San Francisco County







HENRY S. WELCH, M.D., whose office is at No. 209 Post street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1864, and has practiced medicine on the Pacific Coast for the past nineteen years. He was born at Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 11, 1848, of which State his Parents were early settlers. His primary education was received in the Public Schools of Ann Arbor. In 1864 his parents came to California, and he entered the Brayton Academy of Oakland, in 1864, and remained there until 1869, in which year he was graduated. Dr. Welch then commenced the study of medicine at the Tolland Medical College, now the medical department of the University of California, where he remained but a short time and then went east, entering  Bellevue Hospital Medical College at New York City, and at the same time studying under the preceptor ship of Professor William N. Van Buren. He graduated at that institution after the usual course of three years, in March, 1872, receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Welch engaged in practice immediately in Nevada City, California, where he continued until 1874, and then removed to San Francisco. He practiced there two years, but being attacked with asthma he was obliged to return to Nevada City, and again entered into practice, continuing until 1888. In that year he returned to San Francisco, and has remained in the active practice of his Profession at his present location. The Doctor is a member of the State Medical Society of California, and has been for ten years past Major and Surgeon of the First Regiment of Artillery, N.G.C.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 611, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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