrs. Edith, 3750 Scott Street, WE 1-4395, 23 Paulson, Miss Dorothy, 1453 Haight Street, UN 1-7059, 17 Payne, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. (Mabel H.), 825 Sutter Street, TU 5-2464, 9 Peace, Miss Mary L., 1384 Masonic Avenue, _, 17 Perks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. (Eva Eda), 41 Hill Street, VA 4-1899, 10 Petrie, Mr. James, 76 Hancock Street, MA 1-5717, 14 Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. John C. (Lottie Ann), 630 Sutter Street, _, 2 Phillips, Miss Norene, 3919 22nd Street, _, 14 Pierce, Mrs. Jason Noble (Mary), 120 Duboce Avenue, MA 1-2876, 3 Poch, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A., 580 Geary Street, OR 3-3022, 2 Poladian, Aram, 624 Brooklyn Street, Oakland Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Ellis H. (Marion G.), 521 Douglass St, MI 7-0984, 14 Powell, Dr. and Mrs. Guy T. (Jennie B.), 1295 34th Ave, MO 4-7250, 22 Powell, Mrs. Ruth, 698 Bush Street, EX 2-6156, 8 .Rigby Power, Mrs. John (Minnie), 3400 Laguna Street, _, 23 Price, Rev. James H., 6439 Regent Street, Oakland Price, Mr. and Mrs. Ross H., 384 Eureka Street, VA 4-7481, 14 Pringle, Mrs. Mary H., 3034 Jackson Street, _, 15 Purrington, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. (Bernice), 1664 9th Ave., MO 4-5001, 22 Putnam, Mrs. Bess, 3328 Fulton Street, _, 18 Putzge, Misses Wanda and Olga, 2112 Bayshore Blvd., JU 4-0746, 24 Rands, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick, 689 14th Street, MA 1-3939, 14 Redmond, Mrs. Virginia, 1120 Henderson Avenue, Menlo Park Rees, Mrs. Clara A., 415 O'Farrell Street, _, 2 Reeves, Miss Mildred U., 2415 Van Ness Avenue, PR 5-0455, 9 Reimer, Mrs. Lewis Gastell (Louise), 1256 Montgomery St, SU 1-8450, 11 .Richard H. Renfreau, Miss Minnie, 1155 Pine Street, TU 5-2199, 9 Rennard, Miss Hazel, 1190 Pine Street, _, 9 Renny, Miss Jessie, 750 Sutter Street, _, 9 Reynolds, James L., 2604 12th Avenue, _, 18 Richards, Mrs. E. M., 101 27th Street, _, 10 Rinehart, Miss Barbara J., St Francis Nurses Home, PR 5-4321, 9 Robb, Miss Agnes, 219 Hartford Street, UN 1-9980, 14 Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland C. (Maud Hurt), Redwood City Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. William E., (Carolyn Mae), 454 36th Ave., SK 1-1544, 18 Robinette, Mr. & Mrs. George W. (Anna E.) 884 Kansas St, VA 4-0236, 10 Robinson, Miss Aleen, 2519 31st Avenue, OV 1-8057, 16 Robinson, Miss Beatrice, 1931 Parker Street, Berkeley Robinson, Mrs. Carlotta, 535 32nd Avenue, BA 1-3490, 21 Robinson, Miss Doris L., 535 32nd Avenue, BA 1-3490, 21 Rockwell, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J (Anne), 483 Parker Ave, BA 1-8587, 18 .John Rodrick, Miss Ena M., 1348 Sacramento Street, PR 5-8845, 9 Rodriguez, Miss Juliet, 4420 18th Street, MA 1-2534, 14 Rooney, Miss Adele R., 609 16th Avenue, SK 1-3648, 18 Rosenow, Miss Ida, 1105 Leavenworth Street, GR 4-1771, 9 Ross, Kenneth W., 131 Jules Avenue, JU 5-8329, 12 Ross, Margaret I., 265 Fell Street, MA 1-1455, 2 Row, Miss Dorothy, 323 22nd Avenue, EV 6-0451, 21 Rowland, Miss Grace, 322 Ellis Street, OR 3-6116, 2 Ruffieux, Mrs. Elmire, 2507 Pine Street, WA 1-0063, 15 Ruhlman, Albert J., 990 Geary Street, PR 6-0964, 9 Rupert, Mr. and Mrs. T. M., (Pearl E. Herron), Box 3, Walnut Creek Rust, Mrs. Imarie, 346 Sutter Street, _, 8 Ryan, Miss Helen, 620 Post Street, PR 5-2073, 9 Ryan, Miss Lulu B., 691 Post Street, PR 5-2520, 9 Safholm, Miss Carol, 3645 Webster Street, WA 1-5212, 23 Safley, Miss Ida, 237 Rolph Street, DE 3-7506, 12 Sage, Dr. & Mrs. Edwin C. (Katherine M.),
2000 16th Av, OV 1-1654, 16 Sale, Mr. and Mrs. W. Homer (Josephine E.), 3820 Scott Street, WA 1-7243, 23 Sanderson, Mrs. Harriet Somes, 386 Clay Street, GA 1-0980, 2 Sayed, Robert K., 3504 Clay Street, _,18 Scarf, Mr. and Mrs. John H., 896 Chestnut Street, OR 3-8629, 11 Schable, Miss Margaret, 562 Sutter Street, _, 2 Schluter, Mrs. Clara, 2570 36th Avenue, OV 1-3100, 16 Schneider, Dr. and Mrs. John B. (Lois), 26 Serrano Drive, JU 7-0363, 27 .Carol .Janis .Betty .Mary Schoenfeld, Abraham S. D., 1600 California Street, PR 6-1967, 9 Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. Fred, 323 Page Street, MA 1-4148, 2 Scott, Miss Felicia, 665 Geary Street, GR 4-3473, 2 Sell, Mr. & Mrs. Guy Samuel (Evelyn), 121 Blythdale Av, JU 6-1985, 24 David Guy John Hewins Seller, Mrs. Effie, 685 Geary Street, _, 2 Senftleben, Miss Trudi, 690 32nd Avenue, _, 21 Sengenberger, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, (Dorothy Howell), 2964 Jackson, WA 1-2918, 15 Diana David Severance, Mr. and Mrs. M. H., 972 Bush Street, _, 9 Shaalman, Kenneth H., 2190 Bay Street, JO 7-4756, 23 Shade, Mrs. Marguerite, 929 Pine Street, GR 4-2860, 2 Shannon, Mrs. James F. (Fern), 100 Ewing Terrace, WE 1-4635, 18 Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Ivor T. (Madge C.), 174 Crescent Avenue, Sausalito Sharpe, Miss Amy C., 26 Allston Way, MO 4-2434, 27 Sharpe, Miss Laura, 26 Allston Way, MO 4-2434, 27 Shaw, Mrs. Ruth P., 557 14th Street, UN 1-3532, 3 Shaw, Captain and Mrs. Simeon, 526 Natoma Street, UN 3-6016, 3 Shelby, Mrs. Blanche, 3006 Gough Street, _, 23 Sherman, Miss Bessie, 761 Second Avenue, BA 1-6815, 18 Shields, Miss Marcella, 909 Clayton Street, MO 4-3600, 17 Shoop, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Earl, (Ellen), 1770 Broadway, PR 6-4981, 9 Sidebottom, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred (Doris Bradford), 31 Temescal Terrace, SK 1-3560, 18 Simon, Miss Georgia M., 87 Dolores Street, HE 1-6549, 3 Siren, Erland, 618 Bush Street, EX 2-9233, 8 Sizer, Lawrence M., 325 Sutter Street, _, 8 Skagerberg, Miss Elizabeth, 2539 Lake Street, SK 2-2997, 21 Skillicorn, Miss Susie J., 355 11th Avenue, EV 6-3122, 18 Skillicorn, Miss Ada M., 355 11th Avenue, EV 6-3122, 18 Small, Mrs. Josephine A., 254 Second Avenue, EV 6-0247, 18 Smart, Miss Katherine, 2820 Scott Street, JO 7-6039, 23 Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Alden (Lelia), 1671 12th Avenue, OV 1-1966, 22 Sheridan Kent Smith, Mrs. Florence, 555 Eddy Street, _, 9 Lester Ralph Eugene Smith, Mrs. Gertrude, 339 Pierce Street, UN 1-8434, 17 Wesley Smith, Miss Ida M., 465 Post Street, _, 2 Smith, M. L., 535 Stockton Street, _, 8 Smith, Oliver, 3603 23rd Street, MI 7-4458, 10 Smith, Walter D., 855 Pine Street, _, 2 Smith, Mrs. Wm. R., 3328 Fulton Street, _, 18 Snyder, Miss Prudence E., 3122 Fulton Street, BA 1-1621, 18 Snyder, Mrs. T. Joseph, 1420 17th Avenue, LO 4-2187, 22 Solero, D. Hector G., 405 Capp Street, _, 10 Sonderman, Bradley, 275 La Prenda Avenue, Millbrae Sorenson, Mr. & Mrs. Roy (Pearl L.), 47 Cobb Av, Sausalito, Saus. 283W Spaulding, Mrs. John M., 241 Frederick Street, LO 6-3588, 17 Spears, Mr. and Mrs. John A., 2860 California Street, WE 1-0962, 15 Spindler, Mrs. O. F., 145 Northwood Drive, JU 5-3889, 12 Spiva, Miss Jacquie, 642 Jones Street, _, 2 Stahl, Mrs. Gladys G., 487 Pacheco Street, LO 6-4545, 16 ...Norma ...Donald Stamow, Mrs. Helga L., 1091 Bush Street, OR 3-0410, 9 Standley, Mrs. Margaret, 77 Liberty Street, MA 1-3828, 10 Starkweather, Miss Jessie, 2240 Lombard Street, FI 6-3582, 23 Statham, Miss Euna, 1040 Sutter Street, PR 5-3958, 9 Stauff, Miss Ivy, 1678 Sacramento Street, OR 3-9911, 9 Steiner, Edwin H., 630 Mason Street, _,2 Stern, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, 1281 Geary Street, _, 9 Stewart, Miss Barbara Jean, 36 Farnsworth Lane, SE 1-3430, 17 Stewart, Marjorie, 985 Pine Street, PR 6-4226, 2 Stewart, Miss Louise F., 2503 Gough Street, OR 3-2534, 23 Stockwell, Miss Muriel, 750 O'Farrell Street, TU 5-2587, 9 Storms, Mr. and Mrs. Russell P., 130 Frederick Street, UN 1-4850, 17 Stransky, Miss Mary, 645 Leavenworth Street, PR 6-4730, 9 Strecker, Miss Anita V., 1005 Hyde Street, PR 5-4358, 9 Stroh, Miss Gloria, 1153 Bush Street, _, 9 Stroh, Mrs. Paul T., 421 Leavenworth Street, OR 3-7725, 2 Stuart, Mrs. Eleanor Bell, 1401 Hyde Street, _, 9 Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. August (Grace), 450 Clipper St, MI 8-0365, 14 .Ronald .Sybil Ellen Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Ole (Gusta Lovseth), 1108 Page Street, MA 1-1167, 17 Swartout, Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. (Fern), 3661 20th Street, VA 6-2242, 10 Julia Ann Swenson, Miss Alma, 2090 Beach Street, JO 7-2159, 23 Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. William J. (Clara Betts), 1816 Fell St., SK 1-9837, 17 Techman, Ruth, 1424 Gough Street, GR 4-0189, 9 Terrace, Mr. and Mrs. James C. (Bertha York), 316 Kipling Street, Palo Alto Thayer, Mrs. Rufus C., (Irma), 51 Arguello Blvd., SK 1-3092 Thoits, Mrs. Warren R., (Hazel A.), 939 Forest Avenue, Palo Alto Thomas, Ira Allen, 480 Ellis Street, OR 3-9600, 2 Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. (Virginia), 929 Pine Street, OR 3-8238, 2 Thomas, R. F., 3649 18th Street, _, 10 Thommen, Paul, 279 O'Farrell Street, YU 2-5128, 2 Thompson, Miss Bessie, 350 Judah Street, SE 1-3885, 22 Thompson, Miss Clara, 2200 Francisco Street, _, 23 Thompson, Miss Margaret, 44 McAllister Street, HE 1-2870, 2 Thorpe, Miss Holly, 621 Taylor Street, GR 4-1727, 2 Thurling, Mr. and Mrs. John (Minnie M.), 1007 Sutter St, PR 5-9072, 9 Tillman, Mr. and Mrs. A. E., Rt. 5, S. F. Naval Shipyard ..Maurine Tinnemeyer, Miss Betty, 980 Bush Street, _, 9 Tooker, Richard H., 711 Lincoln Way, SE 1-9755, 22 Tucker, Mr. & Mrs. Harold (Audrey), 40 Santa Monica Way, OV 1-3123, 27 .Martha Nell Turner, Mrs. Amy F., 798 Post Street, PR 5-7775, 9 Turner, Mr. & Mrs. William A. (Kathryn Keats), 3226 Randolph Av, Belmont Twiss, Mr. Claude, 835 O'Farrell Street, OR 3-0923, 9 Altim Tyndall, C. H., 604 Mission Street, _, 5 Unger, Mr. and Mrs. E. E., (Margaret A.), 1908 Foothill Bl, Oakland, AN 1-8307 Uzzell, Mrs. Ley, 3153 Turk Street, EV 6-9070, 18 Van Buren, Mr. Garrett, 123 Duboce Street, UN 1-3656, 3 Van Hock, Mrs. Vera, 18 Ord Street, _, 14 Van Loon, Walter R., 1246 22nd Avenue, OV 1-4232, 22 Van Winkle, Mrs. J. F., (Carolyn), 620 Jones Street, PR 5-6262, 2 Vaughan, Mrs. Grace, 1080 Bush Street, TU 5-6148, 9 Vaughan, Miss Dorothy, 1080 Bush Street, TU 5-6148, 9 Velarde, Miss Dorothy M., 655 Powell Street, DO 2-9249, 2 Verhaag, Ernest, 527 Franklin Street, _, 2 Virgin, Francis, 3315 Cabrillo Avenue, SK 1-9023, 21 Waddington, Miss Lois Elaine, 430 Hill Street, VA 4-0258, 14 Wagner, Miss Ethel Mary, 1700 Broadway, OR 3-4468, 9 Walker, Miss Emmelina, 2336 Lake Street, SK 1-7943, 21 Walker, Mrs. J. H. (Ella H.), 2102 Buena Vista, Alameda Walling, Miss Margaret E., 342 5th Avenue, SK 2-1959, 18 Walthall, Miss Bessie P., 90 Jordan Avenue, BA 1-6828, 18 Walsh, Mrs. Ruth, 423 Vidal Drive, JU 4-3094, 27 Walton, Miss Jane, 725 Leavenworth Street, PR 6-2246, 9 Walton, Miss Kathryn L., 525 Hyde Street, GR 4-4983, 9 Ward, Mr. & Mrs. Claude A. (Mary F.), 264 Dolores St, MA 1-2237, 3 Ward, Stuart R., 3406 Clay Street, FI 6-9447, 15 Warkentin, Mr. and Mrs. H. G., 940 Bay Street, TU 5-2172, 9 Washburn, Miss Christina E., 130 Wayland Street, JU 4-2145, 24 Washburn, Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus C (Marjory H.) 235 Roosevelt Wy, MA 1-2901, 14 Weed, Miss Josephine, 1247 Leavenworth Street, TU 5-0844, 9 Weeks, Robert C., 3532 Pierce Street, WE 1-8905, 23 Weir, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. (Mattie S.), 1896 Pacific Avenue, OR 3-2955, 9 Weisz, Mr. & Mrs. Chris R. (Bertha H.), 350 Laguna St, KL 2-1990, 2 Welch, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. (Dorothy M.), 459 8th Av, EV 6-4019, 18 Dennis Patrick Wentworth, Mrs. Frances L., 9 Beaver Street, MA 1-5529, 14 Weston, Miss Florence, 2165 Larkin Street, _, 9 Wheeler, Howard F., 1190 Haight Street, MA 1-1248, 17 White, Mrs. William N., 801 Moultrie Street, MI 7-0947, 10 Whiteford, Allen, Jr., 3637 Lincoln Way, _, 22 Whiteford, Mrs. Mary, 1425 Sacramento Street, PR 5-3829, 9 Whiteford, Miss Isabell, 1425 Sacramento Street, PR 5-3829, 9 Whitmore, Miss Ruth Ellen, 2632 Baker Street, WA 1-5686, 23 Wickerd, Mr. and Mrs. R. B., 364 19th Avenue, _, 21 Wilbur, Hon. Curtis D., Pine Lane and Cherry Avenue, Los Altos .Miss Edna M. Wilbur, Mrs. Leonard F. (Jean), 241 Frederick Street, LO 6-3588, 17 .Ruth Spaulding .Lyman Herrick .Bruce Williams, Dr. & Mrs. A. Justin (Caroline), 61 San Andreas Wy, MO 4-3691, 16 Williams, Dr. and Mrs. D. Carl, 1260 California Street, TU 5-0879, 9 Williams, Miss Mildred, 25 Merced Avenue, MO 4-4153, 16 Williams, Mrs. R. J., 774 Geary Street, PR 5-5189, 9 Willis, Mrs. Alice C., 987 Haight Street, MA 1-5929, 17 Willit, Mrs. Lillian, 1971 Funston Avenue, LO 4-3862, 16 Wilson, Mrs. Grace, 516 Baker Street, WE 1-0750, 17 Wilson, Herbert K., 64 Los Olivos Avenue, _, 25 Wilson, Mrs. Mary A., 161 Francisco Drive, South San Francisco Wilson, Mrs. Maude Lee, 351 Geary Street, SU 1-7800, 2 Wilson, Mrs. Victor, 53 Rockaway Avenue, LO 6-7049, 16 .Lynn Windham, Miss Ivah M., 900 Taylor Street, PR 5-1173, 2 Wise, Addington, 85 Linares Avenue, MO 4-1314, 22 Wise, Mrs. Vera, 1621 Vallejo Street, _, 23 Wofford, Mr. and Mrs. James D., 645 Leavenworth Street, _, 9 Wojcik, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. (Anita), 1615 Green St, GA 4-0878, 23 ..Kasana Wolford, Miss Myrta, 2361 California Street, WE 1-7907, 15 Wood, Dr. and Mrs. David A., 54 Commonwealth Av, SK 1-4889, 18 Wood, Mrs. Ursula, 327 Monte Diablo Avenue, San Mateo Miss Mabel Woodruff, Dr. and Mrs. James H. (Grace), 530 18th Av, EV 6-7226, 21 ..David Titus Woodward, Miss Maude E., 775 Post Street, PR 6-6150, 9 Woolsey, Dr. and Mrs. Chester H. (Daisy), 86 Flood Circle, Atherton Wright, Mrs. Louis A. (Ella B.), 1915 California Street, PR 6-0809, 9 Wright, A. Russell, 325 Sutter Street, _, 8 Wrona, Joseph, 447 Eddy Street, TU 5-0697, 9 York, Mrs. Isabelle, 618 Haight Street, UN 1-3296, 17 Young, Capt. Fred H., 739 10th Avenue, EV 6-2867, 18 Young, Miss Mary Jane, 2655 Polk Street, PR 5-6101, 9 Zimmerman, Mrs. Velma, 2410 Polk Street, PR 5-1139, 9 Zirkle, Miss Joyce, 875 Post Street, PR 5-9815, 9 |
Pages 58-60
The addresses of these members are not known to the church office.
Abbot, Lynn S. Abrahams, Miss Mary Frances Adams, C. R. Akers, Mrs. Owen M. (Viola L.) Alberda, Mrs. Florence Allen, Adelbert A. Allen, Arthur W. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. (Ethel Marie) Anderson, Mrs. Carl E. A. (Anna) Anderson, August B. Anderson, Louis F. Argo, William Spilman Ashley, Marti Austed, Miss Lorayne Aver, Mrs. Frank (Ida May) Baker, Mrs. Catherine Barrington, Ernest E. Bean, Miss Helen Bower, Mrs. L. E. (Ethel Ferguson) Bradley, Charles N. Browning, Luther Bullock, Mrs. Charlotte L. Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman E. (Helen A.) Buxo, Mrs. Juanita Cherry, Mrs. C. S. (Julia M.) Clark, Edward G. Clausen, Miss Alice Cox, Mrs. Ruby R. Craft, Mrs. Marian L. Davidson, Mrs. Alexandrina Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roy Deardorff, Miss Vera DeMoss, Don Depatis, Edward James Devers, Mrs. William (Mabel) Dunn, Miss Grace Adelaide Eaker, Mrs. J. W. (Elizabeth) Edwards, Mrs. W. H. (Birda F.) English, Miss Violet Erickson, Miss Lillian Farmariss, Mrs. Fred H. (Nellie F.) Ferbeck, Harry Fiscus, Harry A. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Frahm, Mrs. Robert G. (Mary Lou) Franklin, Mrs. Hope A. Freshwahr, Gordon Fritz, Mrs. Vera D. |
Gass, Glenn W. Gates, Edward D. Giitl, William Goodpastor, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin James Goss, Charles E. Greeley, Robert Gretser, Mrs. William J. Gulick, Mrs. Laura M. Hallen, Phillip F. Hammesfahr, Adolph F. Hansen, Mrs. Louis A. (Elizabeth H.) Harris, Mrs. Ella K. Hicks, Miss Juanita Hildebrand, Leonard W. Hilton, Miss Laureen Hinshaw, Robert Luther Hoesly, Miss Jacqueline Hosmer, Miss Shirley Elizabeth Hunter, Alexander Jepson, Ralph O. Johnson, LeRoy M. Kenealy, Mrs. Joyce Elizabeth Kiefner, Miss Dorothy Alice King, Clarence Frederick Kinsey, Vernon E. Kleinman, Miss Diana Laidlaw, James Lane, Rev. Dana Abrams Latimer, Mrs. William (Ruth Elizabeth) Lee, Norman O. Lewton, Mrs. Harriet S. Livingston, Miss Corliss McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. (Evelyn Doris) McClellan, Mrs. Robert B. (Sophia) McClelland, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. (Helen A.) .Maureen .Patricia Mantz, Charles W. Marvin, Charles E. Matthewson, Mrs. James (Mary Elizabeth) Miller, Mrs. N. Boyd (Roslyn E.) Miloradovitch, Mme. Zora Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. William R. (Maybelle M.) Moore, Mrs. Ina L. Moore, Miss Phyllis Adelaide Moore, Miss Jean C. Moorhead, Miss Francis E. Morrissey, Miss Jean C. Muntz, Mrs. Walter (Christina) Murphy, Mrs. Audrey L. Murray, Miss Anne |
Newton, Mrs. Lillian E. Nicholson, Ernest W. O'Connell, Mrs. W. A. (Doris Alma) Olson, Miss Helma E. Owen, Mr. Ralph L. Palme, Miss Irma Seabrooke Palmer, J. Brooks Pattison, Mrs. Florence Peck, Mrs. Edwin C. (Catherine) Pegan, Luther Carl Peterson, Mrs. Agnes Porter, Mrs. Walter S. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. (Grace S.) Prescott, Mrs. Carolyn Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. (Zemora) Pryor, Mrs. Elizabeth D. Reinoehl, Miss E. Virginia Reisz, Mrs. Elizabeth Reynolds, Mrs. Loretta A. Rutherford, Mrs. O. E. (Bernice) Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. (Doris Joan) Seales, Clarence Richard Simons, Mrs. Elvera C. Simpson, William J., Jr. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Virginia) Smith, Harold Dean Smith, Walter D. Steele, Mrs. Charles (Shirley) Sullivan, Grant H. Taber, Mrs. Theron S. (Zula) Taylor, Donald A. Traynor, Mrs. Marion R. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. William A. (Kathryn K.) Vaughn, Miss Mildred E. Watkins, Mrs. D. H. (Rose M.) Weitzel, Mrs. W. H. (Vaughan C.) Wheeler, Maurice B. White, Parker L. Whiteford, Mrs. Mary Whiteford, Miss Isabel Wickes, Walter H. Wickham, Mrs. Marian L. Wilbur, Paul C. Wilson, Mrs. Hattie L. |
Page 61
Names listed here are those whose addresses are outside of immediate vicinity of San Francisco.
Bradford, Donald Buss, Mrs. Arthur E. (Elizabeth I.) Clark, Miss Lola E. Douthitt, Mrs. Edward A. (Edith) Ericson, Rev. Rudolph Eshelman, Rev. and Mrs. Byron E. Evans, Mrs. Everett (Dorothy A.) Eveden, Mrs. E. S. (Louise) Fassoth, Mrs. John (Anna M.) Ferbeck, Harry Ferris, Mrs. James (Bertha) Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Glorieux, Mrs. Henry Gordon, Mrs. James L. (Lillian J.) Grimm, Miss Nelle E. |
Hammond, Mrs. Frank B. (Lillian) Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Milo C. (Ethel Rae) Heyl, Frank A. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. George W. (Leonora) Hughes, Mrs. Olin R. Hunter, Mrs. A. T. Hutchison, Mrs. Mary F. Kable, Misses Mary M. and Betty H. Kadyk, Miss Katy King, George Harold Kinner, Miss Elinor Laxon-Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Loberg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. (Betty) Lowenthal, Mrs. B. R. Macartney, Mrs. George L. (Alice G.) Markle, Mrs. Wallace (Edith C.) Marshall, Henry Martin, Mrs. Edward (Lydia Ellen) Mayer, Mrs. W. S. (Julia) Meininger, Dr. and Mrs. Willard M. (Theresa B.) |
Nichol, Miss Doris M. Noble, Miss Nanon Nystrom, Mrs. Barbara Pendleton, Rev. and Mrs. Norman W. Phillips, F. C. Pike, Robert Reimer, Mrs. Frank Schlosser, Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. (Alma) Sewell, Mrs. Cora Spooner, Mrs. Fred Thomas, Miss Helen D. Turnley, Miss Peggy Webb, Mrs. Lydia E. Wolfe, Mrs. Richard C. (Ida Helen) |
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Dettner Court Apartments Dettner Court Annex Apartments |
Transcribed by:
Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.
© 2011 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.