San Francisco County













HON. FRANCIS W. VAN REYNEGOM, Judge of Department 1 of the Superior Court, was born in Bath, Maine, February 22, 1846. His father was born in Philadelphia, where his grandfather was a prominent merchant in early days; but he was educated in Boston. After the death of his parents, he came to California, in 1860, was employed for a time on a ranch, next as blacksmith and at length as a compositor in a printing office. At length he became a member of the firm of Cubery & Co., of San Francisco, and during his leisure hours he studied law, in the office of General W. H. L. Barnes. In 1872 he sold out his business and went to the East. Returning to California, he was admitted to full practice as an attorney and counselor at law in the Supreme Court, in April, 1873, and since that date he has devoted himself to his profession. During his earlier practice he conducted the editorial department of the Pacific Odd Fellow and also that of the Pacific Churchman. He has resided in the southwest Mission for over ten years, and in the city since 1865. For several years he has been Senior Warden of St. John’s Church, Episcopal. He has ever been a strong Republican, truthful, honest and honorable. In 1886 he was a regular candidate of the Republican party for Judge of the Superior Court of San Francisco, and although running against an independent Republican as well as a Democrat, lacked but a few votes of election, receiving about 1,500 votes above the average of his party. In May, 1889, he was appointed by Governor Waterman to fill the vacancy on the bench of the Superior Court caused by the resignation of Judge T. K. Wilson.

      In 1877 he married Miss Carey of Ashtabula, Ohio, the home of the late President Garfield. She is a niece of United Senator William M. Stewart, of Nevada.





Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 462, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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