San Francisco County









      EDWIN WINDELE, M. D., whose office is at No. 30 Post Street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for the past thirteen years, during which time he has been engaged in the practice of Medicine. He was born in Cork, Ireland, in 1849, the son of John Windele, who held for many years a prominent and responsible office under the British Government, and was well known throughout that part of Ireland as an antiquarian. Dr. Windele’s early education was received in the Schools of the city of Cork, and his collegiate course in Queen’s College, Cork, where he spent five years. He commenced the study of medicine in 1869, at the Queen’s College, taking his degree finally in 1877, at the Royal College of Surgeons at Edinburgh, Scotland, where he completed a full course of study covering two years. After a few months spent on the continent of Europe, he came to California, and engaged in practice in San Francisco, where he has since continued. He is a member of the City and County Medical Society of San Francisco. Dr. Windele is a Commissioner of Insanity for the City and County of San Francisco. He has devoted himself exclusively to his private practice, in the building up of which he has been very successful.




Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 629-630, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2007 Kim Buck.


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