San Francisco County







FREDERICK ARTHUR WEBSTER, a photographer of Oakland, was born in Michigan, May 1, 1860, a son of Edwin B. and Ann (White) Webster, both living in 1890.  Grandfather Daniel Webster, a native of New York State, a physician by profession, moved to Michigan in 1831 with his wife (nee Baldwin) and their two sons and one daughter.  The mother died soon after their arrival, at the age of thirty, and the father several years later.  Of their three children, all still living, Edwin B. was born in New York in 1826.  The Websters are of New England ancestry.  Grandfather White died at about the age of sixty.  His wife is still living with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Webster, aged eighty-five.

      F. A. Webster, the subject of this sketch, was educated in the district schools of Lapeer county, Michigan, and began to learn his present business in Lapeer at the age of fifteen, being continuously engaged therein ever since, except one season, 1878-’79, spent at the high school of Vassar, Michigan.  His oldest brother, Harry D., had learned photography some years before, and it was in his gallery in Lapeer that F. A. learned the business, returning to it in 1879 after a year at high school.  About six years later they moved to Greeley, Colorado, and were partners in business for eighteen months, during nine of which F. A. was in charge of a branch at Laramie, Wyoming, where his brother finally located.  In 1889 the subject of this sketch came to Oakland, where he established a photograph gallery in the most prominent business center of the city, southwest corner of Broadway and Twelfth streets, where his success has more than realized his expectations.  With a choice location, by keeping abreast of the times in the art, and the exercise of the courtesy which is natural to him, his enterprise and energy will keep him in the front rank.

      Mr. F. A. Webster was married in Lapeer, Michighn [sic], in 1884, to Miss Lottie McCullagh, born in that city January 19, 1862, a daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Carl) McCullagh, both residents of Washington State in 1890.

      The brothers and sisters of F. A. Webster are: Harry Dorr, a photographer of Laramie, Wyoming, with one child, Harold Dorr; Willis, a farmer on the old homestead in Michigan, with his parents, has two children, Edwin Barlow and Una; Nelson Chase, an employe [sic] of a road-cart manufacturing company of Flint, Michigan; Mary Isabella, a stenographer by profession, and Edna Sophia, who resides with her parents in Lapeer county, Michigan.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 646-647, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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