San Francisco County











Carl Frederick Wente, president of the Bank of America, was born in Livermore, California, March 27, 1889; the son of Carl Heinrich (emigrated from Germany in 1879) and Barbara (Trautwein) Wente.

            Mr. Wente attended the public grade and high schools in Livermore, California, then went to Oakland to begin his banking career, where he started as a messenger for the Central Bank, April of 1907; then in September of 1907 he worked in the First National Bank at Livermore. On February 1, 1918, he became associated with the Bank of America at Madera (branch bank), California, rising to manager. In 1921 he moved to Fresno, California, then to Modesto, Visalia, Merced, and Stockton, California. Became assistant vice president in 1927 at San Francisco, vice president in 1929 and executive vice president in 1932. During this period he spent nearly six months on a tour of inspection of California banks with A. P. Giannini, which led to Mr. Wente going to Nevada where he became chairman of the Board of the First National Bank in Reno (name later changed to First National Bank of Nevada) in June of 1934, and also president two months later. In 1937 he returned to Oakland, California, where he became president of the Central Bank, the same bank he had started in as a messenger thirty years before, and remained with them until July of 1943. Then became senior vice president of Bank of America at San Francisco and after six years with them, he retired. Upon the death of Mr. L. M. Giannini, Mr. Wente returned to the Bank of America, of which he became president in September of 1952. He is also member of the Board of Directors and chairman of the General Executive Committee, Bank of America.

            Among the various posts currently held by Mr. Wente are the following: Director of Firemans Fund Insurance Company, San Francisco, First National Bank, Portland, Oregon, Marina Improvement Association, San Francisco; chairman of Water Resources Committee and Director of California State Chamber of Commerce; chairman of Board of Trustees of San Francisco Bureau of Governmental Research; member of California Fish and Game Commission; member, Commerce and Marine Commission of the American Bankers Association, Investors Panel (Transportation Association), and San Francisco Arbitration Panel of New York Stock Exchange; member of Forest Service Advisory Council, California Region; member of Executive Committee of Grand National Livestock Exposition; member-at-large of National Council of Boy Scouts of America, and member of Regional Executive Committee. He is a Republican.

            Member of San Francisco and Los Angeles Chambers of Commerce; California Duck Hunters Association (president); Ducks Unlimited; Masonic Order; A.A.O.N.M.S. (Shrine; and the following clubs: Stock Exchange, Bohemian, Commercial, Rotary (member of Business Counsel Committee), and St. Francis Yacht (San Francisco).

            Mr. Wente married Jessie Huldah Orelup January 19, 1915. They maintain a home at 537 Marina Boulevard, San Francisco, and a summer home at Ben Lomond, Santa Cruz Mountains, California.

            Offices:  300 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Pages 443-444, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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