San Francisco County









COLONEL ISAAC TRUMBO was born September 9, 1858, near the line which marks the division of California and Nevada.  His father, John K. Trumbo, was a native of Beth county, Kentucky, and his grandfather, Isaac Trumbo, was also a Kentuckian by birth.  Their ancestors came from Scotland and settled in Virginia in the early history of the colonies; later they removed to Kentucky and were contemporary with Daniel Boone.  John K. Trumbo came to California in 1849, and was engaged in the mercantile business for years.  He was the founder of the horse market in Sacramento, and for a long period of years was interested in mines and mining enterprises.  He married Miss Mary Reese, a daughter of Colonel John Reese, a pioneer of Nevada, and one of her most prominent citizens; he laid out the city of Carson, Genoa; Reese river, Nevada, was named in his honor; he also laid out what was known as the McDonald trail over the mountains of California.  Mr. Trumbo was a brave and generous man, and was deeply mourned when he died; he passed from this life in 1889.

      In 1867 Colonel Trumbo went with his father and family to Corinne, Utah, where he made his start in life.  Later he went to Salt Lake City, and there amassed a considerable amount of money in commercial and industrial enterprises.  In 1880, he came to California and went to Placer county, where he engaged in mining; at the end of two years he retired from active participation in the management of the business, but still retains a large interest in the mines there.  Since coming to San Francisco he has become interested in various lines, and in the great wheat deal a few years ago he succeeded in breaking one of the richest combinations ever formed on the coast.  His hand was not counted on and his resources were not believed to be of weight, but he proved his mastery and an ability worthy of the highest diplomacy.  He is a member of Governor Waterman’s staff.

      The Colonel was married October 13, 1886, at Salt Lake City, to Miss Emma White.  He has for so many years been prominently identified with the commerce of the city, that a volume of this character would not be complete with his name omitted.  He is in every way a representative Californian, and takes a just pride in his nativity.



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 486-487, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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