San Francisco County









      Van Valante, orchestra director and musician of note, was born in Sonoma, California, a son of Dominic Valente. He acquired his education in San Francisco and was graduated from St. Mary’s College in 1918. It was while a student there that he began his musical career, organizing various musical various musical organizations. Immediately following his graduation from college he enlisted in the United States Army and served as an operator in the radio division until mustered out in June, 1919. Then he entered the insurance field and at the same time continued his music, until eventually it became imperative that he choose between a business and an artistic career. He made his decision when Tom Gerun, then at the head of his famous orchestra, prevailed upon him to join his organization, with which he remained for six years.

      In 1926 he organized an orchestra of his own, at the head of which he held sway at “Jungletown” for two years. Subsequently, for a similar length of time, Val Valente and his band played at the Roof Garden in San Francisco, after which the talented director toured the Pacific coast with the members of his orchestra. In 1931 he was called back to the Roof Garden, where he has since remained. He is very popular among the music-loving people of California, and he has many compositions to his credit, one of his best known works being his “Bells of Solano,” of which he wrote both words and music for the Solano county exposition. This is a descriptive musical arrangement covering the history of that section of California, and was adopted as the official song. Mr. Valente’s music has afforded much pleasure to radio listeners, having been broadcast during all of his engagements.

      Mr. Valente married Miss Gladys Mylar and has two children, Richard and Valerie. He is a member of the United Ancient Order of Druids and is a great lover of outdoor sports, particularly hunting and fishing.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 343-344.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County