San Francisco County












            It is one of the most gratifying features of the benevolent, fraternal and beneficiary societies of this State, that their membership is recruited from the best men in the various occupations of life, and especially among the mercantile class, thrifty mechanics and laborers. The subject of this sketch is a highly educated and prominent merchant and has much notoriety as a politician. He was born in New Orleans of French parents Nov. 24, 1846. When a lad he accompanied his parents to California in 1854, where he has resided ever since, with the exception of three and one half years in France where he was educated, he having attended the colleges of Paris and Charleville (Ardennes). His course was a thorough one and he speaks and writes several languages fluently. In 1874 he was united in marriage to Miss K. W. Vollmar, a leading family of Kewaskum of Wisconsin. The happy results of this union are two lovely daughters and twin sons.

            He was a charter member of Perseverance Grove, No. 10, United Ancient Order of Druids, since 1867 (which works in the French language); member of Hartnagel Supreme Arch Chapter No. 3, United Ancient Order of Druids, and has filled various official positions in Subordinate and Grand Groves and is now Noble Grand Arch of the Grand Grove of the State of California. He is a member of Memorial Lodge, No. 174, A. O. U. W., United Friends of California, and also of the Eureka Endowment Association of California. In politics he has been quite active and prominent. He was Vice-chairman for two terms from 1881 to 1885 of the Democratic County Committee of the City and County of San Francisco and Collector for the State Board of Harbor Commissioners for four years commencing in 1883. Fraternity is not a meaningless word with him; and benevolent deeds to the unfortunate and distressed have endeared him to his fraters, and among those who have known him in the community in which he has lived. He is perfectly conversant with the history of the order of Druids from its incipiency, and can therefore speak and act intelligently in promoting and advancing this growing Society.

            He has a fine address, martial bearing, and is an eloquent and brilliant speaker. His scholastic attainments, social standing and ripe experience in fraternal orders, warrant us in predicting a successful administration as the Chief Executive of the United Ancient Order of Druids and a bright future as a leader among men.  




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast, Page 264, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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