San Francisco County






S. H. Tyler & Son, wholesale dealers in coffee and spice, baking-powder and extracts, was established by S. H. Tyler, in 1856.  It began in a small way on Washington street, and has met with a steady growth since the commencement, and each time it changed localities for more room and better facilities and made several removals as follows:  first to Davis street, then to the corner of Tremont and Mission streets, then they removed to 221 Commercial street, and then for the first occupied the whole building.  In 1890 they came to their present locality at 308, 310, 312 and 314 Front street, occupying four stories and a basement.  Mr. S. H. Tyler, the founder of the business, died in 1878, and his widow and her son Frank H. continued the business.  Later Mr. Edward L. Labadie became a member of the firm and in that form it continues, retaining the old firm name of S. H. Tyler & Son, and the business of the house has constantly increased until it is now one of the leading house in the business on the Pacific coast and does a very extensive business, shipping the goods from Alaska to Mexico, the islands of the ocean and British Columbia.  The Tyler Coffee & Spice House became widely and favorably known for their superiority in quality, and the house enjoys a more favorable reputation in San Francisco and wherever the goods have been used.  Mr. Frank H. Tyler takes charge of the manufacture of the goods.  He is a native of San Francisco, born July 6, 1854, and was brought up by his father in the business and understands it most thoroughly.


He was married in 1879 to Miss Ellen H. Morrison, a native of Boston, Massachusetts.  They have one child, a daughter, born at their home in San Francisco.  He has been a Republican since he became a voter and he is a prompt and reliable business man.


Mr. Edward L. Labadie has charge of the financial affairs of the company.  He is a native of France, born in Paris December 15, 1857.  He was in Paris and came to San Francisco in 1879, and up to the time that he entered was followed the business of a chemist.


He was married in 1874 to Miss A. Schneyder, a native of Paris, and they have a daughter, born in San Francisco.  Mr. Labadie has interested himself in city real estate, and is a business man of ability, highly esteemed and takes an interest in the growth and prosperity of the county.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 707-708, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.


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