Peter William, of the firm of Knitth & Williams, manufacturers of interior decorations and upholstery, and dealers in furniture, window shades, carpets, spring beds and mattresses, on B street, San Rafael, was born in Denmark, in June, 1852, and was reared and educated in his native land.  When twenty-one years of age he came to America, where he followed the trade of carpentering, to which he had served an apprenticeship in the old country.  He first located in Wisconsin, remaining there but one year; thence went to Chicago, Illinois, where he also followed his trade as a journeyman until 1876, when he came to California and located at San Rafael.  For seven years after locating here he was engaged at his trade.  His present business was established under the present firm name nine years ago, and they have built up and retained a thriving business.  “Live and Let Live” is their motto, and by good management and square dealing they have secured the principal trade in their line in this community.


Mr. Williams was married at San Rafael, in May, 1877, to Miss Emma Berkhart, a native of Illinois.  They have two sons—Fred and George.  Politically Mr. Williams is a Republican, although not active in political matters.  Socially he affiliates with the F. & A. M. and I. O. O. F., and has passed all the chairs in the last name order.  His parents were George and Mary Williams, both now deceased.  Mr. Williams is the younger of two brothers.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 609, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Donna L. Becker.


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