San Francisco County



Miss Eva Withrow.---This gifted young lady is a native of California.  She inherits her taste and artistic talent in a measure from her mother, a woman of rare mental attainments.  Her father, an old and honored citizen of California, came from his native State, Virginia, to this coast in 1853, and his death occurred in 1881.

     Miss Withrow early developed a taste for art, and after graduating at Clark Institute, entered the San Francisco Art School.  Subsequently for a time she was under the instructions of Henry Raschen and Theodore Wores, after which she went abroad with her mother and sister to continue her art studies, remaining principally at Munich, Germany.  Her master there was the eminent J. Frank Currier, and she was accorded the honor of being the only pupil he ever consented to take.  She speaks of him in highest terms of gratitude, and has in her studio some of the works of her distinguished teacher.  She was favored in her studies in having the encouragement and companionship of her mother and sister, and this was a constant stimulant.

     After applying herself closely to her studies for four years, and making a tour in France and Italy, spending some time in Paris and Rome, she returned to her home in San Francisco.  Here she opened her studio, and has taken a leading position in her profession.  Miss Withrow has two full classes, and although her method is in direct opposition to academical training, she believes to a degree in the latter.  Her controlling idea in teaching is concentration.  The pupils are instructed to draw from life, without attempt at display.  Her works in her studio, at the annual exhibition and at the Art Association are subjects of admiration and honorable mention.

     Miss Withrow resides with her mother and sister, and their attractive home on Pine street is noted for its hospitality, as it is for culture and refinement.


Transcribed 4-23-05  Marilyn R. Pankey

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 62, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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