San Francisco County









      Founded October 26, 1879, the United Undertakers is one of the oldest business institutions in San Francisco. The first quarters of the company were on the east side of Fifth street, between Market and Mission streets, adjoining the old Lincoln school. There they remained for twenty-seven years, or until the memorable fire of 1906, when removal was made to the present location at Howard and Twenty-second streets.

      Daniel McLaughlin, president of the United Undertakers, is a son of William McLaughlin, a former president. The manager, William Hansen, is a son of Peter Hansen, who acted in that capacity at an early period in the history of the company. George J. Asmussen occupies the offices of secretary and treasurer.

      The building was remodeled and decorated and the new chapel and parlors were opened in 1929, when the company celebrated their golden jubilee. The building has a frontage of seventy-five feet on Howard street and one hundred and thirty-eight feet on Twenty-second street. It has entrances on both thoroughfares but the main entrance is on Howard street. The building is finished in marble and ornamented with beautiful grill work. To the left of the entrance hall is the office and on the right are two large parlors with folding doors. These lead to the chapel, which is artistically decorated and conforms to the Italian style of architecture. The decorations are the work of R. M. Michel, the well known artist. The sum of forty thousand dollars was expended on this funeral home, which ranks with the finest in the city. The rolling stock, including three hearses, represents an investment of twenty-five thousand dollars. Elegance and refined taste characterize the appointments and furnishings of this pioneer institution and the funeral direction afforded at all times is smooth, complete and flawless.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 481-482.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County