San Francisco County






     M. E. VAN METER, M.D., whose office is at No. 428 Ellis street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1884, and engaged in the practice of medicine since 1874. He was born in La Salle county, Illinois, in 1851, and is of Scotch and English descent, being a descendant on his father’s side of one of two brothers named Van Meter, who came from Holland and settled in Virginia in an early day.  Our subject’s parents were both natives of Kentucky, and moved to Illinois in the early ‘40s.  The father, Jacob Van Meter, was a farmer, and was also interested in other business pursuits.  He was a pioneer of Arkansas, Missouri and Illinois, and died in the latter State in 1879.

     The subject of this sketch received his early education in the public schools of Brookfield, Missouri, where he graduated, at the Brookville Academy, and later entered the Whipple Academy, Jacksonville, Illinois, where he took a business course, graduating in 1870.  After leaving school Dr. Van Meter’s first occupation was teaching, in Missouri, continuing in that profession for two years.  In 1873 he commenced the study of medicine, under the preceptorship of his brother, Dr. A. Van Meter, of Maltabend, Missouri, with whom he remained two years.  His health having become impaired, the Doctor came to the Pacific coast, where he spent about two years in the mountains and teaching school, traveling to regain his health.  Returning to Missouri, he entered the St. Joseph Hospital Medical College (regular) at St. Joseph, Missouri, in 1877, graduating at that college in 1879.  After his graduation he took a special course on diseases of women at the same college.  He then entered into practice in Wakenda, same State, remaining until 1883, when he located at Lamar and Marysville, Missouri; next he went to St. Louis, where he took a special course in surgery and diseases of women.  He came to California in 1884, locating at Red Bluff, where he built up a large patronage, and while there was appointed Surgeon for the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, where he had a large surgical practice among the employees.  He also gained an enviable reputation in the treatment of diseases of women, patients having been brought to him for over 100 miles from adjoining counties.  In 1889 Dr. Van Meter came to San Francisco and entered the California Medical College (Eclectic), where he took a full post-graduate course.  Being invited to take a professorship in that college, and recognizing the vastness of the field offered by this metropolis in his professional work, the Doctor settled up his business in Red Bluff, and removed to this city, in June, 1890, where he expects to remain permanently in the practice of his profession.  He at first occupied the Chair of Theory and Practice, but in the latter part of the season of 1890 he was appointed to the Chair of Clinical and Orthopaedic Surgery, which position he still holds.  He is also associate editor and dusiness  manager of the California Medical Journal.

     Dr. Van Meter is a self-made man, having paid for his own tuition, in the various schools and colleges, both literary and medical, at which he has graduated. He is an enthusiastic and enterprising student of surgery, having among other operations successfully engrafted the skin of a dog upon a patient suffering from a severe burn.  The operation was attended with complete success, and is recorded in the annals of surgery, the only case of the kind on record in the United States.  He used the skin from a hairless pup.  The was a case of severe and extensive burn.  He took sections of skin for the face and neck from the father and brother of the patient.  For the arms he used puppy grafts taken from the two young puppies of the Mexican hairless breed.  Dr. Van Meter has also invented some valuable surgical instruments, which are in use by the profession.

Transcribed 8-6-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 262-3, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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