W. N. TULLER was born in Neward Ohio March 15, 1857.  His father, Dr. E.R. Tuller, was a prominent physician of that State.  His mother’s family were early settlers of Ohio.  She was a Miss Powers; her sister married ex-President Millard Fillmore; and our subject is a nephew of that distinguished man.


     Mr. Tuller attended school in Ohio and in Philadelphia, and completed his literary and scientific course in Germany.


     Upon his return home he studied law in Ohio, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of that State January 6, 1880.  He practiced law there three years, and then located at Fargo, Dakota, and engaged in practice of law.  While there he was appointed by Judge Hudson Clerk of District Court.  Mr. Tuller had a large amount of property destroyed by a cyclone which visited that country, losing the investment and accumulations made there.


       In May, 1886, he came to California and opened an office, and since has successfully practiced his profession here.

Transcribed 11-9-04   Louise E. Shoemaker

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 601, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Louise E. Shoemaker.

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