San Francisco County





   FRED V. WOOD, of the law firm of Wood & Sawyer, of Oakland, was born in Sparta, Wisconsin, October 6, 1866, a son of Walter and Ellen M. (Armstrong) Wood, both natives of New York.   After their marriage in Warsaw, New York, they moved to Wisconsin.  The father, by trade a bricklayer and builder, enlisted in the Tenth Wisconsin Regiment Volunteer Infantry in 1861, and served to the close of the war.  He was wounded in the battle of Perryville, and after returning to duty was in the battle of Murfreesborough.  He was taken prisoner at Chickamauga, and was confined in Richmond, Danville and Andersonville prisons nineteen months.  He escaped with some others from Danville, but was recaptured and held to the close of the war.  In 1885 he came to this coast with his wife and two sons, Fred V. and Carl Franklin, arriving in Oakland November 3, 1885.  He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Masonic order.  Grandfather Armstrong died in Michigan about 1884, aged ninety-seven.

     Fred V. Wood, the subject of this sketch, received his early education in his native town, and was graduated at its high school.  Soon after his arrival in Oakland he became a law student and clerk of Edward C. Robinson, and was admitted from his office to the bar of the Supreme Court of California, November 12, 1888.  He remained with Mr. Robinson until December 1, 1889, when he opened an office on his own account, and in May, 1890, formed a partnership with F. W. Sawyer, under the style of Wood & Sawyer.  Mr. Wood is a member of Enterprise Lodge, No. 198, I.O.O.F., and of E. D. Baker Camp, No. 5, Sons of Veterans.  He was elected Adjutant-General of the California Division Sons of Veterans in 1889, and Colonel of the same in 1890.  He is a young attorney of great promise, and stands in the front ranks of the junior members of his profession.

Transcribed  8-24-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 266, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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