W. Winterhalter


W. Winterhalter, architect and superintendent, is a native of Germany, born in the city of Munich in 1839.  His father was a prominent physician.  The son attended school in his native city, where he also studied his profession of architectural and mechanical engineer, enjoying the best advantages.  He came to California in 1866, and in 1872 established his present business at the corner of Pine and Montgomery streets, San Francisco, after which he removed to the Mechanics’ Institute Building on Post street, and from there in 1886 to his present location in the Phelan Building.  Mr. Winterhalter plans and superintends the erection of building for dwellings and all other purposes in the city and throughout the interior of the State, giving special attention to the construction of breweries, malt houses and factories.  He furnished the plans and specifications for the erection of the South Park Malt-House, the Empire Malt-House, the first building of the United States Brewery, corner of Franklin and McAllister streets, the John Weiland Brewing building, the National Brewing building, Willow’s Brewery, and many other.  He gives his personal attention to the drawings, specifications and details, superintends all his contracts, and is thoroughly familiar with every detail of the architectural profession.

Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 640, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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