San Francisco County







THOMAS H. B. VARNEY, wholesale and retail bicycle dealer, No. 1041 Market street, is one of the prosperous business men of San Francisco.  In 1883 he established a hardware business in this city, and subsequently, in connection with it, began dealing in bicycles.  The latter soon became the leading feature of his business, and in 1891 he sold his hardware stock and since that time has given his attention exclusively to handling bicycles.  In July, 1891, he moved to his present quarters, invested more capital, and his establishment is now the leading one of the kind in the city.  He handles the Warwick Perfection bicycle, made in Springfield, Massachusetts, and the Rambler’s safety bicycle, manufactured by the Gormally & Jeffery Co. of Chicago.  In connection with his store he has a bicycle school, a room 150 feet long, in which he teaches ladies and gentlemen to ride the various kinds of wheels.  All scholars are required to engage the time ahead, so that each learner has his own special half hour, and at that time no other one is allowed on the floor.  Mr. Varney employs several agents, and does a business that extends all over the Pacific coast.

      He was born in Petaluma, Sonoma county, California, November 12, 1858.  His father, Robert Varney, a native of Vermont, came to California in 1850.  To him and his wife, nee Elizabeth Burnett, a native of his own State and, like him, a descendant of English ancestry, were born two sons and a daughter, all of whom are residents of San Francisco.  Coming to this city when he was two years old, Mr. Varney was reared and educated here.  He married Ada Hall, a native of California, and has three children.

      Politically he is a Republican.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 671-672, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker



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