San Francisco County








WARREN, CHARLES A., Oil Operator and Capitalist, San Francisco, was born in San Francisco, April 23, 1885, the son of Charles A. and Ada (Smith) warren.  Of English origin on both sides of the house, his ancestors have been patriotic Americans for generations; and conspicuous among those who distinguished themselves on the battle field was General Warren, who fell at Bunker Hill.  Charles A. Warren, Sr., came to California about the year 1861, where he became one of the leading contractors of the State.  His son, Charles, may be said to have grown up in the business, in which he has proved himself an able partner.  On September 11, 1907, he was married in San Francisco to Miss Claudine Cotton, daughter of Judge Aylett P. cotton, and is the father of one child, Claudine Warren.

      Mr. Warren’s early education was obtained in the public schools of San Francisco, including the Harrison Primary and the Pacific Heights Grammar School.  He then entered Santa Clara College, which completed his preparation for the University of California.  He was a student at the latter institution from 1903 to 1906, in the College of Agriculture, but left before graduation to become a junior partner in the Charles A. Warren Company, and in the Warren Improvement Company, having studied the contracting business while at school and at college, serving a practical apprenticeship as well.

      These companies were engaged in general contracting, devoting their attention chiefly, however, to railroad construction and street work.  But beyond this branch of the business they did much to develop the city, both before and after the great disaster of April, 1906.  In the former period the old North Beach sea wall is one of the important monuments to their enterprise and efficiency.  They also excavated the ground for Stowe Lake, one of the beauty spots in Golden Gate Park.

      Among their other noteworthy excavations and improvements in San Francisco and vicinity were their preparations of the ground for the Mid-Winter Fair in the park, the excavation for the St. Francis Hotel, for the Annex, and for the present “Examiner” building and Fairmont Hotel, the leveling of the sand hills at North Beach and Fort Mason and the construction of the Santa Fe sea-wall on China Basin.  They also built the road-bed for the Petaluma and Santa Rosa Electric Railway, and that for the extension of North Western Pacific from Willits to Sherwood, and reclaimed the marsh lands around San Mateo and Burlingame, where they built numerous roads.

      In 1908 Mr. Warren retired from active contracting.  Since then he has given his attention to his duties of administrator of the estate of his father, Charles A. Warren, and of guardian for his brother, H. O. Warren, as well as to his large oil and ranch interests.  To the latter, which include a thousand acres near Warm Springs, Alameda County, California, on which he raises alfalfa, barley, cattle and dairy products, he gives most of his spare time.  He has always been interested in ranching and has had much valuable experience therein.

      In the oil fields Mr. Warren’s ventures have been extensive.  He was one of the first to sense the great possibilities of the Coalinga district, and to enter there as an investor, proving up about eleven thousand acres of rich oil land.

      Recently he has added banking to his list of activities and is devoting considerable attention to it.

      He is at present a director of the Pleasant Valley Farming Company, Charles A. Warren Company, the Merchants’ National Bank, and he was formerly a director of the Swedish-American Bank, of San Francisco.

      He holds memberships in the following clubs: The University, Bohemian, Growlers (an oilmen’s association), and the Merchants’ Exchange.




Transcribed by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 707, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Betty Vickroy.


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