John M. WILLIAMSON, M.D.  Besides the reputation he has long enjoyed for capable and conscientious work in the general practice of medicine and surgery, Doctor WILLIAMSON, of San Francisco, has been distinguished by important services rendered as an educator and in public health work.


Doctor WILLIAMSON, who has been practicing in San Francisco nearly forty years, is a native son of California, born at Vallejo, June 20, 1861.  His father, Daniel WILLIAMSON, was born in Scotland, and came to California as early as 1852.  He first settled in San Francisco, and later at Vallejo was engaged in farming and merchandising.  He married Ellen MARSHALL, also a native of Scotland, and both parents are now deceased.


Dr. John M. WILLIAMSON attended the grammar and high schools of Vallejo and for several years was in school work as a teacher in Napa and Solano counties.  He then entered the medical department of the University of California, and was graduated Doctor of Medicine with the class of 1885. Through all the years subsequent to his graduation he has kept up his habit of intensive study to supplement his wide experience.  After graduating he was an interne in the San Francisco City and County Hospital, and then engaged in private practice.


The various services he has rendered outside his private practice point to his high qualifications.  At one time he was head superintendent of the San Francisco City and County Hospital.  For the University of California he was in the faculty of the medical department from 1887 to 1910, holding the chair anatomy and the chair of genito-urinary surgery; and in the dental department of the university he occupied the chair of anatomy for a number of years. Doctor WILLIAMSON from 1895 to 1899 was a member and from 1900-1903 was president of the San Francisco Board of Health, a position of exceptional responsibility.  For several years he was a member of the State Medical Board of Examiners.  Doctor WILLIAMSON in 1906, with associates, organized the Trinity Hospital at San Francisco, and was actively identified with the institution for ten years, until 1916.  In politics he is a republican, but has not been active. 


He married at San Francisco in 1888 Miss Lucy GOULD.  She was also born in California.  Her father, C.B. GOULD, was superintendent of the Market Street Railway at San Francisco.  Mrs. WILLIAMSON was a teacher in San Francisco prior to her marriage.  Doctor and Mrs. WILLIAMSON have one daughter, Miss Lora WILLIAMSON, a teacher in the public schools of San Francisco.  Their only son was the late Marshall G. WILLIAMSON, who died in April, 1922.  He graduated from the medical school of the University of California in 1916, and was in active service in the navy during the World war.  He married Dr. Mary CRAIG, and there is one son, Craig WILLIAMSON, to carry on the name.


Transcribed by Deana Schultz.

Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" Vol. 3 page 251-252 by Bailey Millard. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Deana Schultz.


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