San Francisco County







CHRISTIAN ZINN, an old and honored citizen and the oldest merchant tailor now engaged in active business in San Francisco, was born in Alsace, France, in 1824. In 1832 he came with his parents to New York, and in that city grew up, attended school and learned his trade.

      Like many other young men all over the country, Mr. Zinn was interested in the reports which reached him of the gold discoveries in California, and he determined to seek his fortune on the Pacific coast. Leaving New York on the old French barque Gustave, he made the voyage to San Francisco and arrived here in July, 1850. He at once went to the mines, but a few days later returned to the city and began work at his trade. In 1852 he again sought the mines, on the Yuba river, this time remaining about six months, after which he returned and continued work at his trade. In 1853 he went back East, returning to California three years later. He then engaged in business for himself in a small store on Front street, and soon afterward accepted a position as cutter for Walter & Brooks. In 1862 this firm dissolved partnership, and Mr. Zinn and Mr. Walker associated themselves together under the style of Walker & Company, continuing thus for three years, or until the death of Mr. Walker. Mr. Zinn has since been in business alone. For sixteen years he remained at 611 Sacramento street, and from there removed to his present location, No. 8 Montgomery street, where he has been successfully engaged in business for the past twelve years. During his long business career in this city he has won hosts of friends.


Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 555-556, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Elaine Sturdevant.


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