San Francisco County









      Adolph L. Weil was born in Petaluma, California, January 8, 1876, and is a son of the late Moritz and Mary (Poehlmann) Weil. The father came to Petaluma in 1867, and to San Francisco ten years afterward. He was one of the founders of the firm of Greenebaum, Weil & Michels, wholesale dealers in men’s furnishings, which is still in existence. He married Miss Mary Poehlmann in Petaluma, and to their union was born one son. Adolph L. Moritz Weil died in the year 1928. His wife was a native of Petaluma, and was a daughter of Martin Poehlmann, who came to California in 1850 and in 1855 moved to Petaluma, where he died in 1912, at the age of ninety-three years.

      Adolph L. Weil attended the grammar schools and the Boys’ high school in San Francisco, and was graduated from the University of California with the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in 1897 and from the Hastings Law School in 1899 with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. During the ensuing three years he was in the office of Judge R. Y. Hayne, and then started practice under his own name. Mr. Weil’s activities have been largely in connection with the oil industry. He is a member of the American, the California State and the San Francisco Bar Associations, being past governor of the last named organization.

      In San Francisco, November 9, 1905, Mr. Weil married Miss Florence Greenebaum, of this city. Her father, Jacob Greenebaum, came to California in 1850 and was a pioneer stock broker in the prosperous days of the Comstock lode. He was prominent in local politics and charities and was a presidential elector from California for Abraham Lincoln. He died about 1914. To Mr.

and Mrs. Weil there have been born three children, namely: Martin, who is a graduate of Stanford University and the Harvard Law School; Mary, who attended Mill College; and Elizabeth, who is a student at Stanford University.

      Mr. Weil is a Royal Arch Mason, and belongs to the Commonwealth Club, the Olympic Club, the Press Club, the St. Francis Yacht Club, the San Francisco Yacht Club, the Argonaut Club, the Beresford Country Club, the Jonathan Club of Los Angeles and the Delta Sigma Rho honor fraternity. He is now president of the Legal Aid Society; a director of the Goodwill Industries; advisory director to the Florence Crittenton Home; director of the California Oil & Gas Association and chairman of its public relations committee.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 172-173.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County