San Francisco County



F. von BULOW, M.D.



         F. von BULOW, M.D. whose office is at the corner of Mission and Eleventh streets, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for the past twenty-three years, and engaged in the practice of medicine since 1854.  He was born in Prussia, Germany, in 1831, and received his education in the public schools, and later graduated at the gymnasium at Bromberg, Prussia, in 1846.  He then attended the high school at Berlin four years, passing the Government examinations necessary to entering the university.  He entered the University of Greifswald, and devoted the first year to general study, as well as medicine.  After that he devoted his time exclusively to medicine, during which time he served one year as a soldier in the German army, but as he was stationed at Greifswald he was enabled to continue his studies during that time, and for three months of that year he was detailed in the military hospital.  He passed his final examinations in 1854, and received his degree as Doctor of Medicine.  Dr. Von Bülow at once entered into the practice of his profession in Berlin, and at the same time attended the hospital clinics in that city for about six months.  He then went to Heligoland, where he entered the British navy service as Surgeon, on board the man-of-war Cedar, on which he proceeded to the Black Sea and took part in the siege of Sebastopol in the Crimean war.  At the close of that war he returned to Germany and traveled for about three and a half years, studying and visiting the hospitals and practicing medicine as the occasion demanded. In 1861 he came to America, entering the Union army, and receiving the rank of Major in the Second Massachusetts Infantry, and was placed on special detached service as a recruiting officer, continuing in that duty until the close of the war.     After the war the Doctor settled in Buffalo, and remained in the practice of his profession during the cholera epidemic of 1866.  He later came to the Pacific coast, and purchased  a mine in Idaho, where he remained eighteen months, and there sunk all his capital. On coming to California he engaged in the practice of medicine in San Francisco, remaining one year; he then spent three years in Sacramento, and then fifteen years in Nevada City. Five years ago he returned to San Francisco, and has practiced continually since that time.  Dr. Von Bülow is a member of the County Medical Society of San Francisco.  He was early engaged in quartz-mining in Nevada City, sinking about $40,000 in the Bülow Consolidated Mining Company; he still owns a large mining interests  in that county which are now lying idle.  The Doctor is the surgeon of the First Regiment, California Brigade of Knights of Pythias; the Medical Examiner of a number of fraternal societies.  In 1877 he received an honorary diploma from the State University of California.    

         Dr. Von Bülow’s father, General Von Bülow, was in Blucher’s army at the battle of Waterloo, and was later in the civil service.  He was killed on the Russian border of Germany in 1834, at the age of seventy-two years, while in the discharge of his duties on the frontier.  Dr. Von Bülow’s brother, General Julius Von Bülow, is still in active command in the general army, and was lately in command at Breslau. Tey (sic) family are an old and prominent one in Germany, tracing their ancestors back hundreds of years.


Transcribed 11-23-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 276-277, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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