San Francisco County







JAMES E. WOLFE, architect, San Francisco, is a native of Baltimore, Maryland. His father Henry C. Wolfe was a Hanoverian, and an early settler of the city of Baltimore. He served in the Revolution and was one of the defenders of the bridge at North Point when the British attempted to cross. Our subject was reared and received his education in his native city. Upon his reaching manhood the gold excitement in California was attracting the attention of the civilized world, and he sailed from Boston on the baroque Lady Suffolk, came via Cape Horn and after a voyage of 214 days arrived in San Francisco July 2, 1851, in time to celebrate Independence Day. He remained here until 1855 and then went up to the mines as architectural engineer, remained several years and erected seven quartz-mills.

      In 1859 he went to Victoria, remained there two years, and in 1861 returned to San Francisco, and since then for the past thirty years he has been prominently identified with the architectural and building interests of the city and coast. Among the Prominent buildings designed and erected by him are Sheldon’s block, First and Market streets, Levi’s block on Market street, the First Baptist church and many others of the same denomination, the Tabernacle and many of the finest private residences in the city.

      In 1879 Mr. Wolfe established the California Architect and Builders’ News, the first monthly architectural journal published on the Pacific Coast. It was successfully conducted by him for ten years, the only exclusive architectural journal published here. Mr. Wolfe married in Baltimore, Miss M. A. Beastall, a native of New York, and a most estimable lady. Her death occurred in 1882. They had eight children, six of whom survive. Mr. Wolfe’s present wife is one of the Emerson families of Maine and Boston. Her grandfather was the founder of Parsons Field, York County, Maine



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 598, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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San Francisco County


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