John M. Whitworth was born in Indiana in 1848, his parents having been early residents of that State.  His mother was a native of Kentucky.  His father, who is of English descent, was educated for the ministry and for many years has been a leading minister in the Presbyterian Church, and is still in the ministry at Seattle, Washington.

The subject of our sketch came to the Pacific coast with his parents during his early childhood and after attending the common schools took a course of study in the University of California.  He studied civil engineering, and for a time followed that profession; was in the employ of the Government in the survey of the San Juan Islands.  He afterward took up the study of law, went East and took a course at Columbia College Law School, being admitted to the bar in April, 1877.  For the past fourteen years he has successfully conducted a law practice in the city, State and Federal courts.

In politics Mr. Whitworth is a Republican, but has no taste for politics, preferring rather to devote his whole time to his chosen profession.


Transcribed 11-7-04   Louise E. Shoemaker

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 575, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Louise E. Shoemaker.

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