San Francisco County







HIRAM TUBBS, of the Tubbs Cordage Company of San Francisco, owner of the Tubbs Hotel, Oakland, and of large tracts of land on Sonoma creek in Sonoma county, was born in Deering, New Hampshire, October 14, 1824, a son of Michael and Mehitabel (Stuart) Tubbs.  The mother was born June 18, 1804, in Henniker, New Hampshire, the old seat of the family established three or more generations earlier by her ancestor, a political refugee from Scotland.  Her father, John Stuart, was a soldier of the war of 1812, and lived to an advanced age.  The immediate ancestors of Mr. Hiram Tubbs were all long-lived, four fraternal and five maternal, besides his parents, still living, within his recollection.  His great-grandfather, Abisha Tubbs, was married in Marlow, New Hampshire in 1765, to Hephzibah, Mack.  At the first town meeting of Marlaw, held in March, 1766, Joseph Tubbs was chosen Moderator, and at the adjourned meeting held at his house, May 16, 1766, he was chosen the first selectman.  It is thought that he was the father of Abisha, and was certainly of the same family.  Michael Tubbs, a son of Abisha, became a physician and settled at Deering, New Hampshire, where he was married, February 19, 1799, to Esther Chase, and was widely known as Dr. Tubbs of Deering.  His son, also named Michael, born in Deering, July 3, 1802, married to Mehitabel Stuart in 1829, was the father of Hiram Tubbs of Oakland.  He carried on a hotel and stage business in Concord, New Hampshire, for several years and came to this coast in 1857.  In 1858 he bought the land in East Oakland now owed by Hiram Tubbs, comprising the two squares on East Twelfth street, on which the Tubbs Hotel and the Tubbs residence now stand, and the two squares to the north of these.  After some years he made a visit to the East, remaining some considerable time, and on his return resumed his old business of hotel-keeping for three or four years, at the Metropolitan Hotel in San Francisco.  Mrs. Tubbs died September 29, 1872, and Mr. Tubbs February 18, 1881.

      Hiram Tubbs, the subject of this sketch, having reached his twentieth year in his father’s house, was married a month later, November 14, 1844, in Chichester, New Hampshire, to Miss Abbie Ann Stanyan, and soon afterward moved to Lynn, Massachusetts, to engage in business on his own account, as partner in a dry-goods store with a relative named Gordon, under the style of Gordon & Tubbs.  In 1845 Mr. Tubbs moved to Boston and engaged in the business to which he had been brought up, and conducted a hotel in that city until 1853.  Mrs. Tubbs died in Boston, December 17, 1851; and Mr. Tubbs was married in that city, September 2, 1852, to his present wife, Susan Ann Staniels, born in Chelsea, Massachusetts, October 23, 1831, a daughter of Carpenter and Hannah (Hall) Staniels.  The father was a grain merchant in Boston and lived to the age of sixty-eight; the mother died comparatively young.  Grandfather Jonathan Staniels, a farmer of Chichester, New Hampshire, lived to be over ninety and his wife also lived to an advanced age.  Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs came to California in 1853, leaving New York in February and arriving in San Francisco, March 7, by the steamer Tennessee, which was wrecked outside the heads of the Golden Gate, but without loss of life.  A younger brother of Mr. Tubbs, named Alfred, was engaged in the ship-chandlery business in San Francisco, under the style of Tubbs & Folger, and into this firm he was admitted.  In 1855 Mr. Folger withdrew and the firm became Tubbs & Co.  In that year Mr. Hiram Tubbs went East and bought machinery for manufacturing cordage, Flint, Peabody & Co. being interested in the enterprise and so continuing for twenty years.  About 1875 Tubbs & Co. became sole proprietors, and some twelve years later were incorporated under the style of the Tubbs Cordage Company.

      The children of Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs are:  Abby Ann, born in San Francisco, January 9, 1854, married in 1876 to Sheldon I. Kellogg, died December 25, 1881, leaving one child,—Ethel Lois, born July 3, 1877, now living with her grandparents Tubbs.  Frank Eastman, born in Boston, April 1, 1856, deceased December 14, 1885.  Hiram Carpenter, born in San Francisco, July 29, 1857, deceased, June 28, 1864.  Lillie Esther, the first born in the present home of the family in Oakland, January 30, 1859, was married August 24, 1881, to Edward Masser Hall, born in Auburn, Placer county, February 10, 1858, now a vineyardist of St. Helena, Napa county.  They have three living children: Hiram Tubbs, born November 27, 1882; Edward Tubbs, June 23, 1884; Susan Adele, May 23, 1889; Hettie Stuart Tubbs, born August 12, 1861, married to William G. Henshaw of this city; Susie Grace Tubbs, born July 12, 1862, married to Fred. William Henshaw.  (For children of both these, see sketch of Mrs. S.E. Henshaw.)  Florence Adams Tubbs, born August 13, 1865, married May 14, 1888, to Everett Mason Grimes, born in San Francisco, October 31, 1864, now of the Napa Valley Wine Company, with headquarters in San Francisco.  She died April 7, 1889, leaving a baby born March 30, 1889.  Herman Allen Tubbs, born December 11, 1867, now engaged with his father in the Tubbs Cordage Company.  Alice Mabel Tubbs, born July 28, 1871, living with her parents.

      Mr. Hiram Tubbs is a member of the California Commandery No. 1, K. T.; is held in the highest esteem by the community at large; and is characterized by great generosity to his children and grandchildren.  He is also a liberal contributor to the wants of the poor, his kindly nature finding it easier to give than to withhold.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 645-646, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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