San Francisco County







Witzel & Baker, wholesale commission merchants, 320 and 322 Battery street, San Francisco, established their business here in 1881.

            J. F. Witzel and C. F. Baker, the gentlemen composing this firm, are both natives of Germany, but have long been residents of the United States.  Mr. Witzel arrived in New York when sixteen years of age, and for several years clerked in a provision house there, thoroughly learning the business.  Mr. Baker came to the United States when only two years old, and was reared to manhood in Indiana.  He subsequently removed to New York, and accepted a position in the same house with Mr. Witzel, where he also remained several years.

            From there, in 1876, they came together to San Francisco, were for five years, engaged in the grocery business, and after that embarked in their present enterprise, which they have conducted for ten years with flattering success.  They have a large wholesale trade in provisions, hams, bacon, lard, butter-cheese and eggs; employ eight men, and do a business that extends all over the Pacific coast.  Both are men of marked business ability and strict integrity, and are justly entitled to the success which has attended their efforts.



Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 383, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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