MRS. N. A. WOOD, Principal of the Hearst Grammar School, has been connected with the public schools of San Francisco for twenty-five years. She is a native of Pennsylvania, and daughter of Philo Dond, a native of New York, but who came across the plains to California in 1850; his death occurred in February, 1887. Her mother’s family name was Leighty, and she was a native of Meadville, Pennsylvania, and came here, via Nicaragua, in 1855, and is now living in this city. Mrs. Wood came to the Pacific coast during childhood, and after attending the primary and grammar schools she entered the State Normal School, where she graduated in December, 1865. In January, 1866, she began teaching in the Denman Grammar School, remaining there nine years, when she was promoted as Vice-Principal of the Hamilton Grammar School, and held that position until October, 1888, and was then promoted as Principal of the Hearst Grammar School. The school has increased from 338 to 767 since that time, and has sixteen teachers. Mrs. Wood has had great experience as a teacher and educator, and is devoted to her work. She has had only three months’ vacation during her whole term of service.



Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 497-498, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892. 

© 2004 Elaine Sturdevant.


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