San Francisco County




John E. Youngberg, one of the most efficient officials in this department of the Government service, was reared in the State of Illinois, attending school in Galesburg.  Upon the breaking out of the war he entered the service in 1861, enlisting in the Fifty-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry as private; was promoted to Sergeant-Major at the battle of Shiloh, and was promoted and commissioned Adjutant at Rome, George, under Sherman, just before the famous march through Georgia to the sea.  He served four years, marched to Washington, and was with his regiment in the grand review.  After that he went to Louisville, Kentucky, to fit out for the Rio Grande movement.  When the death of Maximilian made it necessary, he was mustered out of the service.  Captain Youngberg was wounded several times and had two horses killed under him.

     After the war he came to California and located at San Jose.  In 1865 he was elected Enrolling Clerk of the Assembly--during the sessions of 1865-'66.  He served as Deputy City Marshal and Deputy County Recorder of Santa Clara county.  He entered the revenue service under Dr. L. H. Carey, an old army comrade Surgeon-in-Chief of the Sixteenth Army Corps.  Captain Youngberg retained his connection with the department there until the first and second division of the revenue service were consolidated, when he was transferred to the headquarters here in San Francisco and was promoted as cashier under Dr. Carey, and served in that position under Collector Sedgewick and Colonel Higby until February, 1881, when he was promoted as Chief Deputy, and since then, for the past ten years, has held that position under Collector Hartson; during the Democratic administration under Ellis; also General Sears, and Mr. Quinn, the present commissioner.

     Captain Youngberg is prominently identified with G. A. R., member of George H. Thomas Post; also member of Excelsior Lodge, A.O.U.W., and Occidental Lodge, I.O.O.F.


Transcribed 1-5-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 686, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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