San Francisco County









      Now serving his fourth term in the California house of representatives, Raymond Daniel Williamson has made a record of excellence in the service of his constituents, and likewise in the general practice of law in San Francisco has acquired a meritorious reputation. He is a native of San Francisco, where his birth occurred May 19, 1895. He is a descendant of pioneer Californians on both the paternal and maternal sides of his family. His father, Daniel Williamson, was born in Solano county, this state, and engaged in the plumbing business in San Francisco for many years. He is now living in retirement. Mr. Williamson’s mother, Mary (Lahney) Williamson, was born in San Francisco, where she still resides.

      Raymond D. Williamson completed the course offered by the public schools in San Francisco, and subsequently pursued his advanced and professional studies in St. Ignatius College, which institution conferred upon him the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1918 and the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1920. He had taken the bar examination successfully in 1919, and was duly admitted that year. During the World war period, he served fourteen months in the Sixty-second Coast Artillery Corps, and after his honorable discharge he returned to San Francisco to resume his professional training. He quickly gained prestige as an attorney of this city, and in 1924 was first the successful candidate for the assembly of the California legislature. He has been chosen at each election since that date, and is now in his fourth term. He has been one of the most active of the state’s lawmakers, and has been connected with much legislation of importance. He introduced and fathered the bill for the new normal school building in San Francisco, and he was likewise the author of the bill which raised the compensation under the industrial accident law from twenty dollars and eighty-three cents to twenty-five dollars a week. His political activities are conducted under the republican banner, and he has always been one of the most loyal exponents of that party.

      In July, 1926, Mr. Williamson was married to Miss Pauline Luby, a native of San Francisco, and daughter of Edward P. Luby and Mary E. (Fitzpatrick) Luby. Their residence is situated on Page street in this city.

      Mr. Williamson is a fourth degree member of the Knights of Columbus, also belongs to the Young Men’s Institute and the Native Sons of the Golden West. His favorite diversion has been golf. In his home community he has won a most favorable position, and during the years he has been before the public no question of his motives, sincerity or integrity has ever arisen to mar the progress he is making.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 481-482.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County