San Francisco County






   N. S. Trowbridge is member of the firm of Stewart & Trowbridge, general merchants and dealers in hay, grain, wood and coal, on Dwight Way, at Berkeley.  He was born at Battle Creek, Michigan, July 6, 1845, the third in order of birth of the seven children of James S. and Mary A. (Seymour) Trowbridge.  His father was a native of Vermont, his forefathers being among the early settlers of that State.  His mother was a native of the State of New York.

   Mr. Trowbridge, who name introduces this sketch, accompanied his parents across the plains to California, in 1852, first locating at Shingle Springs, El Dorado county, where the father engaged in mining until 1854, at which time the family removed to Jackson, Amador county.  He graduated at the State Normal School in May, 1866, and taught school in several places in California; became the bookkeeper for the Oneida Mining Company in January, 1869; later he went to Santa Cruz and clerked a year.  In 1871, he went to Nevada and engaged in merchandising and mining until 1890, when he came to Berkeley and formed the partnership already mentioned; but he is still interested in business in Nevada.

   Politically he inclines toward the American party, although he takes no active part in political machinery.

   May 19, 1869, he was married, at East Oakland, to Miss Kate Clayton, a native of Alabama, and they have six children living, namely:  Jessie J., Eloise H., Leslie A., Katie E., Nelson S., Jr. and Olive R.  Their oldest child, James Clayton, died at Eureka, Nevada, in October, 1872, aged two years.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 138-139, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.




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