San Francisco County







   HENRY CLAY WYSHAM, of San Francisco, was born in the city of Baltimore, and comes from an old Maryland family.  His father was an old Baltimorean, and his mother was of Spanish descent, and of musical celebrity.  Prof. Wysham’s grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary war.

   The subject of this sketch was reared and educated at St. Mary’s College in his native city, and after taking a preparatory course he entered Harvard Law School and graduated in the class of 1851.  He early developed talent for music, and began its study in his native city, pursuing his studies at the Baltimore Conservatory of Music, under Prof. A. Hamerik, who has just received a decoration of the highest honor from the king of Sweden.  Mr. Wysham subsequently went to Europe and entered the Royal College of Music, where he completed his musical education, and after his return he went to Boston and accepted the position of musical editor of the old Boston Journal, which he conducted for some time.  On account of ill-health he came to California in 1885, and since that time he has been successfully engaged in teaching classes and private pupils.  He is proficient in playing on the organ, piano and Boehm flute, and on the latter is one of the finest players in this country.  His silver alto flute, presented to him by Moses Hopkins, one of San Francisco’s prominent citizens, is an instrument of rare beauty and richness of tone.  Prof. Wysham is also a teacher of harmony and devotes much time to musical composition, and has attracted a great deal of attention in Eastern cities.  He has also contributed much to musical literature, being correspondent of the London Musical Opinion, which reflects the standard musical thought of London, and also correspondent of the Boston Leader, which occupies the same position in this country.

   Mr. Wysham has an extended acquaintance with musical celebrities in this country and Europe, and was a personal friend of Jenny Lind, having been entertained by her at her home in London.  He has thousands of dollars worth of music which cannot be duplicated, and has one of the finest musical libraries on the Pacific coast.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 322, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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