San Francisco County









      Anson Weeks, celebrated musical conductor and composer, whose band and orchestra have been heard at the Mark Hopkins Hotel of San Francisco since the opening of that popular hostelry in September, 1927, is at the head of a musical organization which is known throughout the length and breadth of the land. He was born in Oakland, California, February 14, 1896, a son of Anson and Gertrude (Northrup) Weeks, and acquired his early education in the schools of San Francisco. He registered with the class of 1920 at the University of California, where he organized his first orchestra in that year. After leaving school he was associated with the Pacific Gas & Electric Company for three years and took two trips to the Orient on Pacific transports.

      In 1920 Mr. Weeks opened with his orchestra at the Sacramento Hotel in Sacramento, California, where he remained for four years. On the expiration of that period, in 1924, he opened the famous Senator Hotel in Sacramento with his band, there playing for three years, while in 1927 he filled an engagement at the Tahoe Tavern in Lake Tahoe, California. It was on the 17th of September, 1927, that he opened the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francisco with his band, and here his music has been heard to the present time. In 1930, Anson Weeks and his band held sway at the Hotel Roosevelt in New York city for two months, and he has also played at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. His famous musical organization is known throughout the United States, while the talented conductor has likewise won nation-wide recognition as the composer of “I Am Writing You This Little Melody,” “Little Senorita,” “I’m Sorry, Dear” and other musical hits. Among the many famous compositions which he has brought to this country are “White Lilacs,” “Body and Soul” and “Just a Gigolo.” Mr. Weeks was one of the first leaders to introduce the trio harmony with orchestra. He has always headed his own organizations, has personally conducted them and also plays the piano in his band and orchestra. He has produced numerous phonograph records, so that his music is widely enjoyed. A pleasing personality has not only won him the friendly regard of his musicians but has made him a most popular figure in the public eye.

      In 1916, Mr. Weeks was married to Ruth Daly, of Oakland, California, and they are the parents of two sons, John and James. Mr. Weeks has membership in the Olympic Club of San Francisco and is prominent among California golfers.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 476-477.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County