San Francisco County








WILBUR G. ZEIGLER, of the firm of Galpin & Zeigler, is one of the prominent lawyers of San Francisco.  Briefly given a sketch of his life is as follows:

      Mr. Zeigler was born in Fremont, Ohio, September 29, 1857.  On his father side he is of German stock, his forefathers, through several generations since 1650 holding important official positions in Gruenberg, Germany.  From that city his grandfather, in 1832, came and settled one-year later in Ohio.  Here his father was for many years engaged in the mercantile business.  On his mother’s side he is a direct lineal descendant of Thomas Fitch, the last colonial Governor of Connecticut.

      Wilbur G. Zeigler was reared and educated in his native State, studies law in Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1881 was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court at Columbus.  He immediately engaged in the practice of law at Fremont with General R. P. Buckland and H. S. Buckland, being offered a partnership in that prominent law firm before he was admitted to the bar.

      After a year’s practice as a member of this firm, Mr. Zeigler became interested in literary matters, and, with an associate, went South and devoted some time to the preparation of an illustrated descriptive and historical work, entitle “The Heart of the Alleghanies; or, Western North Carolina.”  The book passed through two editions and received favorable mention from the press.  It is a standard work on that section of the United States.

      In 1883 Mr. Zeigler came to San Francisco and entered the law office of Doyle, Barber, Galpin & Scripture, and has been connected with the firm through several changes.  He is now in partnership with Philip G. Galpin, the firm being Galpin & Zeigler.  Their business is very heavy, being entirely of a civil nature, particularly land, patent and probate practice.




Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 375-376, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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