San Francisco County






Vincent Vaccari, M. D., whose office is at No. 611 Washington street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since September, 1889, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine since 1883.  He was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1859, and his stepfather, G. B. Bischizio, is a well-known physician, and one of the chief surgeons of the city hospital of Genoa, under whose care our subject received his medical education.  Later he entered the gymnasium of that city, at which he passed the regular Government examination.  He commenced the study of medicine and surgery in 1877, in the medical department of the University of Genoa, where he graduated after a full course of six years in 1883, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery.  After a further examination at the Government Medical School at Florence, he was appointed in 1884 as surgeon of the Italian army, in which he remained fifteen months.  Dr. Vaccari then entered into private practice in his native city, and after a further examination was appointed physician and surgeon of the City and County Hospital of the city; also keeping up his private practice at the same time.  He continued this position until 1889, when he resigned and came to California.  While Dr. Vaccari is engaged in a general practice of medicine and surgery, he devotes special attention to diseases of women and children, and to diseases of the respiratory organs.


Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 659, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Karen L. Pratt.




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