San Francisco County







TRUMAN & HOOKER, No. 421 Market street, San Francisco. This firm was founded in 1867 by Mr. Irwin J. Truman, at No.1717 Front Street, and was that of manufacturing and dealing in hay presses. This business was continued fifteen years and then the purchase and sale of agricultural implements, and wagons and buggies was added to it. In 1885 Mr. C. Osgood Hooker became a member of the firm. From the inception of the business it has been a growing one and has met with flattering success. They do a wholesale and retail business, enjoy a wide acquaintance, and have a trade that extends over the Pacific Coast and to the Sandwich Islands, and they have also shipped goods to Russia and Egypt. They employ about thirty men.

      Irwin J. Truman was born in Philadelphia October 27, 1840. His father, Thomas Truman, a native of the North of Ireland, came with his wife and children to the United States in 1831. Mr. Truman was their youngest born and was reared and educated in Canada. He came to California and was employed as a clerk until he started his own business. He was married in 1860 to Miss P. J. Sage, a native of Canada. Their only child, I C. J. Truman, is now in business for himself in this city. Mr. Truman is a member of the I. O. O. F., in all its branches, and in politics is a Republican. He has invested in city property, has built a residence, and is thoroughly identified with the interests of San Francisco and the great State of California, in which he has lived for thirty years.

      C. Osgood Hooker is a native of California, born in 1860, and is the son of Charles G. Hooker, a prominent hardware merchant of California, who came to this State in 1852, and still resides in San Francisco. Mr. Hooker was educated in the public schools of this city and at Exeter, New Hampshire. He was receiving teller in the First National Bank from 1881 till 1885, and at the time engaged in his present business. He has charge of the buying and selling departments. Mr. Hooker is a quick, intelligent and obliging business man, a Californian of whom California has no reason to be ashamed.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 529-530, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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