San Francisco County




Fred Zech, Jr.


   Fred Zech, Jr., a musician of San Francisco, was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1858, a son of Frederick Zech, a noted piano manufacturer of that city.  In 1860 he came with his wife and only child, Fred, to California, and since then, for more than thirty years, he has been prominently identified with the manufacture of pianos, and an honored citizen of San Francisco.  Young Frederick was reared and educated in this city, and began the study of music at an early age.  He studied here until 1877, when he went abroad to complete his musical education in Germany.  He studied under the eminent teacher, Professor Theodore Kullark, of Berlin, as private pupil, for five years, having all the advantages that money and influence could procure.  Upon his return in 1882 he engaged in teaching, and has held the position of Professor of Music in Miss Lake’s Seminary, San Francisco, Snell’s Seminary, and Miss Field’s Seminary in Oakland, also having a large class of pupils at his own home.

   Mr. Zech has done much in the way of musical composition; composed symphonies, overtures, concertos and other works.  He is a member of the Manuscript Society of New York, to which no one admitted except those who are authors of musical compositions of high standard.  He has been a director of different musical societies, and as a teacher he has met with pronounced success.


Transcribed by David Rugeroni.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 206, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 David Rugeroni.




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