Hon. Robert P. Troy, Justice of Peace of San Rafael, although a young man to fill the judicial chair, is fully qualified and thoroughly capable of discharging the duties of the important position to which he has been honorably and triumphantly elected.  He was born in San Francisco, May 10, 1869, educated in his native city, and would have graduated at the Ignacio College of that city in the class of 1888 had he not been compelled to forego the graduation exercises on account of his eyesight failing him. He was also obliged temporarily to give up his law studies in consequence of the same.  He began the study of law with the firm of Van Ness & Roche as his preceptors.  After one year of hard and persistent study it became evident that he must lay aside his books or probably become blind.  His next enterprise was that of chief clerk in the interest of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company at San Francisco.  In November, 1890, he was elected to his present position, which he accepted in order that he might have better opportunities and more time to devote to professional studies, which he has by no means abandoned; and we may hope, health permitting, to find his name chronicled at no distant day among the prominent law practitioners of his State.

     Mr. Troy is of Irish parentage, and is the youngest of a family of three children born to Patrick and Eliza (Higgins) Troy, who came to California in 1853.  He is politically allied with the progressive wing of the Democratic party, and socially affiliates as a prominent member with Tamalpais Parlor, No. 64, Native Sons of the Golden West.


Transcribed 12-6-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 634-635, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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